Domestic Violence Position

We abide by the standard power and control wheel to describe and identify power and control. We do not abide by the gender inclusive power and control wheel because it was literally used to silence us as a method of power and control and as a method to just take from us without even considering our position. NOT OKAY. Not going to happen, that action spoke for itself. The facts and percentages about humans with wombs who do or don't identify as woman being the first to be attacked and silenced in domestic violence are unmistakable. Even transwomen are aggressively selected over AFABs and cis women simply because these women and AFABS actually have wombs and vaginas and the transwomen do not. The misogyny is that bad.

Whether or not the selling or rental of wombs to bear children, not for sex work, is human trafficking is up to those selling or renting their wombs to decide and collectively name as anomalous and worthy of the statement "trafficking" or voluntary and not trafficking if a particular population is being targeted, especially if they are being selected as someone's "womb" on any sort of fetishism. Most sex workers are trafficking victims and any attempt to gaslight about that narrative is referred to the Kashoggi gaslighting research. Any attempt to compete in victimization instead of fight the oppressor on this point is NOT okay AT ALL. Saying you "don't agree" but showing clear signs of helping yourself to the work of a victim for your own profit/propping up false superiorities is NOT ok, it IS domestic violence, and it is RAPEY.  As for carrying the babies of others to term, wombs on others are never anybody else's but the person's that was born with that womb, no matter what laws uphold any contradicting slavery. Slavery is, in most economically developed countries, an agreed upon moral repulsion as a consequence of their economic development which has fostered their moral development and are therefore in a feedback loop. They are voluntarily given for the purposes of bringing in life, and their bringing in life is for a short time (9 months, more or less, sometimes less if there are DV/health complications). Any attempts to barter wombs without consent or knowledge are hereby identified and called what they are; horrific and disgusting and potentially genocidal.

If your first reaction is "men go through this too" instead of listening with care and respect, consider that the likelihood is high after seeing that that you are a narcissist or a misogynist. You can test your narcissism here. Internalized misogyny (trying to downplay things a woman brings to you as a woman, for example): That should never be your first response when a victim comes forward; in fact, it is horrific and a sign of serious gross incompetence if it is. Use to test for general hostile or benevolent sexism.

If you are a male who is going through domestic violence, bring the facts and evidence to the woman you trust. Do not make it about men going through it or not, come as an individual who happens to have your genital set, not an anomalous statistic trying to prove a point. 

The below shows strong analytical skill and we're aware of it. The fact stands that this is here to serve victims, and most of these victims are still women. It is extreme economic abuse we are going through, horrifically extreme in fact, and misogynists are still trying to make it about them. Their needing it to be about them is therefore a direct cause. It shows a severe mentally inability to decenter suggesting potential mental or developmental disorders.

We also abide by the domestic violence and labor trafficking and control wheel.

 Racism is defined as any discrimination based on race. Sexism is discrimination based on sex. Misogyny is discrimination based on having a womb. We specifically support the equity understanding of those with wombs. Agreements that are equitable to begin with do not require the same equity treatment. Desperate attempts to avoid equity for humans with wombs grows more and more pathetic. Women means person with a womb, but has now rightfully become a trans-inclusive term as a colloquial use. Its scientific use is still in use and still has actual sway. Any credit from the reference "woman" comes from the long history of having a womb before gender was rightfully divorced from sex. Having a womb is associated with using that womb. It does not mean the womb must be used for that human to have value; it simply means that it is a possibility for that human, and a possibility that, when healthy or not menopausal and/or actively and consensually removed, reminds itself to that human once a month in a painful and oftentimes humiliating way that people without wombs do NOT go through. Using that womb is associated with having NECESSARY down periods that require extra support, and asking for that support during the period of pregnancy is NOT sexist towards the other partner, no matter their gender, it is a REQUIREMENT for a healthy child at the later pregnancy terms...if the partner is struggling with this they should not have a child as they are not financially capable of supporting that child and having problems with basic mathematical balance that early will only get worse, and not having that support does severe and sometimes irreversible damage to the birth rate due to nobody wanting to have a child while attacked, argued with, and demonized while also carrying up to close to about half their own weight; no healthy human is going to mock, have spite or rage for these necessary down periods during pregnancy or treat them like some contemptible disability when they are bringing life into the world unless they are literally misogynist, and sometimes they are misogynist because pregnancy prevents them from using this human with a womb for sex which is absolutely horrifying (incel based misogyny). Women are not a different species or a different race, which is why anti-misogyny exists; some misogynists seem to think they are in the most disturbing way imaginable. Racism is very similar to sexism but at the anti-misogynist level it often collapses proving it is not a complete match. 

Therefore racism is universal discrimination based on race from any direction; one race to itself, any race to another race, but misogyny is unidirectional, it is specifically sexism towards women in the scientific, not colloquial, sense.

Agender is not trans unless that specific agender person identifies as trans. It is not a trans' person's right to try to claim them without their consent. If those that help transpeople don't want to help those that are agender and marginalized for it, that's on them for being disgusting. If misogyny can be proven in that organization, it's misogyny. That's the scientific meaning of the word, and that karma is theirs to bear and answer to if lawful suit should be waged. It is not the transperson's right to claim them and speak for them, that organization needs to suffer its own karma for not listening carefully to a marginalized person. Agender women are humans with wombs. That's the scientific meaning of woman, but it has been politicized. Yet, the scientific meaning still has bearing and will continue to because it factually refers.

Respect Science

Again, if you have any problem with this

Test your narcissism. Those high in narcissism do not respect math or science or anything sufficiently analytical:

Test your internalized misogyny  (testing for female misogyny), and consider your internalized misogyny off the charts if you need a man to tell you about it or give it to you to have the humility in order to actually take it:

Test your ambivalent sexism (sexism is not misogyny, it goes in any direction):

Take the general misogyny test here; based on If you can't see it is on page 13 of

Test your knowledge of human trafficking:

Test your knowledge of domestic violence:

Test your racism; it will expose ANY type of racism, so please be aware that you need to have a sufficient understanding of racism to take and accept this:

The founder scores below what the average population scores (that means probably you) on racism, sexism, misogyny, and narcissism. Scoring even lower does not make you an authority if the aim is to engage with power and control, that shows failure level comprehension of domestic violence; she has already passed on all of these points. Like a Covid test, just passing is sufficient. Respect science. It is a huge checked and balanced network and when the peer review is healthy and strong, it is smarter than you.