The Work that Reconnects

Based on the teachings of Joanna Macy, The Work That Reconnects is based on the spiral that flows from Gratitude, to Honouring Our Pain, to Seeing with New/Ancient Eyes, to Going Forth.

It can be overwhelming to live with the knowledge about the realities of climate change, loss of biodiversity, species extinction and other human impacts can be very disheartening.

We are alive at an extraordinary moment in time: a time of uncertainty and crisis in ecology and human societies, and also a time of possibilities. Many of us are seeking ways to reconnect to our living earth with creativity, courage, and through collective action.

For those who are awake to the current climate injustice, inequalities and all that is at risk, time among community who care is important for the sustainability of our work. Our own wellbeing also deserves attention and nourishment, along with the planet and all her species.