Reward Businesses with Excellent Employee Conditions

Reward Businesses With Excellent Employee Conditions

Labor is the engine that produces and also consumes. A sick labor force produces sick goods. And the consumption of sick goods produces a sick labor force. Desperate to make ends meet, sales forces press for unneeded products which are bought by terrorized individuals with no real use for them. Then those same individuals are abandoned in their debt. The cycle must end. The cycle ends at the internal treatment of places of employment by their employees. 

Donation Options

Objective 6, Reward Businesses with Excellent Employee Conditions

Check out our sustainable and intentional donations on our donations page .

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                 What We're Doing

Working with the EEOC 

Advocating for a Disability Law Course on Coursera with the best universities in the country 

Learning employment and contract law from the University of Illnois

Creating an app ecosystem to prove the adverse effects to mental health, physical health, and productivity created by interpersonally violent managers and leaders in the workplace

Advocating for regulations that establish transparency, full knowledge of offering, and labor-side HR in every workplace in the country