
Year 11 Prefect Positions

The role of Prefect is a symbol of responsibility and achievement. Prefects have graduated from the position of Prospect is expected to perform in YR10 and are now school leaders. Prefects are expected to perform public speaking at parent information evenings by providing talks about topics such as work experience, rewards, being a Prefect. They perform YR6 school look-arounds, staff interview tours and also plan prom & fancy dress. Prefects also drive the Walkden High rewards strategy, liaising with the student council to select reward items and they all offer staff rewards training to teachers regarding the levels and how the reward system functions. Prefects are seen as valued and respected work colleagues supporting Mr Mangas. The role is to develop the skills of our future leaders. All prefects are invited to apply for the position of Head boy & girl.

There are also opportunities for pupils to apply for the position of Prefect whilst in YR11. However, they will be expected to perform an initiation task - conduct a school assembly, create a school resource, such as a leaver’s assembly video to win the respect and acknowledgement of fellow Prefects.

What will Prefects be expected to do?

To help maintain the smooth running of the school by assuming the following responsibilities:

  • Work in collaboration with Head / Deputy Head boy & girl
  • Play an active role in the School council with form reps and other Student Leaders
  • Be willing to work on whole school charity events
  • Assist with Year 6 Transition days
  • Be a tour guide at Open Evening / Parents’ evenings
  • Be ambassadors for the school – internally & within the local community
  • Contribute to the organisation of the Year 11 Prom
  • To carry out assigned duties one day per week
  • Representing a link between the students and staff at the school
  • To wear their Prefect badges at all times in school.

Be willing to give up my own time when required to assist with the organisation and attendance of events during school and after school, such as:

    1. Information Evenings
    2. Year 6 Open Evening
    3. Year 11 Parents Evening
    4. Year 8 Parent Evening
    5. PTA Winter Fair
    6. GCSE Presentation Evening
    7. Carol Concert
    8. YR11 Fancy Dress Party
    9. Year 8 Options Evening
    10. Year 9 Parent Evening
    11. Year 7 Parent Evening