Stars & Stripes

Stars & Stripes is our own Personal Development award scheme. A programme which challenges you to personally develop key skills that all colleges, universities and employers are all looking for and to demonstrate all the qualities that we associate with being a successful British Citizen.

Stars & Stripes offer you with the opportunity to grow your own confidence and self-esteem through challenge, experience and recognition. You will develop yourself to the highest standards, so that you will soon be able to unlock all doors with your proven potential.

Stars & Stripes together with amazing GCSE grades will ensure you are ready and excited to take on the world when you one day leave Walkden High School.

Our STARS are our Qualities:

  • Sensible
  • Thoughful
  • Ambitious
  • Respectful
  • Supportive

Our Skills are our STRIPES:

  • Self-Motivated
  • Teamworker
  • Resilient
  • Initiative
  • Planning & Organising
  • Entrepreneurial
  • Solution Focused

Where do I find out about the Stars & Stripes Challenges?

  1. They are all on Kloodle. Just follow the Kloodle guide on how to sign up: Here and then search for all the live badges. The best thing about completing your badges on Kloodle is that the evidence automatically updates and captures your personal Kloodle profile. This makes sure that all your personal development is captured forever.
  2. The Stars & Stripes Challenges are also on the notice boards, located immediately on the right as you enter the school atrium.
  3. You can also find them here

Sounds good, but how will these challenges really help me?

Fair question!

Let's say you complete a Teamwork Challenge below. For this, you will not just be awarded 50 achievement points, but you will also be awarded a badge and a certificate as evidence of your achievement. You will now have real life experience of performing "Teamwork".

Next, imagine this. Fast forward to that day you're in an interview for a job. A job you really want, one that can change your life, and the employer asks, "Can you give me an example of when you have worked as part of a team?" What happens next?

Well, you answer that question with a coolness and confidence well beyond your years, because in preparation for your interview, you researched your Kloodle profile and reflected on exactly what you did to earn your teamwork badge and all the other personal development you took part in through your Stars & Stripes. You blitz the interview because you were so impressive!

Confidence at interviews is all about being prepared, and you were so much more prepared than all the other applicants - that did not happen by chance!

Completing the Stars & Stripes is also one of the fundamentals of becoming a Walkden High Prefect. If you want to be recognised as a leader, then you need to be investing in your own personal development and be able to evidence it too!

So, work your way through all the badges and it's as good as guaranteed you will ace all of those future interviews and application forms that come your way - both in school and beyond.