Kloodle is really one of the best things we’ve come across at Walkden High for quite some time. It’s a cutting edge concept to help all pupils capture all their skills and qualities and keep records of all key achievements.

If you're taking part in all this personal development, then you have to keep a log of it, because colleges, universities and employers all value these skills and qualities you've developed at Walkden High.

So, have you completed a Stars & Stripes Challenge? - Kloodle it!

Have you take part in the DofE? - Kloodle it!

Are you a school Prefect or Prospect? - Kloodle it!

Have you helped raise money for the school charity? - Kloodle it!

.....You get the picture?

Using your browser or the Kloodle App, you can upload documents, photos, comments and video to make your profile really rich and impressive. You can complete Stars & Stripes Badges directly from Kloodle and then it automatically updates your profile.

Each time you upload evidence you must tag what skill or quality you are demonstrating – problem solving, team working etc. This helps build a comprehensive understanding of yourself and what you are good at.

You’ll be able to upload all your achievements, capture every trip, each award, receive feedback on your achievements from teachers and employers and much more. All this can then be shared with colleges, universities and employers to help you secure life’s wonderful opportunities or it can simply be printed off like a good old fashioned CV to hand out. Within Kloodle, just like Facebook, there is also a timeline on each member page that publishes opportunities directly from us, colleges, employers and local opportunities that we are working directly with so you’ll never miss an opportunity again.

You can get started now by downloading the Kloodle App or by going to Kloodle.com and creating a personal account with the following steps.

  1. Kloodle.com
  2. Get Started
  3. Student>Click “YES”
  4. Search Walkden High
  5. Create account

All user activity is posted directly to the Walkden High Admin Timeline. This is for two reasons: 1) So that we can feedback on your achievements and 2) So that we can monitor appropriate usage of Kloodle by users.