Accessible Community Produce

Accessible Community Produce

All communities deserve the methods and means to sustain themselves, and the infrastructure it takes. With the understanding gained from internal and community agriculture, they have a better sense of the price structure and can prevent corrupt extortion that rot their housing, food, and transportation markets from the inside out. They can also see the reason for many economic actions, such as the required "inefficiency" behind growing agriculture. They also are no longer at the mercy of faulty distribution centers, and overall engage with the answer to a huge number of climate change issues. It also empowers the community and puts nutritional trust back in its own hands.

Donation Options

Objective 4, Affordable Community Produce

Check out our sustainable and intentional donations on our donations page .

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                 What We're Doing

We're currently still reading to find the best! 

Running data analysis of local use of CSA hotspots

Learning about the preventative mechanisms that are leading to inertia for CSAs 

Advocating for more local CSAs