Top 10 Wedding Mistakes

Top 10 Mistakes

  In this section we will be looking at ten of the most common wedding day regrets married couples end up with. Becoming aware of these could be a helpful way to consider avoiding some yourself.  

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  1. Too much influence from magazines or online blogs/Pinterest etc:

  Looking for inspiration and wedding ideas in the form of magazines, books or on the Internet, can undeniably inspire you, but many women have admitted they regret looking too much. Too much looking at ideas from outside of yourself can be overwhelming and draw you away from original ideas and ways of thinking. Listen to your intuition and trust in your taste, style and vision. Always remember that time spent looking at other wedding ideas is time that could be invested in your own.

  2. Not setting a budget from the start: 

  It is important to set a budget from the start when planning your wedding. The more aware you are of what the expenses will be and what is affordable, the less likely financial regrets will be further down the line. Before making expensive plans, it is a good idea to plan how you will tackle the cost together. It is crucial that you get price quotes before setting a budget and research the costs, or you may find yourself disappointed when discovering things are more expensive than expected. Researching wedding deals online can save you a surprising amount of money, websites such as Wedobo, BridesReally and the Wedding Channel are great places to look. 

  Don't forget to formulate a guest list early on, the size of your wedding host contributes significantly to your budget.

  3. Not hiring a videographer:

  It is said that 98% of bride's who make the decision to not hire a videographer regret it. Great wedding photos are treasures that remind you of your special day, but photos can't take you right back the way a video can. Imagine being able to show your grandchildren and close ones, a video that captured more of the day than any photo ever could. There might be special moments you would love to look back at in the future, like your first dance or a heartfelt speech. Would you regret not capturing and watching the happiest day of your life whenever you wanted to, or being unable to share it with the ones who were not there to experience it for themselves? Hiring the right videographer is not necessarily difficult and might not be as expensive than you anticipated.

  4. Not focusing enough on the guests: 

  Getting caught up in the details is understandable and easily done, but many bride's look back wishing they had spent more time with their guests on the day. Remember to take into consideration that your guests have traveled far and wide for you and your big day, and potentially made sacrifices to be there. Demonstrate your respect and appreciation by enjoying their presence and taking the time to talk to them and engage with them. Although it is your day, you will probably be happier in the long run when hearing about how much of a great day your guests had too. Don't hesitate to make your way around the crowd to see if everyone is enjoying themselves.

  5. Not hiring any professionals:

  When it comes to a day as huge as your wedding, there will be areas you need assistance with. Professional assistance can be pricey but you get what you pay for. Working with your budget goes without saying, but if there is something in particular you would regret not going right, hiring a professional not only relieves anxiety but also produces great results. One of the most common wedding regrets people have is not hiring professionals in areas that did not go as well as they would have liked.

  6. Leaving out beauty trials:  

  Makeup and beauty trials may be an extra cost but they are definitely worth it. Look out for free makeover events. It is recommended that you schedule your trials at least three months before the wedding. If you are not happy with your trial it gives you time to try another option. Makeup is not the only thing that can go wrong at the last minute, other beauty mistakes such as getting a spray tan too close to the wedding can end in disaster. Ensure that you have your hair, makeup and beauty plans in place and well in advance to avoid disappointment. Avoid leaving beauty decisions to the last minute. If a bride does not feel content with her appearance it can effect the way she feels for the entire day.

  7. Stressing over the small things:

  Planning a wedding can be stressful at times, but many bride's have regretted stressing over the smalls things on the actual day. Stressing over small things on your wedding day can take the beauty out of it all and draw you away from the bigger picture. Stressing over things such as the speeches your loved ones will make, your emotions or the weather, will distract you from what its all about. It is a special day where memories are created with loved ones. Despite enough months of planning, there are some things that might just be out of your control, accept the things you cannot change and focus on the things you can.

  8. Not ensuring everyone is well fed: 

  Out of politeness it would be very unlikely for your guests to complain to you about food, but couples still look back on their weddings wishing they had provided more quality or quantity. Your guests are aware that a wedding day is meant to be for the bride and groom, but that doesn't change the fact they would like to enjoy themselves as much as possible too. Guests look forward to socializing, eating and drinking. If your guests are not well fed there could be mistakes involving alcohol and people feeling irritable. If your guests feel well fed, it will greatly contribute towards their positive experiences at your wedding. Although it's your day, its better to have a day your guests can look back at too with fond memories of feeling well looked after.

  9. Forgetting about last minute expenses:

  There are many hidden costs when it comes to weddings. Couples frequently regret the lack of awareness they had with these costs. It is important to include the last minute expenses at the start when working out your budget. From the price of postage stamps for fancy boxed invitations, to overtime costs with your hired professionals who are booked for a certain amount of time, there are many expenses that can creep up on you unexpectedly. Read your contracts carefully and be up front when it comes to price inquiries. Weddings are expensive and going over your set budget can come with a sense of disappointment and regret, especially if they were expenses that could have been avoided.

  10. Planning too late:

  Most of the mistakes listed above stem from a lack of planning. The time spent planning the details of your wedding contributes hugely towards the final outcome. From the big stuff to the small, it is critical you plan early to avoid disappointment and regret.

  Start planning as soon as you can and realize that it is an ever-changing journey you are embarking on. You will discover surprising things along the way and make better choices if you commit to being well prepared. Keep your priorities in order but be open to learning, every little decision adds up and its those decisions that create the wedding you have. Yes wedding planning can be stressful, but remember to take a step back from time to time to breathe and enjoy it.