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Quality Management in Higher Education
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Known Citations as of 2024-07-04: 52
Mohamad Kamil Salas. Concept Analysis of Quality Control Theory and Quality Development in Islamic Education. Jurnal "Inovasi Manajemen Bisnis", Volume 6, No. 3, pp. 130-137, 2024 (2024-07-01). (PDF) [Mohamad Kamil Salas. Analisis Konsep Teori Pengendalian Mutu Dan Pengembangan Mutu Dalam Pendidikan Islam. Inovasi dalam Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran, Vol. 10, No. 1, Jan 2024, Hal (13-18) (2024) (2024-01-31), ; ]
Sisca Septiani, Holong Saor Nababan, Rini Wahyuni Siregar, Kharisma Romadhon, Ferdinandus Sampe, Norbertus Tri Suswanto Saptadi, Muhamad Thoif, Agus Holid, Winda Novianti, Reina A. Hadikusumo, Giandari Maulani, Tri Hutami Wardoyo, Uswatun Hasanah Usnur, Toton Riyadi. Cut Intan Evtia Nurina. Manajemen Pendidikan Tinggi. Editor: Andri Cahyo Purnomo, M.Pd., C.Ed., Sada Kurnia Pustaka dan Penulis, 2024. ISBN 978-623-8385-45-4. Septiani, Sisca & Nababan, Holong & Siregar, Rini & Romadhon, Kharisma & Sampe, Ferdinandus & Saptadi, Norbertus & Thoif, Muhamad & Holid, Agus & Novianti, Winda & Hadikusumo, Reina & Maulani, Giandari & Wardoyo, Tri Hutami & Usnur, Uswatun & Riyadi, Toton & Nurina, Cut & Pustaka, Sada. (2024). Manajemen Pendidikan Tinggi. ;
Nataliia V. Morze, Liliia O. Varchenko-Trotsenko, Tetiana S. Terletska. Stages of adaptive learning implementation by means of Moodle LMS. Proceedings of the 2nd Myroslav I. Zhaldak Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology (AET2021), pages 476-487, 2023. ISBN:978-989-758-662-0. DOI:10.5220/0012065500003431 ; ; ;
Edi Yulianto. Konsep Pengendalian Mutu dan Aplikasi dalam Lembaga Pendidikan. Jurnal Al-Misbah: Volume 01, Nomor 01 Juli 2023. ;
liyin, Ifa Liyin Azizah (2023) PERAN MAJLIS MUSYAWARAH MADRASAH DINIYAH SEBAGAI LEMBAGA CONTROL DI MADRASAH DINIYAH AL MAHRUSIYAH I. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Institut Agama Islam Tribakti. ;
Mathabo Innocentia Mohobelo, Peter Madindwa Mashinini, Blessed Nxalati Mushwana. Investigating and evaluating factors influencing undergraduate engineering students' choice of university. 2022 IEEE IFEES World Engineering Education Forum-Global Engineering Deans Council (WEEF-GEDC). IEEE, 2022, pp. 1-4. Cape Town, South Africa. ; DOI: 10.1109/WEEF-GEDC54384.2022.9996213
Maher Jesry, Fuad Alhaj Omar, Abdulkader Rashwani, Imad Bark, Khaled Jammo, Suhaib Ajam, Zekeriya Kassab. Exploring the value of a risk-management quality-assurance model to support delivery of quality higher education in the conflict-affected northwest of Syria. International Journal of Educational Research Open 3 (2022) 100134, 10 pages. SCOPUS ; ; ; ;
Gulshan Fatima Alvi, Mahwish Safder, Musarrat Habib. Current Issues and Problems about the Quality Improvement Faced by Management in Higher Educational Institutions. Journal of Accounting and Finance in Emerging Economies, Vol. 7, No 1, March 2021. ISSN: 2519-0318, ISSN (E) 2518-8488. DOI: 10.26710/jafee.v7i1.1541 ;
Toni Sršen. Upravljanje kvalitetom u sustavu visokog obrazovanja Republike Hrvatske i nacionalna konkurentnost (Quality management in the higher education system of the Republic of Croatia and national competitiveness). Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Ekonomski fakultet, Katedra za trgovinu i međunarodno poslovanje, 2022.
Sumiati Sumiati, Atika Ahmad. Pengendalian Mutu Pendidikan: Konsep Dan Aplikasi. IQRA: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam. Volume 1, Nomor 1, Juni 2021, pp. 43-50, ISSN: 2580-5304. ; ;
Rangga Sa’adillah S.A.P, Daiyatul Husna, Dewi Winarti. Management Quality Control in Islamic Education. MUDIR (Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan), Volume 3, Nomor 2, Juli 2021. p-ISSN: 2655-9331; e-ISSN: 2657-2230. ; ;
Ravika Hadi. Konsep Manajemen Mutu Pendidikan Islam. Al-Ulum Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 359-371 (2021) ISSN 2723-5459 (Online). DOI: ; ; ;
Muhammad Haikal Hanif, Raja Farras Daffa. Analisis Manajemen Produksi Pada pt. Standratex. Mata Kuliah Manajemen Industri. 79 p., Jakarta, 2021.
Nurul Hidayah, Ni’matin, Rosmalinah, Zahrotun Nafi’ah. Manajemen Pendidikan Pembelajaran Dan Pelatihan. CV Literasi Nusantara Abadi, 2020. ISBN 6237511563, 9786237511564, 156 p. ;
Muhamad Khoirul Umam. Dinamisasi Manajemen Mutu Perfektif Pendidikan Islam. Jurnal Al-Hikmah, Vol. 8, No. 1, Maret 2020. pp. 61-74. (Google Scholar, MORAREF). ;
Sri Hidayati, Teguh Supriyadi, Lisna Sulinar Sari. Kesesuaian buku teks pelajaran sekolah dasar dengan kurikulum IPA, Matematika, dan Bahasan Indonesia. Pusat Penelitian Kebijakan, Jakarta, 2020. ISBN 9786020792873. ;
Samsul Ma'arif. Manajemen mutu terpadu berbasis karakter. FATAWA PUBLISHING, Semarang Jawa Tengah. Bab VIII. Implementasi Manajemen Mutu Terpadu Berbasis Karakter di Sekolah Model. ISBN 9786236408445. 2019. ;
Endang Herawan Suryadi. Efektivitas Manajemen Mutu Pembelajaran Guru Bidang Produktif di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan. Pedagogia Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan 17 (02) (2019), pp. 179-189. DOI 10.17509/pdgia.v17i1.13980, e.ISSN 2579-7700, p.ISSN 1693-5276. ;
Ana Maria P. Denosta. Implementation of and Compliance with International Standards: Influence on Institutional Productivity. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Innovations. Vol. 7, Issue 1, pp: (520-534), Month: January - March 2019. ISSN 2348-1218 (print), ISSN 2348-1226 (online). Available at: ;
Dobrila Rajić. Učinci primjene međunarodnih standarda kvalitete na uspješnost visokih učilišta (The effects of the implementation of International quality standards on the higher education institution's success). PhD Thesis. University of Rijeka, Faculty of Economics and Business / Sveučilište u Rijeci, Ekonomski fakultet, Rijeka, 2019. Učinci primjene međunarodnih standarda kvalitete na uspješnost visokih učilišta | Repozitorij Ekonomskog fakulteta Rijeka ( ; ;
Reem Aly Elharakany. Modelling the Effect on Quality of Facilities Management in Higher Education in Reference to Egyptian Universities. Cardiff Metropolitan University, Cardiff School of Management, PhD Thesis, 251 pages, November 2019.
Asep Tutun Usman, Asep Ganjar Sukarelawan, Yufi Mohammad Nasrullah. TQM – Perencanaan Mutu (Quality Planning). 2019.
Manale Mounir Khalil. Responsiveness to Quality Assurance: What do leaders do differently? Evidence from the Lebanese private Business schools. The Arab Journal of Quality in Education, Vo. 6, No. 2, pp. 7-18, 2019. ;
Dadang Muyalan, Witrin Noorjutstiatini, Dewi Khoer Mulyana M, dan Ahmad Gojin. Pengendalian Mutu Pendidikan. Kajian Mandiri – S3 – Semester 2 2019. Pp.15-30.
Endang Herawan, Suryadi Suryadi. The Effectiveness of Learning Quality Management of Productive Subject Teachers in Vocational High School. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR), volume 258, 2nd International Conference on Research of Educational Administration and Management (ICREAM 2018), pp. 246-252. ISSN (Online): 2352-5398.
Melia Meldy Megawati. Pengelolaan sekolah berbasis mutu di SMK Sahid Surakarta. Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Indonesia, 2019. ; ;
Areig Y. Al-Ramadin. Employing the PDSA cycle to improve the quality of blended learning in basic medical science courses. Master’s Thesis. California State University Dominguez Hills, 2018. ;
Much Solehudin. Implementasi Quality Assurance dan Quality Control Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Mutu Sumber Daya Manusia di MTs El-Bayan Majenang Kabupaten Cilacap (Implementation of Quality Assurance and Quality Control as Efforts to Improve the Quality of Human Resources in MTs El-Bayan Majenang, Cilacap Regency). Institut Agama Islam Negeri Purwokerto, Indonesia, 2018.
