Eligibility Criteria 

Our work aims to equip learners from under-represented backgrounds (those least likely to progress onto higher education) with the awareness, advice and opportunities that they need to make informed choices about their future pathways. 


Within school, some of our resources are available to all students, such as support for school events and University Life talks etc. 

However, our ‘intensive’ support for example, campus-based activity, attainment raising programmes, and specialised projects, are directed toward students who are underrepresented at higher education. 

This includes:

·       students who are or have been eligible for Free School Meals in the last five years

·       students in receipt of Pupil Premium Support

·       students who are care experienced, previously care experienced, or adoptees

·       students who are a young carer

·       students who are the child of a Military Service Family

·       students who are estranged from their family

·       students of Gypsy, Roma or Traveller heritage background

·       students who are a refugee or asylum seeker

·       students with physical and/or mental health conditions, long-term illnesses, or SEND


In addition, we also work with:

·    Students who live in a postcode in deciles 1 and 2 of the Index of Multiple Deprivation. 


If you are unsure or have any questions regarding this, please do contact us at participate@sussex.ac.uk 

Contact us

For all pre-16 enquiries please contact participate@sussex.ac.uk 

For all post-16 enquiries please contact accessprogramme@sussex.ac.uk

If your email relates to both teams please email participate@sussex.ac.uk and we will ensure it reaches the relevant members of staff.