KS4 Attainment Programme

English and Maths Support

The University of Sussex Schools Programme has at the core of its offer support for attainment delivered to targeted KS4 learners. 

We have set aside a budget to support both study and revision skills across 10 schools. Some of the support is intense and extended, and some broader – this is in recognition of individual school needs, but also designed to complement existing in-school provision, and recognising that we wish to offer you a programme your students will most benefit from. 

The more intensive offer will support specific Maths and English outcomes whilst the less intense programmes focus more on study skills, self-management, and confidence. We will seek an expression of interest from schools and where there is an over subscription for a single offer, we will allocate attainment support in a fair way in discussion with the school. 

A full programme can be provided upon request.

Year 11 GCSE Revision Booster Camp 

Tuesday 9th & Wednesday 10th April 2024

Over the Easter break, we are running a 2-day Revision Booster Camp. This is open to all eligible students but may well suit students who are predicted GCSE Grade 3 or 4 in English and/or Maths. Year 11 students will travel independently to our campus for a programme of revision support and clinics with a focus on English and Maths. 

Click here to see full details and find out how to book. 

Year 10 Activity 

Chris Derbyshire will contact schools with further details of our Year 10 offer.

Contact us

For all pre-16 enquiries please contact participate@sussex.ac.uk 

For all post-16 enquiries please contact accessprogramme@sussex.ac.uk

If your email relates to both teams please email participate@sussex.ac.uk and we will ensure it reaches the relevant members of staff.