Olga Y. Belash, Nikolai G. Ryzhov. The Stakeholders’ Feedback Mechanisms for Degree Programs Quality Assurance. 2018 IEEE International Conference "Quality Management, Transport and Information Security, Information Technologies" (IT&QM&IS), pp. 35-39. SCOPUS
Endang Herawan. Quality Control System of Learning in Vocational School. 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences (ICES 2017) ‘Education and 21st-Century Challenges’, SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.; Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences, pp. 46-50; ISBN: 978-989-758-314-8; Indonesia, 2017.
Noer Rohmah. Peran Kepala Sekolah Dalam Melakukan Kontrol Mutu Pendidikan. Jurnal Tarbiyatuna Vol. 2, No. 1, January 2017, pp. 148-180. ; /
Yayat Suharyat, Marislinda Idris. Konsep dan implementasinya pengendalian mutu pendidikan. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Hidmapi. pp. 208-225, Indonesia, 2017.
Mabrouka Khoja. The Development of a Sustainable Quality Management Framework for Libyan Higher Education System. PhD Thesis, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK; 2016; pp. 351.
Noer Rohmah, Zaenal Fanani. Pengantar – Manajemen Pendidikan. Konsep, Fungsi dan Aplikasi Manajemen Pendidikan Perspektif Islam. 354 pages. Madani, 2016 (2017). ,
Total Quality Management in Higher Education Institutions: An Approach to Improve Labor Market Inputs. Algerian Scientific Journal Platform. Centre Universitaire de Tamanrasset, Revue Al-Ijtihed, Algeria. Vol. 1438, pp. 175-196, ISSN 2335-1039, E-ISSN 2437-0754.
Rahmad Habibi Siregar, Rika Octaviani. Manajemen Mutu. Universitas Islam Negeri, Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia. p. 14.
Samsul Ma'arif._Manajemen Mutu Berbasis Value (Nilai) (Studi Multi Kasus di SMPN 3 Darul Ulum Peterongan Jombang dan MTS Unggulan Bilingual Sidoarjo). Laporan Penelitian. Madya Kolektif, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2016. ; ;
Gezae Hailu Fissuh, Yemane Hailu Fissuh, Zaid Negash, Haftom Girmay. Assessment of the Effective total quality management on performance at selective colleges in Tigray regional administrative State, Ethiopia. IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), Volume 18, Issue 8. Ver. IV (Aug. 2016), pp. 56-84. e-ISSN: 2278-487X, p-ISSN: 2319-7668
Lufuno Netshifhefhe, Vakele Nobongoza, Cosmas Maphosa. Quality Assuring Teaching and Learning Processes in Higher Education: A Critical Appraisal. Journal of Communication, Volume 7, Number 1, pp. 65-78. (SPECIAL ISSUE ‘Communicating Academic Development Practices in South African Universities’, Cosmas Maphosa and Newman Wadesango (Guest Editors). Print ISSN 0976-691X, Online ISSN 2456-6586.
Yusra Jamali. Konsep Pengendalian Mutu Pendidikan. Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, Vol. X No. 28, pp. 304 – 318. ; ; ;
Olga Belash, Mikhail Popov, Nicolai Ryzhov, Yan Ryaskov, Sergey Shaposhnikov, Mikhail Shestopalov. Research on University Education Quality Assurance: Methodology and Results of Stakeholders’ Satisfaction Monitoring. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 214, 5 December 2015, pp. 344-358. ,
Rūta Marija Andriekienė, Dalia Martišauskienė. Švietimo darbuotojų požiūris į paslaugų kokybės valdymą andragoginės veiklos aspektu (The approach of educational staff to service quality management on the aspect of andragogical performance). Andragogika, 2013, No. 1, Vol. 4, pp. 128-138 (139-155). ISSN 2029-6894.
Abdulraheem M. A. Zabadi. Implementing Total Quality Management (TQM) on the Higher Education Institutions – A Conceptual Model. Journal of Finance & Economics, Volume 1, Issue 1 (2013), 42-60. ISSN 2291-4951, E-ISSN 2291-496X. Published by Science and Education Centre of North America
Pingle Shubhangi G., Lahiri Moon Moon, Jain Nanda S. Applying ‘Total Quality Management’ Concept in Academics in context to higher educational system in rural region. Case Study of Shirpur Taluka, Dist. Dhule (M.S.) India. Asian Journal of Management, Vol. 3, Issue 3, July-Sept. 2012, pp. 134-138. ISSN- 0976- 495X. ISSN Online 2321-5763. ; ;'Total_Quality_Management'_Concept_in_Academics_in_context_to_higher_educational_system_in_rural_region_Case_Study_of_Shirpur_Taluka_Dist_Dhule_MS_India_Pingle_Shubhangi_G_Lahiri_Moon_Moon_Ja/links/5eeda7e2a6fdcc73be8d8b4e/Applying-Total-Quality-Management-Concept-in-Academics-in-context-to-higher-educational-system-in-rural-region-Case-Study-of-Shirpur-Taluka-Dist-Dhule-MS-India-Pingle-Shubhangi-G-Lahiri-Moon-Moon-J.pdf
James Garvin Breckenridge. Organizational learning and the application of intelligence processes in higher education. Gannon University, PhD Thesis, ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 238 pages. (2012) ISBN: 978-1-2672-8290-3.
Loreta Jucienė. Profesinio mokymo teikiamų paslaugų kokybės valdymas: Tauragės profesinio rengimo centro atvejis (The Quality of Professional Education and Training Management Facilities: the Case of Taurage Professional Training Centre).
Daniel Kysilka, Silvia Medinschi. Managing the quality components of higher education services. Anale. Seria Ştiinţe Economice. Timişoara (Annals. Economics Science Series. Timişoara), Publishing House: Editura Eurostampa. 2011, Volume XVII, Number 17, pp. 232-239. Print ISSN: 1582-2680, Online-ISSN: 1582-6333. ,
Mohammed Ahmed Al-Sharafi. The possibility of applying Total Quality Management TQM) on Higher Education Institutions in Yemen. Thesis for obtaining Master Degree in Business Administration, 135 pages. Open University, Malaysia, 2009.
Dalia Martišauskienė. Ikimokyklinio ugdymo paslaugų kokybės valdymo modeliavimas tiriant tėvų - vartotojų poreikius (The modeling of quality management of pre-school education based on parents- consumers' needs). Šiaulių universitwetas, Šiauliai, PhD Thesis, 176 p. (2010) ; ;
Seble Worku. Challenges of Quality Management in Private Higher Education Institutions: The Case of St. Mary’s University College. Proceedings of the 1st Multi-disciplinary seminar, pp. 40-56, 2009. ;
Mindaugas Misiūnas, Gintaute Žibenienee, Inga Stravinskiene, Algirdas Saulenas, Daina Rožniene, Janina Kiziene, Alicija Ramanauskaite. Vidinio Kokybes Valdymo Sistemos Diegimo Profesinio Mokymo Institucijose Metodines Rekomendacijos. Profesinio mokymo metodikos centras, Vilnius, 2007, 85 p.. ;
Núria Balagué Mola. Les Normes de qualitat ISO 9000 a les biblioteques d'institucions d'educació superior. Universitat de Barcelona, Departament de Biblioteconomia i Documemtacio. Tesi doctoral. Barcelona, 2006.
Jeremiah Premylla. The development and evaluation of an e-balanced scorecard system for academics. University of Malaya. 2010. ,
Rabu. QUALITY CONTROL. A. Konsep Pengendalian Mutu. 2013. (web)
Damanhour University, Faculty of Nursing. Egypt, 2019. (web)
Farandiza Rosalia, Matin Amril Muhammad. SISTEM PENGENDALIAN MANAJEMEN MUTU LEMBAGA PENDIDIKAN (STUDI DI SEKOLAH BOSOWA BINA INSANI BOGOR, 2015) / QUALITY MANAGEMENT CONTROL SYSTEM OF EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS (IN THE STUDY OF BOSOWA BINA INSANI SCHOOL BOGOR, 2015). Jurnal Improvement, Edisi 4, 2015. (web) ; ; ; Farandiza Rosalia. Sistem Pengendalian Manajemen Mutu Lembaga Pendidikan (Studi di Sekolah Bosowa Bina Insani Bogor, 2015). Sarjana thesis (Master's thesis), Universitas Negeri Jakarta. ;
Nelson Sihaloho Pendidikan Bermutu. Transformasi Digital Era Industri 4.0.
Yenistyo Pujiani. Manajemen Pengendalian Kualitas Sekolah (Mutu Akademik) di SMP Negeri 1 Ampelgading. Universitas PGRI Semerang, 2020.
Hariati, Nur Asisa, Satriana, Muh. Iswandi. Pengelolaan Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan. Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN), Palopo, 2022.
Agung Irmanto. Kurikulum Pembelajaran Kejuruan. 2021.
Heni Rasinta Agustin. Quality Laboratory Processes. Instutut Ilmu Kesehatan Dan Teknologi Muhammadiyah, Palembang. 2023.
Imanuel Tarigan. Peran Kepala Sekolah Dalam Melakukan Kontrol Mutu Pendidikan. Universitas Muhammadiyah, Sumatera Utara, 2022.
Danube:Future White Paper on Integrated Sustainable Development of the Danube River Basin
Link to the original publication.
