
When applying for all opportunities in life, standing out from the crowd is essential.

Let's say there are a 100 people applying for that position and it's your dream position. Well, you need to make your application appealing, don't you? The odds may seem stacked against you, but if you assume that most young people don't have very good CVs, that they don't remember any of their achievements, or maybe, they don't have any work or volunteering experience. Then, if you do! Then you're already in with an outstanding chance before the application process has even started.

Next, it's all down to the interview stage. Just imagine how confident you will be, given all of the personal development you've invested in yourself whilst at Walkden. You'll be brimming with excitement going into that interview, ready to answer every question, expertly, with your experience and wide range of skills and qualities. You'll blitz the interview and you'll find that 100/1 shot wasn't so difficult after all.

So, now you see why it's important to develop yourself, why not take full ownership of your own personal development, once more, and look into some of the local volunteering opportunities. Having volunteer experience is another sure-fire way to be recognised by volunteers when you applications are on the employer's desk.

V.Inspired Awards

Why not take part in the V.Inspired Award and earn recognition for your contribution to the community. Show evidence of your completed V30 award and you'll receive a "Supportive" Stars & Stripes badge and 50 achievement points.

If you're doing your DofE Bronze Award, this will support it nicely.

Check out some of the live local V.Inspired volunteering Vacancies