
“She delivered and I’m very happy with it.”

-Accounting client, 2022

“Went very well, I knew everything on the exam.”

-AP World History student, received his top AP marks for the educational center with me that were noticeably higher than his other scores.

“[Our son] is writing on his own now. He used to hate writing.” 

-Parents of an English student. We worked on expressive writing and psychological elements that created blocks. 

“I got an A on my test!”

-High school Geometry student with failing scores previously

Alexandria has been doing a wonderful job crossing the communication divide and navigating this process under the circumstances.”

-Old boss in navigating a potential international safety risk

“Thank you for doing this for my daughter.” 

-User whose homeless daughter I secured safe housing despite predatory behavior by a supervisor at her previous housing from which she had been illegally expelled.

 Her mother was also homeless, she was not rich and living a luxury lifestyle taking money from her father and her daughter. This homeless mother did that for her daughter while needing it for herself. Mothers not this woman's equal cannot claim themselves on her credit.

It was brilliant having you there.”

-Substitute tutor who I helped to train for math teaching at Tutors Impacting Public Schools