Known Citations as of 2023-01-13: 9
Martin Schmid, Gertrud Haidvogl, Thomas Friedrich, Andrea Funk, Lisa Schmalfuss, Astrid Schmidt-Kloiber, Thomas Hein. The Danube: On the Environmental History, Present, and Future of a Great European River. In: Wantzen, K.M. (ed.): River Culture – Life as a Dance to the Rhythm of the Waters. Pp. 637–671. UNESCO Publishing, Paris. 2023. DOI: 10.54677/INTF8577 ; ;
Isabela Battistello Espíndola, Wagner Costa Ribeiro. Transboundary waters, conflicts and international cooperation - examples of the La Plata basin. Water International, Brasil, 16 March 2020. Print ISSN: 0250-8060 Online ISSN: 1941-1707.
Hristo Dokov, Ivaylo Stamenkov. Measuring the Complex Socio-economic Development of the Danube-adjacent NUTS2 Regions. Forum geografic. Studii și cercetări de geografie și protecția mediului. Volume XVII, Issue 1 (December 2017), pp. 152-160 (9). ,
Luiza Florea. Restoration of Lateral Connectivity of the Romanian Danube River, Strategies and Local Actions. J. Wetlands Biodiversity (2017) 7: pp. 29-44.
Verena Winiwarter. The Many Roles of the Dynamic Danube in Early Modern Europe: Representations in Contemporary Sources. In: Jane Tussey Costlow, Yrjö Haila, Arja Rosenholm. Water in Social Imagination: from Technological Optimism to Contemporary Environmentalism, Brill Rodopi, The Netherlands, 2017, pp. 49-76, 284 pages. ISSN 1572-4344.
Susana Viegas, Carina Ladeira, Ana Costa-Veiga, Julian Perelman, Goran Gajski. Forgotten public health impacts of cancer – an overview. Archives of Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology, Volume 68, Issue 4, pp. 287-297. Croatia, 2017.
Yuliana Popova, Tsvetelina Harakchiyska, Tzvetelin Gueorguiev. Good practices of Knowledge Management at the University of Ruse, Bulgaria. Knowledge - International Journal Scientific Papers Vol. 13.1 “Teacher of the Future”, Ninth International Scientific Conference, 17-19.6.2016, Durres, Republic of Albania. pp. 71-75. ISSN 1857-92.
Juliana Popova, Tzvetelin Gueorguiev. Danube: Future – A Promising Path to Connecting the Danube Region. Journal of Danubian Studies and Research, Vol. 6, No 1 (2016), Romania.
Verena Winiwarter, Gertrud Haidvogl. Danube: Future “White Paper on Integrated Sustainable Development of the Danube River Basin”. Danube News, Austria, November 2015, No. 32, Volume 17, pp. 5-6.
Social Responsibility as a Key Performance Indicator for the Quality of Educational Processes
Link to the original publication.
Known Citations as of 2024-05-22: 6
Nalan Aslıhan Tarakçı, Erdinç Alaca. 2024 QS Dünya Üniversite Sıralamalarında Türkiye’den İlk 1.000’e Giren Üniversitelere İlişkin Bir Değerlendirme (An evaluation of the Top 1,000 Universities in Turkey in the 2024 QS World University Rankings). Bilgi Dünyası, (Erken Görünüm), 1-32. doi: 10.15612/BD.2024.735 ; ; SCOPUS
Fulya Akyıldız. CSR and Turkish Universities in ARWU 2018: An Evaluation of the Strategic Plans and Performance Reports. In book: Eurasian Business and Economics Perspectives. January 2021. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-85304-4_20 SCOPUS
Ruhan Bayrak Oğuz. Sürdürülebilirlik raporlaması ve Türkiyede faaliyet gösteren konaklama işletmelerinin sürdürülebilirlik raporlarının GRI standartlarıyla karşılaştırmalı analizi. (Sustainability reporting and comparative analysis of sustainability report with GRI standard of hospitality industry operating in Turkey). Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 206 pages, Ondokuz Mayıs University, Samsun, Turkey, 2020.
Anna Carolina de Siqueira Ferreira. Aspectos Comportamentais Resultantes dos Sistemas de Medição de Desempenho dos Programas de Pós-Graduação. Master Thesis. p. 130. Novembro de 2019, Itajubá, Brasil, 2019. ;ção_2020023.pdf ;
Matovu Musa. An Analysis of Quality Assurance Key Performance Indicators in Research in Ugandan Universities. International Journal of Instruction, January 2019, Vol.12, No.1, pp. 1567-1584. p-ISSN: 1694-609X, e-ISSN: 1308-1470. SCOPUS, Web of Science
Maher M. Merhej, Kinda Ali Deeb. The Role of Mechanisms of Intellectual Capital Development in Creation of Added-Value in Syrian Governmental Universities "A Field study in Tishreen University. A Dissertation to acquire PH.D in the Competence of Business Administration, Department of Business Administration in the Faculty of Economics, Tishreen University, Faculty of Economics, Department of Business Administration, 2019, Syria. ;
Мениджмънт на качеството и метрология – специалност от европейското образователно пространство
Known Citations as of 2020-12-18: 2
Бранко Сотиров, Венелин Терзиев (Branko Sotirov, Venelin Terziev). Предизвикателства и перспективи пред обучението по технологични дисциплини (Challenges and Perspectives to the Training in Technological Subjects). Първа международна научна конференция „Предизвикателства пред съвременните организации, свързани с постигане на устойчивост. Знание и иновации в управлението и функционирането“ Сборник доклади. Академия за иновации и устойчивост – Пловдив, стр. 197-207. ISBN 978-619-7246-04-9 (DVD), ISBN 978-619-7246-06-3 (e-book)
Бранко Сотиров, Венелин Терзиев (Branko Sotirov, Venelin Terziev). Технологичното обучение - реалности и бъдеще (Technological Training - Realities and Future). Knowledge International Journal Scientific Papers, Vol. 11/1, Bansko, IKM-Skopje, 2015, стр. 196-199, ISBN 1857-92.
The Latest Trends in the Standardization of Automotive Quality Management Systems
Link to the original publication.
Known Citations as of 2022-02-11: 3
Denitsa Fileva, Daniel Pavlov. Intrapreneurship improvement in a machine building firm through the ISO 9001:2015 principles. (Подобрения във вътрешното предприемачество в машиностроителна фирма чрез принципите на ISO 9001:2015). Proceedings of University of Ruse – 2021, Volume 60, Book 5.1, pp. 54-58.
Dimitar Dimitrov, Nikolay Nikolov. Studying the Possibilities of an Approach for Limiting Vibrations when Machining Thin-Walled Beams. Proceedings of the University of Ruse - 2019, volume 58, book 2.1, pp. 21-26.
Dimitar Dimitrov, Valentin Mihov. Research of the Possibilities of a Method for Touch Probe Coordinate Measurements. Proceedings of the University of Ruse - 2019, volume 58, book 2.1, pp. 27-32.
Current Advances in the Standardization of Management Systems
Link to the original publication.
Known Citations as of 2025-01-04: 14
Miryana Masheva, Branko Sotirov. Method for Taximeter Verification with Roller Test Bench. 2024 XXXIV International Scientific Symposium Metrology and Metrology Assurance (MMA), Sozopol, Bulgaria, 2024, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/MMA62616.2024.10817680.
Faria Haque Pushpo, Kutub Uddin. Moving Towards Sustainable Energy Management Solution: Navigating the Readiness of Bangladesh to Implement ISO 50001. Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental 18(10):e08664. DOI: 10.24857/rgsa.v18n10-118. (Rev. Gest. Soc. Ambient. |Miami|v.18.n.10|p.1-23|e08664|2024.) ; (PDF)
Sara Filipa Carneiro Fernandes da Silva. Criação de um modelo de Sistema de Gestão Integrado para implementação numa empresa de AVAC (Creation of an Integrated Management System model for implementation in a HVAC company). ISEP - Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto ISEP - Dissertações de Mestrado ISEP - DM – Engenharia Mecânica, 300 p. 2023. ; ; (PDF)
Rondón Huaccha, Miguel Josué. Implementación de la NTP-ISO 14001:2015 y su efecto en la gerencia de gestión ambiental de la Municipalidad de Lince, 2022. Tesis para obtener el título profesional de: Ingeniero Industrial. 55 p. Universidad César Vallejo, Facultad de Ingeniería y Arquitectura, escuela académico profesional de ingeniería industrial, Lima, Perú. 2020. ;
Dominik Zimon, Marcin Jurgilewicz, Mariusz Ruszel. Influence of Implementation of the ISO 50001 Requirements on Performance of SSCM. International Journal for Quality Research, Volume 15, Number 3, pp. 713–726. ISSN 1800-6450. DOI – 10.24874/IJQR15.03-02 ; ; SCOPUS, Web of Science
Ricardo Steiman Benites Aliaga, Alex Antenor Benites Aliaga, Santos Santiago Javez Valladares, Segundo Gerardo Ulloa Bocanegra. Application of the PHVA cycle to increase productivity in the Frescor production area of ARY Servicios Generales S.A.C, 2020. Journal of Business and Entrepreneurial Studies. Vol. 5 -3 -2021, pp. 38-45. e-ISSN: 2576-0971 ; ; ;
Илия Железаров. Системи за управление на качеството. Учебник. Първо издание, 112 с., Университетско издателство „Васил Априлов” – Габрово, 2019, ISBN: 978-954-683-600-7.
