Donate here with your Credit Card/Debit Card

How To Donate

Venmo: enter

To specify your Intentional Donation, please put the Objective and Option Number as a Venmo note. One donation per assignment please.

To specify your Sustainable Donation, please write "ongoing" with your email (be sure to mark private unless you want your email broadcast) as a Venmo note and we will enroll you in the benefit. 


To specify your Intentional Donation, please put the Objective and Option Number as a Zelle note. One donation per assignment please.

To specify your Sustainable Donation, please write "ongoing" with your email as a Zelle note and we will enroll you in the benefit. 

Large Gifts ($1,000+): Please email me at to discuss options for you to donate.

Note on Blogspot Link: We no longer use GoFundMe. All external links to GoFundMe on any of our old publications are in the process of being changed to other platforms.

A donation of $50  - $100 is the average amount we usually receive and is recommended. For potential board members, we ask for an initial donation of $500 as an act of investment. More is always welcome.

We are publically anti-misogynist; we do not endorse stripping women of their ideas and that applies to our international economics page more than anything. Any reference to female authors without both academic and monetary respect paid IS NOT part of our vision and we are well aware it will collapse on its own accord for this unsustainable, parasitic practice. We endorse this collapse as natural and its own punishment. Therefore we will not engage in it and make anyone aware that donations FOR us must be TO us DIRECTLY; we therefore end the patriarchy where it shows itself in attempts to "get money to her" where men who pocket these funds are paid in covert/professionalized pay-the-pimp culture that never actually reach the women in question in any way whatsoever

We are deeply anti-misogynist and believe respect to women is best shown by respect literally paid directly to the respective women. If the women "respected" are left out to dry financially, we view these individuals as just as misogynist as anyone else no matter what comes out of their mouths. This includes financial abuse by other women and those not on the stereotypical gender spectrum. 

Sustainable Donating 

For monthly donation amounts, we award based on your generosity and sustainable giving, allowing us to complete this work long term. 




Intentional Donating

You can also choose from our following Actionables budget where your donation will go into specific on the ground projects. 

Method Research: Donate to give us access to scholarly publications in order to refine the WSS method, formalize it, and exponentiate impact

Objective 1, End homelessness: 

Objective 2, Establish Abolition

Objective 3, $500/month food stamps:

Objective 4, Affordable Community Produce

Objective 5, Default Always to International Cooperation

Objective 6, Reward Businesses with Excellent Employee Conditions

Objective 7, Accessible, affordable health care

Objective 8, Accessible, affordable mental health

Objective 9, Cancel student debt:  

Objective 10, Revamp education design

Objective 11, Lucrative Financial Design

 General donation 

Your general donation goes directly to buying research, books, paying off loans to initial lenders, supplies for individual cases in our local sphere of effect, Coursera courses so we can be educated on the material we are voted into studying, transportation, cost of housing and personal/community food supplies. (When at a loss for direct action, we are cooking for local foster homes.)  Please see our donations page to donate immediately. We’re an emerging strategy and method, so can always use your help.