
Non-destructive chemical analysis technique

Complete Raman spectroscopy solutions for analytical measurements, research Raman, UV Raman, QC/QA and industrial Raman applications, which provides detailed information about chemical structure, phase and polymorphy, crystallinity and molecular interactions. It is based upon the interaction of light with the chemical bonds within a material.

Out standing performance :

  1. Stability/Reliability obtained from a robust design approach

  2. High-performance and speed enabled by our many Ultrafast Imaging patented functionalities

  3. Ease of use

  4. Time saved with increased Automation wherever you need it

  5. Possibility to achieve nanoscale measurements through TERS by combining the Raman spectrometer with our AFM technology

Faster Raman SWIFT™ Imaging / SWIFTXS (with EMCCD): YESwithXYstage

Confocal Imaging: 0.5 μm XY

Routine operation Automation: OneClick Auto

Full Microscope: Upright

Resolution: Standard + High

Multilaser Options: 532, 638, 785 nm others on request