Iliya Zhelezarov. Управление на риска в система за управление на качеството (Risk Management in Quality Management System). International Scientific Conference UniTech 2019, Gabrovo, pp. 422-426. ;
Garcia Almonacid, Luz Karina. Oliva Sánchez, Luis Ángel. Aplicación del ciclo PHVA para incrementar la productividad en el área de producción. Frescor de la empresa ARY Servicios Generales S.A.C, 2019. Tesis para obtener el título profesional de: Ingeniero Industrial. 138 p. Universidad César Vallejo, Facultad de Ingeniería y Arquitectura, escuela académico profesional de ingeniería industrial, Trujillo, Perú. 2020. ;
Krešimir Buntak, Matija Kovačić, Boris Micek. Integration of the Management System Using Process Approach of the Organization. Conference: 21. NACIONALANI I 7. MEĐUNARODNI NAUČNO STRUČNI SKUP SISTEM KVALITETA USLOV ZA USPEŠNO POSLOVANJE I KONKURENTNOST. At: Kopaonik, Serbia. November 2019. ;
Oday Sadoon Aziz Rashid. The role of energy management systems in improving productivity according to the international standard (ISO50001: 2018) application Study in the Midland Refineries Company. دراسة تطبيقية في شركة مصافي الوسط مصفي الدورة(ISO50001-2018) دور انظمة ادارة الطاقة في تحسين الانتاجية وفق المواصفة الدولية. A Thesis Submitted to the Council of College of Administration & Economics / University of Babylon, Iraq. pp. 305, 2019.
Amel Abed Mohammed, Aody Sadoon Aziz. Evaluation of the implementation of energy management systems in midland refineries company / Dora refinery/oil production units according to the standard ISO 50001:2018 case study. Transylvanian Review, Vol 27, No 44 (2019). ;
Hrvoje Glavaš, Frano Zovko-Ribić, Dražen Dorić, Domagoj Talapko. Development of Energy Management Standards. 2018 International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies (SST), Osijek, Croatia. ; SCOPUS, Web of Science
Öznur Yavan. Global formulation of business ethics. Globalization, Institutions and Socio-Economic Performance: Macro and Micro Perspectives. pp. 55 – 84, 1 January 2018. ISBN 978-363176860-0, 978-363176852-5. SCOPUS
Recent Trends in FMEA Methodology
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Known Citations as of 2025-01-04: 22
Miryana Masheva, Branko Sotirov. Method for Taximeter Verification with Roller Test Bench. 2024 XXXIV International Scientific Symposium Metrology and Metrology Assurance (MMA), Sozopol, Bulgaria, 2024, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/MMA62616.2024.10817680.
Nipun Haputhanthrige. Product risk identification in product design: thesis work conducted for The Switch Engineering Oy. Master’s Programme in Global Management of Innovation and Technology, Master's thesis, 96 pages, Lappeenranta–Lahti University of Technology LUT, 2024.
Márcio Pedroso Bastos, Henrique Martins Rocha, Nilson Brandalise. Automotive Supply Chain Industrial Process Analysis Based on the FMEA Harmonization Proposed by AIAG and VDA. XVIII CNEG _ Congresso Nacional de Excelência em Gestão & INOVARSE _ Simpósio de Inovação e Responsabilidade Social, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 26 e 27 de setembro 2024, ISSN 1984-9354. DOI: 10.14488/cneg2024_cneg_en_042_0333_23333. ; ;
Danko Tonev. Possibility for extension of the production tolerance of a cylindrical gauge by relating it to risks Type I and Type II when controlling the functional surfaces of electrical motors. 2024 9th International Conference on Energy Efficiency and Agricultural Engineering (EE&AE) Conference Proceedings, pp. 1-4, IEEE, 2024. DOI: 10.1109/EEAE60309.2024.10600623 ; SCOPUS
Lukas Bahr, Christoph Wehner, Judith Wewerka, José Bittencourt, Ute Schmid, Rüdiger Daub. Knowledge Graph Enhanced Retrieval-Augmented Generation for Failure Mode and Effects Analysis. June 2024.
Svetlana Koleva, Milko Enchev and Kristiyan Velev. Assessing the uncertainty of the means for determining the positioning accuracy of the machine. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2701 012004 (Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 2701, 12th International Conference on Mathematical Modeling in Physical Sciences (IC-MSQUARE 2023) 28/08/2023 - 31/08/2023 Belgrade, Serbia). DOI 10.1088/1742-6596/2701/1/012004 ; ; SCOPUS
Minghui Sun, Smitha Gautham, Quanbo Ge, Carl Elks, Cody Fleming. Defining and characterizing model-based safety assessment: A review. Safety Science, Volume 172, pp. 1-18, April 2024 (Safety Science 172 (2024) 106425), Elsevier. ; ; SCOPUS, Web of Science
Dewi Lestari, Hilma Raimona Zadry. Failure mode and effect analysis for identifying and mitigating casing component failures at the production of petrol mini fuel station. Vol. 10 No. 1, pp. 1-10 (2023): Jurnal Teknik Industri - Universitas Bung Hatta, ISSN: 2302-0318. ;
Danyllo Vieira de Lucena, Igor Souza Ogata, Mônica de Amorim Coura, Rui de Oliveira, Iasmim Santos Mangabeira e Silva, Matheus Duarte de Araújo, Ruth Silveira do Nascimento, Andréa Carla Lima Rodrigues. Water safety for human supply in rural communities: a risk-based approach for the Brazilian semiarid region (Segurança da água para abastecimento humano em comunidades rurais: uma abordagem baseada em riscos para a região do semiárido brasileiro). Contribuciones a Las Ciencias Sociales, São José dos Pinhais, v.16, n.9, p. 16572-16590, 2023. DOI: 10.55905/revconv.16n.9-166. ;
Gustav Gottberg, Markus Brelin. Tillämpning av Process Failure Mode and Effects Analysis i pappers-och massaindustrin: En fallstudie på Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget. (Application of Process Failure Mode and Effects Analysis in the pulp and paper industry: A case study on Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget). TRITA-ITM-EX ; 2023:408, ; ; ;
Nesimi Kök, Mehmet Selami Yıldız. New Generation FMEA Method in Automotive Industry: An Implementation. Journal of Turkish Operations Management (JTOM), April 2023. DOI: 10.56554/jtom.1193787 ; ; ;
Kaname Kawatsu. 宇宙機システムのライフサイクルを通したリスク視点での複合物理・システムレベルモデル活用フレームワークの研究 (A framework for the utilization of multi-physics and system-level model from a perspective on risk through spacecraft system life cycle). Yokohama National Univesrity, Graduate School of Environment and Information Sciences, Dissertation, 147 p. 2023-03. ;
Sung min Kim, Chae soo Kim. (2022). A Study on the Implementation Method of P-FMEA Considering Easiness of Improvement. Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society, 23(12), 644-653. (김성민, 김채수. (2022). 개선용이성을 고려한 P-FMEA 전개 방법에 관한 연구. 한국산학기술학회 논문지, 23(12), 644-653.) ; (Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society Academic journal, Vol.23 No.12, 2022.12 644 - 653 (10page), DOI: 10.5762/KAIS.2022.23.12.644) ;
Flávia Beatriz Cavalcante Souza. Utilização da metodologia HFMEA para identificação de padrões de falhas em equipamento do parque tecnológico da Maternidade Escola Januário Cicco (The utilization of the HFMEA methodology to identify fault patterns in an equipment of the Januario Cicco Maternity-School). Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Centro de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Biomédica. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso. Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. 22-Jul-2022. ; .
Zoltán Kovács, Tibor Csizmadia, István Mihálcz, Zsolt T. Kosztyán. Multipurpose Aggregation in Risk Assessment. Mathematics 2021, 10, 3166. ; ; SCOPUS, Web of Science
Vladimír Sojka, Petr Lepšík. Algorithm for Process Innovation by Increasing Ideality. Processes 2022, 10(7), 1283. , , . SCOPUS, Web of Science
Nasser Hasheminejad, Asma Zare, Salman Farahbakhsh, Mousa Bamir, Farzaneh Zolala. Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment of Occupational Processes in Golgohar Mining Company, Southeast Iran (2021). Journal of Occupational Health and Epidemiology, JOHE, Winter 2022; 11 (1), 9 pages. Print ISSN: 2251-8096, Online ISSN: 2252-09022022. SCOPUS
Yiyi Liu, YongchuanTang. Managing uncertainty of expert’s assessment in FMEA with the belief divergence measure. Sci Rep 12, 6812 (2022). Scientific Reports, 2022. 12:6812 ; ; SCOPUS, Web of Science
Daria Shcherbinina. FMEA-Harmonisierung: Das Vorgehenskonzept zur Implementierung neuer Anforderungen in der Autozulieferindustrie. FH JOANNEUM University of Applied Sciences, Diplomarbeit zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades einer Diplomingenieurin (DI) eingereicht am Studiengang International Industrial Management (Master's Thesis), Kapfenberg, am 10.09.2022, 104 p.
Irina Kostadinova. Integrated Pedagogical Approach on Teaching and Learning for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Proceedings of University of Ruse – 2021, Volume 60, Book 8.2, pp. 21-27.
Eva L. Suarez, Daniel E. Meeroff. Interdisciplinary approach to flood risk and the Consequence of Flooding. FLOODrisk 2020 – 4th European Conference on Flood Risk Management ( Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME). DOI 10.3311/FLOODRisk2020.11.19.
