Our selection criteria and disclaimer

Please note due to the popularity of our events, booking online does not guarantee a place on academic events – we will contact you to let you know the outcome of your booking to ensure all students from our partner schools and colleges are given fair opportunity to access activities


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Widening Participation - Academic Events


University of Sussex

Our selection criteria

This is a Widening Participation funded project, please prioritise students who fall under the following categories; 

Our events, projects and summer schools are aimed towards certain groups of students that are currently under-represented in higher education. Priority will be given to those who live in an area identified as a low-participation neighbourhood or area of deprivation. You can check whether you live in one of these areas by entering your postcode into the below postcode checkers:

Postcode checker - Office for Students  - You are eligible if your POLAR 4 score is 1

Postcode checker - IMD -  You are eligible if in deciles 1 or 2

We will also give places for those who meet at least one of the following criteria: