Oracy Workshop 

Poetry's Power to Challenge LGBTQI+ Discrimination Amongst Teenagers


Please contact Annemarie with any questions at participate@sussex.ac.uk

Year Group: 9 - 13

Suggested dates/times of year: Booking available from January 2024

Max group size per school: suggested group sizes between 10 - 30

Location: Brighton venues tbc (eg. AMEX stadium, Brighton Museum) 

Additional Information


The Widening Participation team at the University of Sussex, are supporting a project being delivered by academic colleagues in the School of Media, Arts and Humanities, addressing oracy skills via conversations around attitudes to LGBTQI+ communities.

The academic team are looking to deliver creative writing workshops to young people aged 13 – 18, aiming to develop tolerant listening and speaking skills, in order to produce a collaborative spoken word poem.

The workshops will be delivered by spoken word poets from the LGBTQI+ community alongside trained facilitators from the team. The spoken-word poem will be recorded and will form part of a sound installation located at a venue in Brighton and Hove.

Groups can be mixed age groups, or single year groups, with suggested groups sizes between 10-30. There is flexibility on dates currently, but it is proposed they will be sometime in the Spring or early summer term.

Contact us

For all pre-16 enquiries please contact participate@sussex.ac.uk 

For all post-16 enquiries please contact accessprogramme@sussex.ac.uk

If your email relates to both teams please email participate@sussex.ac.uk and we will ensure it reaches the relevant members of staff.