Anna Eriksson. Niklas Landström. Riskhantering vid artikelintroduktioner och produktionsförändringar inom fordonsindustrin - En fallstudie av Process-FMEA vid Scania CV. Dissertation. Luleå tekniska universitet, 75 pages, 2021. Retrieved from ; ;
Social Responsibility as a Means for the Sustainable Development in the Lower Danube River Basin
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Known Citations as of 2023-03-28: 3
Irina Kostadinova. Teaching and Learning for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through Study Cases. Proceedings of University of Ruse – 2022, Volume 61, Book 8.2, pp. 50-54.
Irina Kostadinova. Integrated Pedagogical Approach on Teaching and Learning for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Proceedings of University of Ruse – 2021, Volume 60, Book 8.2, pp. 21-27.
Diana Iulia Popa, Dan-Cristian Dabija. ISO 26000: A Brief Literature Review. In: Idowu S., Sitnikov C., Moratis L. (eds) ISO 26000 - A Standardized View on Corporate Social Responsibility. CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance. Springer, Cham. 2019.
Enhancing Quality Management Systems with Knowledge Management in a University Context
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Known Citations as of 2024-12-19: 1
Sérgio Adriany Santos Moreira. Aprendizagem Impulsionada pela Tecnologia em Gestão de Negócios: Proposta de Aplicativo Educacional Inovador Desenvolvido pela Geração Z (Tech-Driven Learning in Business Management: Generation Z's Innovative Educational App Proposal). Administração: Ensino e Pesquisa Rio de Janeiro v. 25 nº 2 p. 34–62 Mai-Ago 2024. DOI: . ISSN 2358-0917. ; (PDF, ES) ; (PDF, EN)
Sustained Success of Organizations – A Comparative Analysis
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Known Citations as of 2022-09-15: 1
Nevena Ivanova, Elka Vasileva. The Inevitable Future, New Opportunities for Market Dvelopment or Idealism? Analysis of Successful Models of Sustainable Governance of Organizations (Неизбежно бъдеще, нови възможности за пазарно развитие или идеализъм? Анализ на успешни модели на устойчиво управление на организациите). ХХХII NSP Conference "QUALITY - FOR A BETTER LIFE ' 2021" - November 11, 2021, Sofia, pp. 72-83. .
Improving the Internal Auditing Procedure by Using SIPOC Diagrams
Link to the original publication. Link 2. Link 3.
Known Citations as of 2025-01-03: 19
Veronika Svatošová, Gabriela Chmelíková, Barbara Kiełbasa, Dżamila Bieńkowska, Jiří Nesiba, Sylvie Formánková. Selected management problems in the world of the circular bioeconomy. The Circular Bioeconomy, 1st Edition, 2025. pp. 89-120, DOI: 10.4324/9781003453529-5 ; eBook ISBN 9781003453529. (PDF) ;
Юлія Зливко. Розробка пропозицій з поліпшення процесу «Реалізація продукції» в рамках системи управління якістю ТОВ «Тернофарм». (Development of proposals to improve the process of "Production implementation" within the framework of the quality management system of "Ternofarm" LLC). Кваліфікаційна робота, Міністерство охорони здоров’я України, Національний фармацевтичний університет, Факультет фармацевтичних технологій та менеджменту, Кафедра управління та забезпечення якості у фармації, Харків – 2024. ;Зливко%20Юлія%20Станіславівна_кваліфікаційна%20робота.pdf
Марина Міквабішвілі. Розробка підходів щодо проведення внутрішніх аудитів в рамках системи управління якістю на ТОВ «ЦСК «Біофарма-Плазма». (Development of approaches to conducting internal audits within the framework of the quality management system at CSK BIOPHARMAPLAZMA LLC). Кваліфікаційна робота, Міністерство охорони здоров’я України, Національний фармацевтичний університет, Факультет фармацевтичних технологій та менеджменту, Кафедра управління та забезпечення якості у фармації, Харків – 2024. ;Міквабішвілі%20Марина%20Валеріївна_кваліфікаційна%20робота.pdf
Hamideh Asnaashari, Fatemeh Khodabandehlou. Lean Six Sigma, effectiveness, and efficiency of internal auditing, International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, Vol. 15 No. 4, pp. 787-816. ISSN: 2040-4166. (2023), ; ;
Carlos Vázquez Cid de León, Asenet Nizandaya Alcántara Sánchez, Salvador Montesinos González. Caracterización de la norma ISO 9001:2015 a través de la mejora continua para su implementación en organizaciones con inteligencia artificial. Ingeniería Industrial, (45), 109-129, 2023. ; ; (PDF)
Luz Victoria De La Cruz Sulca. Gestión por procesos y mejora continua en instituciones educativas de Lima Metropolitana, 2023. Universidad César Vallejo, Lima, Perú. Tesis para obtenir el grado académico de Maestra en Gestión Pública, 90 p., 2023. ; (PDF)
Yolanda Flores Ramírez, Aida Yarira Reyes, Germán Espino, José Ángel Pendones Fernández. Rediseño del sistema de gestión mediante el QFD en área de inventariocaso de Mipyme Ferretera. In: Soluciones multidisciplinarias para el desarrollo regional del noroeste de Chihuahua, Coordinadoras Aida Yarira Reyes Escalante Margarita Sayuri Sáenz Rodríguez. Edition: 1era, Chapter: 11, Ediciones del Lirio, SA de CV, Ciudad de México, 2023. pp. 279-303. ISBN Ediciones del Lirio: 978-607-8930-05-0, ISBN EPUB: 978-607-8930-08-1. ; (PDF)
Isabela Cristina de Arruda. Aplicação de PDCA e SDCA para melhorias e padronização de processos do laboratório clínico do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu (Application of PDCA and SDCA for improvements and standardization of processes in the clinical laboratory of Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu). Trabalho de conclusão de curso (bacharelado - Ciências Biomédicas) - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho", Instituto de Biociências de Botucatu, Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2022. ; ;
Silvia Flor Perez Ferradas, Cristhian Enrique Rubiños Deza. Diseño de procesos de gestión para el área de Almacén – Logística en la empresa Fonpell SAC – Trujillo 2021. Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego - UPAO, Trujillo, Perú, Tesis para obtener el título profesional de licenciado en administración, 116 p., 2022. ; ;
Khansaa Naser Hussaina, Alaa Fareed Abdulahad. The Extent of Application of Internal Auditing Standards in Iraqi Commercial Banks. International Journal of Professional Business Review, São Paulo, v. 7, n. 3, p. 01-18, e0600, 2022. ISSN 2525-3654. DOI: ; ;
Diana Fernanda Pérez Pineda. Mejora del proceso de producción basado en la metodología lean-six sigma en la empresa Indumei ubicada en la ciudad de Ibarra. Universidad Técnica del Norte, Tesis de grado previa a la obtenación del título de ingenería industrial, 122 p. Ibarra, Ecuador, 2022. ,
José Luis Pineda Espinosa. Metodología para el mejoramiento de la gestión logística de aprovisionamiento en la unión temporal IJP del sector de hidrocarburos (Methodology for the improvement of the logistics management of supply in the temporary union IJP of the hydrocarbons sector). Universidad Miliar Nueva Granada, Programa de Ingeniería Industriala, Trabajo presentado como requisito parcial para obtener el título de Ingeniero Industrial, 71 p. Bogotá, Colombia, 2021.
Whee Yen Wong, Chan Wai Lee, Kim Yeow Tshai, Toong Hai Sam. Towards Integrating Six Sigma Approach: Service Level Agreement Measurement and Monitoring (A Malaysian IT Outsourcing Case Study). Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT). Vol.12, No.3 (2021), pp. 2191-2198. e-ISSN 1309-4653. (SCOPUS) ;
Jacqueline Lizarbe, María Claudia Aguilar. Metodología aplicada a la mejora de procesos utilizando herramientas de innovación (A Methodology for Process Improvement Using Innovation Tools). Ingeniería Industrial n.° 39, diciembre 2020, ISSN 1025-9929, pp. 165-186. DOI: 10.26439/ing.ind2020.n039.4920 ; ;
Elias Tinkler, Patrik Westlin. Fostering Continuous Improvement and Innovation Through the Complaints Process. A case study at a global manufacturing company. Industrial and Management Engineering, master's level. Luleå University of Technology, Sweden, 2020.
Sanni Kymäläinen. Framework for Sales and Operations Planning in Engineer-to-Order Environment. Tampere University, Finland, 2020.
Xènia Amorós i Soldevila. Transformació digital i gestió per processos. Tutor: Ramon Piqué i Huerta. Màster en Tradumàtica: Tecnologiesde la Traducció. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2020. ;
Anna Ericson Öberg, Peter Almström, Anna Landström. A pull approach to performance measurement systems design. 26th EurOMA Conference, Helsinki, Finland, 2019-06-15 - 2019-05-19, pp. 1-8. ; (PDF)
Terhi Holmberg. Improving order-to-delivery process efficiency in customised production. Lahti University of Applied Sciences, Finland, 2019.
Сиви чугуни – възход без падение. Ретроспекция и перспективи
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Known Citations as of 2020-12-18: 1
Георги Рашев, Владимир Тодоров. Получаване на износоустойчиви карбидо-бейнитни чугуни със сфероидален графит (Production of Wear-Resistant Carbidic Austempered Ductile Iron). Международна научна конференция “УНИТЕХ’10” – Габрово, 19 – 20 ноември 2010, Габрово, II-225 - II-227.
The Real Capabilities of the Photogrammetric and the Stereo-photogrammetric Methods for Measurement in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
Link to the original publication.
