PUBLIC WARNING: Neonazi and Rapist Edward K. Smith

I did not want to have WSS involved with this truly disgusting man but as Twitter has made helping this predator to silence me all too easy, I will now unfortunately have to include it here in a place that should've been about healing, empowering the people, and being able to trust that individuals will not be so horrifying as to do the below.

Edward K. Smith, one of the most disgusting and disturbed people I have ever met who the general public needs to be warned about, (he claims to be vegan and feminist to evade detection by the police as a strategic maneuver for the multiple crimes he commits against women and minorities; he has been caught attempting to murder his ex-girlfriend S.G.-K. at which point he attempted to hang himself proving he is neither) is doing his utmost to get this erased from visibility. Every time he tries will result in me exponentiating the message three times louder. 

Thus I have put this on page one of We're Solving Society as he is STILL actively stalking the founder after Snohomish County failed to protect victims present and future, not only in horrifically dropping the rape charges against him on the basis of a policewoman incompetent enough to interview in a public Starbucks and clearly state she would 'not be pursuing charges' in her report showing signs she fancied herself a prosecutor without cause, reason or capability, but also to try to discuss the rape charges in a civil case which is probably the most disgusting thing I have ever seen...there is nothing civil about rape. And then not even accepting a protection order despite 60+ pages of evidence of legalistic bullying in itself proof of his inability to control himself and severe harassment inherent in his protection order response. His paid harassment by his lawyer in the court case itself was to such an excess that even my advocate was extremely disturbed by and ultimately abandoned me on the fear she felt, luckily replaced by someone more courageous and competent elsewhere.

Edward K. Smith continues to show signs of extreme narcissistic rage for being outed on this point as he was clearly smug and enjoying his clemency on his huge lie of pretending to be feminist and vegan which many clearly incompetent people bought and is attempting to slander me as a prostitute among other things in retaliation for exposing his little fraud. He has attempted to do this to other women, trying to get thumbnails of him raping them onto Google. It is his go-to strategy to try to rely on Judeo-Christian repression and oppression of women's credibility using this outdated revenge porn as well as outdated and relatively disgusting opinions about women's privates lives by individuals uninvited (and never likely to receive invitation) to their lives, which only works on truly backwards misogynists anyway given the abundance of training on revenge porn and unwanted opinions by those uninvited and likely to never be invited. And of course, failing to note that he is atheist and once he has used Judeo-Christian rhetoric for this purpose he then turns around and tries to destroy it from the same position of narcissistic rage and failure to believe in anything in his life due to severe disability to be able to. Again, he claims to be vegan and feminist while doing this to avoid detection of obvious crimes and likely is involved with homicide and pedophilia. His involvement with Nazism is also confirmed. 

He shows a severe inability to respect women without interrupting them, trying to explain over them, and sexualizes almost every woman he meets including having an obsession with a previous boss that he has said "I reminded him of". He is mentally unstable, homicidally aggressive, and likely paranoid schizophrenic showing deep signs of being terrified of the nasal swab for Covid as well as the Covid mask and being very evasive when he couldn't explain his fear logically (huge signs of paranoid schizophrenia). 

He is doing his utmost to hide his crime of raping me and likely repeatedly attempting to murder me using covert means that have been recorded in multiple places (and about which he is clearly terrified). He is unable to understand the world as anything other than quid  pro quo and continues to try to frame his attempt to bribe me with a donation as an attempt to try to prostitute me, and did in fact say he wanted to prostitute me to sexless, unattractive men in New York in one his several extremely delusional and bizarre criminal schemes regarding me which was the initial reason I reported him for the first time to police in March of 2021 (other attempts to terrorize me include but aren't limited to: threatening to have me gang raped, forcing me to wear a burka, threatening to murder me with a backpack over my head, posing the idea of having me as a statue at a party for men to ogle, posing as an idea the idea of prostituting me to men for money, threatening to have me live in a forest and erase me from civilized memory...these are all absolutely bizarre and terrifying things this insane person has posed to me and which I have been forced to deal with for five years due to the incompetence of the police and the court system.) 

He clearly shows signs of thinking we were ever in a relationship as part his absolutely insane delusional set. This includes referring to me trying to get away from him as "breaking up" with him in police reports, and telling the San Francisco hospital he was my boyfriend after getting me sent there out of retaliation for not wanting to live with him which I only found out in 2023 when I investigated and got a copy of the report. Since the beginning I have been trying to evade Edward K. Smith, have been disgusted by him, and have tried to find excuses why we couldn't go on any other dates other than our first or why he couldn't come to my house in Treasure Island. This began the rage at rejection that led to these delusions that compensated clearly to the severe blow to his ego that I was in no way interested further after one date with this insane person that led to 5 years of torture

He thinks nonprofit donation is prostitution and shows no signs of being able to comprehend it as simply a nonprofit donation. Other mentally challenged men very similar to him create an echo chamber on this point and they have dog-piled me in the most pathetic and unintelligent mob stalking encounters across the internet I have seen logged. It's truly pathetic. He has said things like "I should lower my price" as if I were offering him sexual services and has taken my blocking of him to be hardballing when I truly do not care about him or his money in any way whatsoever and never want to talk to him, look at him, or hear from or about him again. I truly want him gone forever from my life. He is in severe delusional denial that his money cannot buy any access to me at all sexually and will not stop stalking me. He is truly in severe delusional rage that I actually run a nonprofit and he has absolutely no ability to have sexual access to me and that his donations will not get any sexual access to me. They will be used for the purposes listed on this website and anybody who wants otherwise is encouraged to leave my company alone effective immediately as a truly unwanted audience. He is unable to comprehend prosocial thinking as typical of many of the mentally challenged social darwinists who do not comprehend the exponentiating effects of synergy and in general struggle with macroeffects, big picture reasoning such as philosophy, and other emergent systems known to exist that can be tested for intelligent understanding of through global comprehension scores. 

You can read the entire level of his true insanity and mental illness here:

This man is insane, a danger to women, a danger to the public, and a danger to minorities. I am warning the public and I will continue to warn the public about this insane, homicidal lunatic. Attempting to silence me will only make me louder. 

Edward K. Smith is a true pig and the police and court system failed to put him in prison for stalking, rape, revenge porn, attempted murder, attempted trafficking, slander, ruining my life, career, and shelter for five years of psychological torture from which many previously bravado-filled vain men ran in an embarrassing-to- witness cowardice once made aware of the extent of his insanity. He is likely also guilty of completing actual murder and human trafficking. He needs to be investigated in full and then to be imprisoned. Abolition is not for the rich nor is it for the true, remorseless antisocial which Edward K. Smith exemplifies.