Brilliant Brains - Neuroscience Experience Day

Wednesday 12th June 2024



Wednesday 12th June

Year Group: Year 8 or 9

Timings: 09:45 - 14:40 approx

Max group size per school: 20 x Year 8 or 9 students. Please note groups will be split in two, so you will require at least 2 teachers per 20 students so each group is accompanied. 

Location: University of Sussex campus

For more information, please contact Sarah at

Additional Information

Packed lunch is included 

Travel can be reimbursed 

We expect this event to book up very quickly. Please complete the expression of interest form as soon as possible. We will then confirm if your request has been successful. 

We are pleased to announce our popular Neuroscience event, where year 8 and 9 students will learn all about their brilliant brains! 


University of Sussex Neuroscientists have put together a series of interactive lessons that will provide a whistle stop tour of the human brain, the amazing things it can do and how it does them. You students will leave inspired, with some tricks to help them study and an understanding of how science GCSEs could be the first steps to becoming a brain scientist! 

Session topics include: Backyard brains (electric signals), Build a brain (anatomy), Learning and Memory and the Senses. 

Students will also get the chance to speak with our team of student ambassadors, who are all current students at the University, and who can give a unique and varied insight into student life, as well as share their experiences of studying an array of subject areas at university.  

Contact us

For all pre-16 enquiries please contact 

For all post-16 enquiries please contact

If your email relates to both teams please email and we will ensure it reaches the relevant members of staff.