Known Citations as of 2025-01-04: 5
Miroslav Kokalarov, Dimitar Dichev, Branko Sotirov, Svetlin Parvanov, Boris Sakakakushev. Accuracy Analysis Methods for Photogrammetric Measurements in Industrial Production. 2024 XXXIV International Scientific Symposium Metrology and Metrology Assurance (MMA), Sozopol, Bulgaria, 2024, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/MMA62616.2024.10817674.
Мирослав Кокаларов, Николай Ангелов. Изследване на перспективите за приложение на фотограметричния с стереофотограметричния методи за измерване в машиностроенето и индустриалното инженерство. (Miroslav Kokalarov, Nikolay Angelov. Research of Prospects for application of Photogrammetric and Stereophotogrammetric Methods of Measurement in Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Engineering). Сборник с доклади от Международна научна конференция “УНИТЕХ’24” – Габрово, стр. 1-8 ISSN 1313-230X.
Sotirov, B[ranko]; Tonev, D[anko]; Parvanov, S[vetlin] & Kokalarov, M[iroslav] (2021). Determining the Geometrical Elements in the Photogrammetric Method for Measuring Linear Dimensions, Proceedings of the 32nd DAAAM International Symposium, pp. 0275-0280, B. Katalinic (Ed.), Published by DAAAM International, ISBN 978-3-902734-33-4, ISSN 1726-9679, Vienna, Austria. DOI: 10.2507/32nd.daaam.proceedings.039 ;
Danko Tonev, Branko Sotirov. Extending the Production Tolerance of a Gauge and Determining its Trueness. International conference KNOWLEDGE-BASED ORGANIZATION | Volume 26: Issue 3. 20 Jul 2020.
Miroslav Leventov Kokalarov. Predetermination of the Uncertainty Budget and Error Analysis of the Photogrammetric Method in Heavy Machinery. Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings (30th International DAAAM Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing and Automation, Zadar, Croatia, 23-26 October 2019, ISBN 978-1-7138-0003-3). 2019, Vol. 30, p0914-0920. 7p. (EBSCOhost)
Load Profile of Typical Residential Buildings in Bulgaria
Link to the original publication.
Known Citations as of 2024-10-27: 14
Laurens Castenmiller. Exploring the Operation of Mechanical Cooling, Driven by On-Site Energy Generation, to Achieve Indoor Comfort. Eindhoven University of Technology, Master's Thesis, Eindhoven, 46 p., 2024. ;
Sophie Vercammen. Experimental characterization of a solar boiler as a sensible thermal energy storage. MasterThesis 2022-2023, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Department of Electromechanical, Systems and Metal Engineering, Ghent University, 102 p. 2023-05-25.
Ferhat Yılmaz, Yavuz Eren. A novel load profile generation method based on the estimation of regional usage habit parameters with genetic algorithm. Electric Power Systems Research, Volume 217, April 2023, 109165, pp. 1-13. (Electric Power Systems Research 217 (2023) 109165). ; SCOPUS, Web of Science
Ivan Minin, Teodora Hristova. Effect of Drum Ball Mill Lining Shape on Specific Energy Consumption. 2022 International Conference on Communications, Information, Electronic and Energy Systems (CIEES), 2022, pp. 1-6, DOI: 10.1109/CIEES55704.2022.9990062. SCOPUS
Julie Helen Evenstuen, Pernille Sofie Pedersen, Ida Marie Thrane. Utilising the Potential in Thermally Activated Building Systems (TABS) to Optimise the Positive Energy Block (PEB) at Sluppen. Bachelor’s thesis in Engineering, Renewable Energy. Supervisor: Jacob J. Lamb, May 2022. ; ;
Hristo Beloev, Ivaylo Stoyanov, Teodor Iliev. Good Practices in Implementing Energy Efficiency Measures in "Angel Kanchev" University of Ruse. 2022 8th International Conference on Energy Efficiency and Agricultural Engineering (EE&AE), 2022, pp. 1-4, DOI: 10.1109/EEAE53789.2022.9831424. SCOPUS
Jan Pojar, Jakub Kvasnica. Upscaling Energy Efficiency Via Energy Communities. Proceedings of 12th Business & Management Virtual Conference, Prague, 15 September 2021, pp.73-86, ISBN 978-80-7668-005-0, IISES. DOI: 10.20472/BMC.2021.012.009. ;
Xuan Zhou, Yukun Mei, Liequan Liang, Zhubing Fan, Junwei Yan, Dongmei Pan. A dynamic energy benchmarking methodology on room level for energy performance evaluation. Journal of Building Engineering, Volume 42, October 2021, 102837. ; ; SCOPUS
Georgi Chankov, Nikolay Hinov. Testing the Applicability of “Ecologically Friendly” Energy Sources in Household Electricity Consumption in Bulgaria. TEM Journal, Issue No: 2 (10/2021), pp. 531-539. SCOPUS, Web of Science
Ivaylo Stoyanov, Teodor Iliev, Grigor Mihaylov. A Statistical Study of the Electricity Consumption of Household Consumers During the Spring Period in Ruse, Bulgaria. 2th International Symposium on Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering (ATEE), 2021, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ATEE52255.2021.9425312. SCOPUS
Kostadin Milanov, Metody Georgiew, Alexandra Georgieva. Optimization algorithms for RES operation application with utilization of programmable logic controllers. pp.5. 2020. 978-1-7281-9439-4. SCOPUS
Todor Yordanov. Opportunities for Application of Photovoltaics of Typical Residential Buildings in the City of Ruse. (Тодор Йорданов. Възможности за приложение на фотоволтаични източници в типични жилищни сгради в Русе). Proceedings of University of Ruse – 2020, Volume 59, Book 3.1, pp. 64-69.
Tawanda Maseva, Sunetra Chowdhury. Impact of Integrating Residential Solar PV Clusters on Voltage Profile in Urban Distribution Network. 2020 International SAUPEC/RobMech/PRASA Conference (Scopus), Cape Town, South Africa, 2020, pp. 1-6. 29-31 Jan. 2020 Electronic ISBN: 978-1-7281-4162-6; Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN: 978-1-7281-4163-3. SCOPUS, Web of Science
Искрен Николов. Разработване на система за управление на микроклимата в складово помещение. (Iskren Nikolov. Development of a warehouse microclimate management system). Journal “Innovation and entrepreneurship”, ISSN 1314-9253 Volume VI, number 3, pp. 166 – 174, 2018. ,
Analysis of using digital learning materials in engineering laboratory courses
Link to the original publication.
Known Citations as of 2021-04-17: 5
Antoaneta Dimitrova. Training in Electrical Machines by Adaptation of Educational Technologies. The 15th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2020, pp. 297-302. ISSN: 1844-8933. (Web of Science)
Sershen, Ivan Stojšić, Suveshnee Munien. Teaching Practicals in the Time of Physical Distancing: Advances, Challenges and Recommendations for Higher Education. Journal Alternation, pp.34-53, University of Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa, 2021. Print ISSN: 1023-1757, Electronic ISSN: 2519-5476.
Joshua C. Nwokeji, Ayodele Olagunju, Terry Holmes. Social Network as Learning Technology in Information Systems Education: Insight into Student Preferences. Proceedings of the 2020 AIS SIGED International Conference on Information Systems Education and Research. 28. ;
Fırat Sarsar, Özge Akboğa Kale, Özge Andiç‐Çakır, Tzvetelin Gueorguiev, Boris Evstatiev, Tsvetelina Georgieva, Seher Kadirova, Nikolay Mihailov, Przemysław Różewski, Magdalena Kieruzel, Tomasz Lipczyński, Marcin Prys, Manon van Leeuwen. Multicultural investigation of the students' acceptance of using digital learning materials in laboratory classes. Journal Computer Applications in Engineering Education.
Olli Rantanen. Lukion fysiikan opiskelijoiden kokema kognitiivinen kuormitus Abitti-kokeissa. (Olli Rantanen. The cognitive load experienced by high school students during Abitti e-Exams). 104 p., 2019.
Good practices of Knowledge Management at the University of Ruse, Bulgaria
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Known Citations as of 2021-03-30: 2
Hugo Alves, João Ribeiro, Yordanka Dimitrova. Improving Students’ Communication and Problem Solving Skills During Teamwork. Proceedings of University of Ruse – 2019, volume 58, book 4 (Transport and Machine Science), pp. 97-102.
Antoaneta Dobreva, Vasko Dobrev. Digital Transformation Dynamics in Higher Education. Proceedings of University of Ruse – 2020, volume 59, book 4.1 (Transport and Machine Science), pp. 12-16.
