Application :
Characterization of active compounds, Chemical profiling
Characterization and classification of herbs
Characterization of Antioxidant Activity
In Vitro Toxicity of Medicinal Plants analysis
Geographical (GI)
Metabolic pathway
Quality Evaluation of plants
Pesticide, residue and contaminate
Qualitative and quantitative analysis of herbal medicine
Application :
Bioactive compound discovery and their effect
Metabolic pathway
Characterization of active compounds, Chemical profiling
Characterization and classification of herbs
Characterization of Antioxidant Activity
In Vitro Toxicity of Medicinal Plants analysis
Qualitative and quantitative analysis of herbal medicine
Application :
Characterization of plant extracts
Target active compound profiling
Target pesticide, residue and contaminate
Isolation and characterization of volatile oil
Chemometric study of herbal extracts
Application :
Aroma analysis
Application :
Particle size distribution
Aggregates formation
Effect of particle size on the bioaccessibility
Phytochemical analysis
Application :
Determination of toxic traces of
Element speciation analysis for arsenic and mercury
Application :
Component distribution
Quality control of herbs
Application :
QC raw materials
Compounds characterization
Chemometric study of herbal extracts
Growth protein in plants
Application :
Component distribution
Characterization of active compounds
Identification of powdered herbal medicines