No More Nightmare Men! Campaign

She fought to give you your air and give it to you clean. Fight for her air back. 3/16/24 10:35 PM
No More Nightmare Men Campaign: Bob Ferguson 3/6/24

His name is Bob Ferguson. He is corrupting the courts, silencing chain of custody on rape kits, trying to take away the right of women to appeal, not complying with investigations regarding extremely vulnerable young women, and trying to silence anyone who criticizes him to the point of making them homeless, carless, and jobless. He’s even allowing giving them criminal records for things like first offense “being in a park after dark” to economically abuse dissenters using illegal abuse of tax-payer funded surveillance.

This is a monster, and he wants to be your governor while disrespecting women and us, the people.

Help her GET HIM AWAY from ALL of us NOW! We’re Solving Society needs your donations to fight him off all of us NOW!

@AlexandriaAMatsuri on Venmo

The No More Nightmare Men campaign, its evidence, and its perpetrators shows that the State of Washington has been a huge and ongoing source of misogynist rot for the entire country reletaively undetected for quite some time. We're outing Washington state as a huge source of behind the scenes "stealth mode" misogyny trying to evade detection of its rotting misogyny. 

Our policy is to believe the victim. Though we do require fair verification as we begin taking on and developing the case goes on in order to truly address it, those who do not believe the victim are not welcome. Monetary situations speak for themselves in this regard and should be looked at first when deciding who is who, especially monetary of help withholding including endangering all of us by refusing to investigate obvious human trafficking out of sheer ego(not appropriate in a governor).  The evidence below is basic evidence and should be sufficient for anyone who wants to do basic due diligence without disbelieving the victim. 

Ask; who's the poor one, aka who has the notably lesser amount in their account for personal use? Who's the one who underwent the most economic abuse, and is still in the lowest amount at the end of the situation? When deciding who the victim is. 

Evidence on Mike Leong below

mike leong evidence
She fought to give you your air and give it to you clean. Fight for her air back. 3/16/24 10:35 PM
Mike Leong 3/17/24 3:40 PM
She fought to give you your air and give it to you clean. Fight for her air back. 3/16/24 10:35 PM
No More Nightmare Men Campaign: Zachary Stowell 3/7/24

Evidence on Zachary Stowell below

Evidence Agaisnt Zachary Stowell

Evidence on Robert Ferguson Below

Evidence against Robert Ferguson
Evidence Agaisnt Zachary Stowell
Greg Kim Evidence
Greg Kim 3/18/24 3:59 PM

Greg Kim and evidence above

Get Him Away From All of Us Campaign 3/11/24
3/11/24 No More Nightmare Men Campaign: Bob Ferguson 3/6/24
No More Nightmare Men For Dummies Flier
Get Him Away From All of Us Campaign, Pigs Flier 3/11/24
Copy of No More Nightmare Men Campaign: Bob Ferguson 3/6/24
Greg Kim 3/18/24 3:59 PM
Greg Kim Evidence

Evidence against William Steffener and Jay Inslee, clear tit-for-tat with "no recall" leading to random and sudden assignment to the judiciary of previous relatively unknown individual William Steffener, showing that Inslee suspects a recall is in order due to his own knowledge of his own corruption. No back up election after the appointment is seen to have occurred, showing again an extremely corrupt court that needs an immediate injunction.

Evidence against William Steffener
Chinese police No More Nightmare Men Campaign: Bob Ferguson 3/6/24

Bob Ferguson's vanity is putting all of our lives at threat as he self-congratulates about misogyny while allowing illegal Chinese police techniques to push his camppaign. He especially appreciates the illegal Chinese police presence because it relies almost entirely on misogyny alone, without merit. This is how he clearly plans to run Washington state, running it into the ground through denial. (see above) 


Rob Trickler text and cases included above. 

Bill Gates desire to hurt and kill competition, even in women and minorities, evidenced above. Click document for evidence. THE NIGHT I MADE THIS POSTER MY LAPTOP WAS STOLEN SHOWING SIGNS THAT THE "CRIMINAL" WAS ENTRAPPED IN EXACTLY THE WAY THIS STATEMENT DETAILS. 

Maki Smith No More Nightmare Men 3/24/24 12:02 PM

Maki Smith making the ecology for comprehension even worse through violence and being democratically challenged not believing math does not require use of force and trying to use use of force to get his way. How we flunk math even harder, not get better at math.

No More Nightmare Men, Rob Trickler, VAWA 2
Minimization 3/30/24 1:50 PM
Bob Ferguson is not smarter than the CDC
Elon bought Twitter for purposes of siilencing and murder and gaslighting everyone trying to pretend he didn't 4/1/24 2:01 PM

We have people trying to commit power and control over the power and control wheel. It doesn't get any more pathetic. Please read our policy on power and control.