A critical overview of the normative regulatory and international standard requirements for healthy and safe public facilities
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Known Citations as of 2024-09-14: 5
Vivek Ojha, Apurva Sharma, Ved Prakash Ranjan, Rahul Rautela, Aachal Dhawral, Sunil Kumar. Resource Recovery from Legacy Waste Dumpsites in India: A Path Towards Sustainable Waste Management. Chemosphere, Volume 365 (2024) 143337. ISSN 0045-6535, ; ; ; SCOPUS
Visar Hoxha. Examining the nexus of building regulations, urban planning, and housing prices and affordability: insights from Prishtina, Kosovo. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print. ISSN: 2398-4708, ; SCOPUS
Dhurgham Aseal Kareem, Huda Abdul Hadi Obaid, Hiba Yousif Taha. The role of financial process re-engineering in alleviating the pressures of in commercial banks of Al-Muthanna. South Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (SAJSSH), Volume 5, Issue 3, 5(3):55-70, DOI: 10.48165/sajssh.2024.5304. ;
Snezhinka Zaharieva, Iordan Stoev, Adriana Borodzhieva. IoT-Based Device for Indoor Premises Relative Humidity Control, 2023 22nd International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA (INFOTEH), East Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2023, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/INFOTEH57020.2023.10094088. SCOPUS
Snezhinka Zaharieva, Ivan Georgiev, Slavi Georgiev, Iordan Stoev, Adriana Borodzhieva. Implementation of a Prediction Model in a Smart System for Enhancing Comfort in Dwellings. December 2023, Electronics 12(24):4899. DOI: 10.3390/electronics12244899 ; ;
An Updated Model for Optimization of Quality Management Systems’ Documentation
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Known Citations as of 2020-12-18: 2
Илия Железаров. Системи за управление на качеството. Учебник. Първо издание, 112 с., Университетско издателство „Васил Априлов” – Габрово, 2019, ISBN: 978-954-683-600-7.
Iliya Zhelezarov. Управление на риска в система за управление на качеството (Risk Management in Quality Management System). International Scientific Conference UniTech 2019, Gabrovo, pp. 422-426.
Innovation Management Systems - Reality and Perspectives
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Known Citations as of 2025-02-07: 7
Branislava Bajić, Marina Janković, Vijoleta Vrhovac, Teodora Vučković, Srđan Vulanović, Dušanka Dakić. Importance of Innovation Management System in Organizations. Proceedings – The First International Conference FUTURE-BME 2024 (Forging the Future: Pioneering Approaches in Business, Management and Economics Engineering to Overcome Emerging Global Challenges), pp. 286-293, Novi Sad, Serbia.
Welbert Luiz Silva, Silvio Bitencourt da Silva, Raoni Barros Bagno. Inovação e padronização: uma revisão sistemática da literatura. (Innovation and Standardization: A Systematic Literature Review). ARTIGOS. R. Gest. Anál., Fortaleza, v. 13, n. 1, p. 104-123, jan./abr. 2024. ISSN 1984-7297 | e-ISSN 2359-618X. DOI: 10.12662/2359-618xregea.v13i1.p104-123.2024 ; ; (PDF)
Rayane Rezak, Assia Djenouhat, Hamid Kherbachi. The Role of Innovation Management System ISO 56002 Standard in the Competitive Edge toward Sustainability. Sumerianz Journal of Business Management and Marketing, 2023, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 1-8. ISSN(e): 2617-0175, ISSN(p): 2617-1724. Website: . DOI: ; ;
Radka P. Ivanova. Innovations and ISO Standards Management in the Organizations. Izvestia Journal of the Union of Scientists - Varna. Economic Sciences Series, vol. 11, №2, 2022, pp. 39-46 (СЕРИЯ ИКОНОМИЧЕСКИ НАУКИ, том 11, №2 2022, стр. 39-46). ISSN (print): 1314-7390; ISSN (online): 2603-4085. ; ;
Елка Василева, Кремена Арамова, Юлия Арабаджиева. Иновации и дизайн на продуктите и услугите. Резултати от проучвания за нуждите от обучение в културните и творческите сектори. Сборник с доклади от ХХХIII Национална научно-практическа конференция с международно участие "Качеството - за по-добър живот 2022", стр. 51-55, „АВАНГАРД ПРИМА“, София, 2022. ISSN 2603-4387 (PRINT)
Rayane Rezak, Assia Djenouhat, Hamid Kherbachi. The Impact of ISO 56000 Standard on Managerial Practices towards Sustainable Development - A Prospective Study on an Algerian International Port Company. Valahian Journal of Economic Studies 13(2):101-112, (Volume 13 (27), Issue 2, November 2022). DOI: 10.2478/vjes-2022-0020 ;
Denitsa Fileva, Anton Nedyalkov. Development of elements in system of qualitative indicators for monitoring internal entrepreneurship. (Разработване на елементи в система от количествени индикатори за мониторинг на вътрешното предприемачество). Proceedings of University of Ruse – 2021, Volume 60, Book 5.1, pp. 59-64.
The Process Approach in Artificial Intelligence Management Systems for Quality and Innovations
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Known Citations as of 2024-10-17: 1
Seda Ipek Aksoy Ercan, Osman Akin. International Insights on AI Risk: Comparative Analysis of International Organizations. 2024 8th International Artificial Intelligence and Data Processing Symposium (IDAP), Malatya, Turkiye, 2024, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.1109/IDAP64064.2024.10711117. SCOPUS
Management for Quality and Innovations
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Known Citations as of 2023-02-03: 1
Елка Василева, Кремена Арамова, Юлия Арабаджиева. Иновации и дизайн на продуктите и услугите. Резултати от проучвания за нуждите от обучение в културните и творческите сектори. Сборник с доклади от ХХХIII Национална научно-практическа конференция с международно участие "Качеството - за по-добър живот 2022", стр. 51-55, „АВАНГАРД ПРИМА“, София, 2022. ISSN 2603-4387 (PRINT)
ISO Standards Do Good – a New Perspective on Sustainable Development Goals
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Known Citations as of 2025-01-17: 15
Daniel Pavlov, Ana Todorova. Opportunities for Integration of Digital Business Models in Intergenerational Businesses. Вестник Челябинского государственного университета. 2024. № 6 (488). С. 97–105. УДК 334 (Bulletin of Chelyabinsk State University. 2024;(6(488):107-115.) DOI: 10.47475/1994-2796-2024-488-6-107-115 ;
Diana Antonova, Silvia Beloeva, Ana Todorova. The Dual Impact of Artificial Intelligence: Catalyst for Innovation or Threat to Stability. Strategies for Policy in Science and Education, Volume 32, Number 6s, 2024. ; Web of Science
Miglė Jatulevičiūtė. Tvarumu grindžiami verslo procesai: įtaką darantys veiksniai ir valdymo iššūkiai (Sustainability-Based business processes: influencing factors and management challenges). Vilnius University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Vilnius, 2024. Master's Thesis, 96 p. ; .
Carola Hieker, Greg Gannon, Emily Nan Philips, Sohil Majmudar. Motivations for ESG Investment Among Leaders in the MICE Industry. European Journal of Sustainable Development (EJSD), 13(4), 71. (Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 71-84, 2024), DOI: 10.14207/ejsd.2024.v13n4p71 ; ; (PDF) Web of Science
Catarina Borges Ferreira. Social Responsibility in Mechanical Engineering: Solutions for Portugal’s Railway Sector. Master's Thesis, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, 110 p., 2024-07-08.
Ján Hunady, Veronika Chyláková. Commonalities of standards certification and research and development as enablers of firms' sustainable innovation and technological progress. Sustainable Technology and Entrepreneurship 3 (2024) 100075. ; ; SCOPUS
Daniel Pavlov, Matei Tamasila, Ana Todorova, Julia Murzina. Family Businesses and Green Transformation - Attitudes and Opportunities for the Development of Sustainable Intergenerational Businesses. 2024 9th International Conference on Energy Efficiency and Agricultural Engineering (EE&AE) Conference Proceedings, pp. 1-6, IEEE, 2024. DOI: 10.1109/EEAE60309.2024.10600633 ; SCOPUS, Web of Science
Ilkin Kyamilov. Possible Scenarios to Start Own Fitness Center. International May Conference on Strategic Management – IMCSM24, May 2024, Bor, Republic of Serbia, 20th Students symposium on strategic management - Book of Proceedings, Volume XX, Issue (3) (2024), pp. 49-53. ISSN 2620-0597. (PDF)
Virginia Centeno. Opportunities for a Small Manufacturing Company to Enter the International Market. International May Conference on Strategic Management – IMCSM24, May 2024, Bor, Republic of Serbia, 20th Students symposium on strategic management - Book of Proceedings, Volume XX, Issue (3) (2024), pp. 54-60. ISSN 2620-0597. (PDF)
Catarina Moreira Soares. Contributos para a implementação de um sistema de gestão integrado na empresa Águas e Energia do Porto, EM. (Contributions for the implementation of an integrated management system on the company Águas e Energia do Porto, E.M). Universidade do Minho, Escola de Engenharia, Portugal, Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia e Gestão da Qualidade, 15-Dez-2023. ; ; (PDF)
Jurgita Paužuolienė, Ilvija Pikturnaitė. Tarptautinės standartizacijos organizacijos indėlis įgyvendinant JT darnaus vystymosi iki 2030 m. darbotvakę. (The Contribution of the International Standards Oorganisation to the Implementation of the United Nation's Sustainable Development for 2030 Agenda). STUDIJOS – VERSLAS – VISUOMENĖ: DABARTIS IR ATEITIES ĮŽVALGOS, 1(VIII), 112–118, 2023. ; ;
Małgorzata Zdzisława Wiśniewska. Cele zrównoważonego rozwoju i ich realizacja w świetle norm dotyczących systemów zarządzania i ich integracji. (Sustainable development goals and their implementation in the light of management system standards and their integration). Problemy Jakości (Problems of Quality), R. 54, nr 4, pp. 14-23, 2022. DOI 10.15199/46.2022.4.2 ; ; ;
Lucas Catalani Gabriel. Supporting national standards bodies to stimulate education about standardization. Master: Université de Genève, 2022. ;
Nevena Ivanova, Elka Vasileva. The Inevitable Future, New Opportunities for Market Dvelopment or Idealism? Analysis of Successful Models of Sustainable Governance of Organizations (Неизбежно бъдеще, нови възможности за пазарно развитие или идеализъм? Анализ на успешни модели на устойчиво управление на организациите). ХХХII NSP Conference "QUALITY - FOR A BETTER LIFE ' 2021" - November 11, 2021, Sofia, pp. 72-83. .
