Placement Guidance

YEAR 10 Work Experience WEEK

2nd July - 6th July 2018

Work Experience Placement Timeline:

1. Jan: - Complete and return Work Experience Parental Consent Form

2. Jan: Research Careers and employer websites using resources

3. Jan – Feb: Create CV & Cover Letter if required

4. Jan – March: Find and agree placement with employer

5. Jan – March: Agree Interview time

6. Jan – March: Complete & return Self Placement form including employer signatures



Start Profile is a fantastic career matching and inspiration tool. By completing the "Game" and answering questions all about your personality, skills & qualities you'll then be matched to jobs that are most suited to you. The game is really in-depth and does take about an hour or so, but the inspiration it provides you may change your life! It will also help us when we meet in YR11 at your careers appointment as we'll be able to discuss all the qualifications and routes towards that career at the meeting. You might discover a job you've never heard of that then becomes your dream career. Plotr’s database also contains thousands of jobs, apprenticeships, work experience opportunities and more. Using search system will make it easier than ever to find and apply for all the things that interest you specifically.


U-Explore is a careers website we purchase exclusively for our pupils. It has really useful job profile section that tells you everything you need to know about a certain career. Did PLOTR recommend you would be suited to a career in occupational therapy? Well, type in occupational therapist in to the search box and you be able to watch a video about a real life occupational therapist talking about their career. You'll be able to see what hours they work, what they do, how much they earn and what qualifications they need etc etc. Researching a job role is an important thing to do before you go to an interview as you'll be able to learn lots about the role you'll be interviewed for and be well prepared. Knowing about what you are about to get interviewed for is essential.

Within U-Explore you can also create a professional CV really easily with their CV builders. There are also lots of tips about what to put in your CV too - just click on the Work Preparation box on the homepage. Within the Work Preparation section there are also lots of tips on how start planning for your work experience. So there really isn't any excuse for struggling with finding a work experience as everything you need to know is within U-Explore.


Life Skills is seriously good and has loads of resources to help you prepare and search for a work experience. They also have work experience placements that you can apply for on their webpage. This is another great resource for developing your employability skills and learning about yourself and what it is you may be best suited to.


Icould provides excellent career inspiration and information and is another superb free resource. It shows what is possible in work and offers different ways to think about careers through access to over 1000 personal video stories, detailed job information, plus practical tips, insight and advice

•Career videos – from carpenters to city traders, care workers to celebrities, our real-life storytellers offer an inside view of their current job and a personal account of how they got there.

•Job information – see details of average salary, qualifications, skills, past and future employment levels, and more below every video.

•Articles –apprenticeships, astronauts or applying for jobs – our articles cover all things career-related, from people sharing their experiences to advice from career experts.

•Focus On – this series offers ideas and information around key decision points, such as Choices at 14, 16 and 18 and highlights opportunities in particular job areas such as the music industry, the NHS and engineering.