Revolutionary, Lucrative Financial Design

Revolutionary, Lucrative Financial Design

The idea that all this is impossible without severe economic costs shows a zero sum understanding that has been repeatedly disproved. By creating self-feeding, abundant, and healthy financial systems, the gains made in these spheres will continually create mutual feedback loops leading to a revolutionary, positive and hope-bringing upward spiral that simultaneously is good for the earth and does not have a corrupting effect on the human psyche.

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                 What We're Doing

In July 2022, we secured our Financial Analyst specialization from the University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of Business

We have examined housing and hospital records for financial-ethical analysis purposes including Swedish Hospital, and worked with Snohomish County Housing

We are making the link between sustainable energy systems and sustainable economic systems by linking time, energy, and money into a vigorous, accurate understanding of the global financial circulation system.

We started our own forum on International Economics. 

We completed International Economics by Krugman.