Denitsa Fileva, Daniel Pavlov. Intrapreneurship improvement in a machine building firm through the ISO 9001:2015 principles. (Подобрения във вътрешното предприемачество в машиностроителна фирма чрез принципите на ISO 9001:2015). Proceedings of University of Ruse – 2021, Volume 60, Book 5.1, pp. 54-58.
A Maturity Model as a Tool for Sustainable Development of Organizations
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Known Citations as of 2024-02-01: 3
Pavel Vitliemov, Neli Babekova. An Approach to Applying a Methodology for Self-Assessment of an Environmental Management System Through a Maturity Model in Different Industries in Bulgaria. Proceedings of University of Ruse - 2023, volume 62, book 5.1., pp. 51-57.
Neli Babekova. Towards an Approach to Improve an Environmental Management System in Industrial Organization. The Journal of CIEES, Volume 2, Issue 2, December 2022, pp. 32 – 35, ISSN: 2738-7283 (Print), 2738-7291 (Online) DOI: 10.48149/jciees.2022.2.2.5 ;
Neli Babekova. An Approach to Develop a Methodology for Self-Assessment of an Environmental Management System through a Maturity Model in Organizations from the Mineral and Raw Materials Industry. (Изследване на влиянието върху технологичните параметри на вибрационната устойчивост при моделирането на технологична система). Proceedings of University of Ruse – 2022, Volume 61, Book 5.1, pp. 61-67.
The experience gained from implementing an ISO 56000-based innovation management system
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Known Citations as of 2024-09-16: 4
Bertiene Maria Lack Barboza, João Luiz Kovaleski, Fernanda Cavichioli Zola, Daiane Maria de Genaro Chiroli. Connecting the Dots: Bridging Innovation Management and Technology Transfer Through ISO 56002. Journal of Information & Knowledge Management, 2024, ISSN (print): 0219-6492, ISSN (online): 1793-6926. ; ; ; SCOPUS
Isabelle M. L. Souza, Danyllo W. Albuquerque, Danilo F. S. Santos. Excelência na Gestão da Inovação: Um Roadmap Prático para a Implementação das Normas ISO 56000, 56002 e 56005.2024: Anais do XII Workshop de Computação Aplicada em Governo Eletrônico, pp. 190-201 ;
Mercedes Delgado-Fernández. Modelos de gestión de la innovación: conceptos, enfoques, normas y tendencias (Innovation management models: concepts, approaches, standards and trends). Ingeniería Industrial/ISSN 1815-5936/Vol. XLV/No. 1/enero-abril/2024/1-9. ; (PDF)
Marija Cundeva-Blajer, Leonardo Iannucci. Editorial to selected papers from the 2022 IMEKO TC11&TC24 Joint Conference. Acta IMEKO, vol. 12, no. 2, article 4, June 2023, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-12 (2023)-02-04, DOI: ; ; SCOPUS
A cross-section of innovation leadership – The case of University of Ruse, Bulgaria
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Known Citations as of 2024-12-22: 3
Murat Aydın. An Overview of the ISO 45001 (Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) Management) and Its Integration into Architecture, Engineering, And Construction Projects. 10th International Asian Congress on Contemporary Sciences, December 10-14, 2024 Dubai, UAE. pp. 238-247. ;
Murat Aydın. An Overview of the ISO 56000 (Innovation Management) and Its Integration into Architecture, Engineering, And Construction Projects. 10th International Asian Congress on Contemporary Sciences, December 10-14, 2024 Dubai, UAE. pp. 248-259. ;
Rob Sheffield, Karina R. Jensen, Stephanie Kaudela-Baum, Inspiring and Enabling Innovation Leadership: Key Findings and Future Directions. Jensen, K.R., Kaudela-Baum, S. and Sheffield, R. (Ed.) Innovation Leadership in Practice: How Leaders Turn Ideas into Value in a Changing World, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 367-381, 2023. ; SCOPUS
A model for the integration of automotive quality management system requirements
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Known Citations as of 2025-01-04: 3
Miryana Masheva, Branko Sotirov. Method for Taximeter Verification with Roller Test Bench. 2024 XXXIV International Scientific Symposium Metrology and Metrology Assurance (MMA), Sozopol, Bulgaria, 2024, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/MMA62616.2024.10817680.
Ana Todorova, Irina Kostadinova. The Role of Environmental Non-Governmental Organizations in Achieving Energy Efficiency. 2024 9th International Conference on Energy Efficiency and Agricultural Engineering (EE&AE) Conference Proceedings, pp. 1-6, IEEE, 2024. DOI: 10.1109/EEAE60309.2024.10600577 ; SCOPUS
Priskila C. Rahayu, Kurniawan A. Wicaksono, Real Time OEE Monitoring for Intelligent Manufacture Technology. 2024 15th International Conference on Mechanical and Intelligent Manufacturing Technologies (ICMIMT), Cape Town, South Africa, 2024, pp. 80-83, DOI: 10.1109/ICMIMT61937.2024.10585713 ;
Surface Plastic Deformation Process as a Method for Machining Surfaces Which are Suitable for Bearing Fits
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Known Citations as of 2022-02-21: 1
Dimitar Dimitrov. Investigation of the Influence of Technological Parameters on Vibration Resistance in Modeling the Technological System. (Изследване на влиянието върху технологичните параметри на вибрационната устойчивост при моделирането на технологична система). Proceedings of University of Ruse – 2021, Volume 60, Book 2.1, pp. 38-45.
Construction materials obtained by recycling ash from coalfired power plants ash ponds. Estimation of basic mechanical properties by means of machine learning algorithms. Part I— Discussion on suitability of several machine learning algorithms for the problem
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Known Citations as of 2023-06-15: 1
Mila Ilieva-Obretenova. Blockchain for Solid Waste Trading. Management Studies, Mar.-Apr. 2023, Vol. 11, No. 1, 53-64. DOI: 10.17265/2328-2185/2023.02.001 ; ; ; ;
Construction materials obtained by recycling ash from coalfired power plants ash ponds. Estimation of basic mechanical properties by means of machine learning algorithms. Part II— Machine learning algorithms benchmarking
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Known Citations as of 2023-06-14: 1
Mila Ilieva-Obretenova. Blockchain for Solid Waste Trading. Management Studies, Mar.-Apr. 2023, Vol. 11, No. 1, 53-64. DOI: 10.17265/2328-2185/2023.02.001 ; ; ; ;
Research and Application of the PDCA Cycle in Artificial Intelligence Management Systems
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Known Citations as of 2025-01-27: 1
Aleksandr Ishkov. (2025). Classification of natural specializations by priority component of the telescopic model of the natural cycle of activity. Edelweiss Applied Science and Technology, 9(2), 193–207. ; ; (PDF)
The PDCA Cycle - The Master Key to Unlocking the Secrets of ISO Management System Standards
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Known Citations as of 2024-10-15: 2
Joanna Ruth P. Castillo, Christopher C. Mantillas (2024). Sustainable Livelihood Program in Selected Local Government Units of Rizal Province, Philippines: Basis for an Action Plan. Journal of Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 2(11) (Vol. 2, No. 11), 246-255. ; ;
Matija Kovačić, Tamara Tetec, Ivana Grahovac. Analysis of implementation factors of management systems – case of the Republic of Croatia. E4E - Education for Entrepreneurship 14(2024)1:35-42 (Obrazovanje za poduzetništvo - E4E : znanstveno stručni časopis o obrazovanju za poduzetništvo, Vol. 14, No. 1, str. 35-42, 2024.). DOI: 10.38190/ope.14.1.4 ; ; (PDF)
Uncertainty Sources Analysis of a Static Method for Taximeter Verification
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Known Citations as of 2024-08-17: 1
Cesar Hernandez, Ángel Farfán, Diego Giral. Novel proposal for a smart electronic taximeter based on microcontroller systems. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), Vol. 14, No. 5, October 2024, pp. 4996~5007. DOI: ; ; ; (PDF) SCOPUS
Calibration Methodology for Roller Test Bench Used for Taximeter Verification
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Known Citations as of 2025-01-04: 2
Miryana Masheva, Branko Sotirov. Method for Taximeter Verification with Roller Test Bench. 2024 XXXIV International Scientific Symposium Metrology and Metrology Assurance (MMA), Sozopol, Bulgaria, 2024, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/MMA62616.2024.10817680.
Cesar Hernandez, Ángel Farfán, Diego Giral. Novel proposal for a smart electronic taximeter based on microcontroller systems. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), Vol. 14, No. 5, October 2024, pp. 4996~5007. DOI: ; ; ; (PDF) SCOPUS
Measurement system analysis of a static method for taximeter verification
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Known Citations as of 2024-01-04: 3
Dimitar Dichev, Iliya Zhelezarov, Borislav Georgiev, Hasan Hasanov, Kaloyan Libchev, Oleksandr Kupriyanov, Ivo Malakov, Ralitza Dicheva. Improving the Accuracy of Systems for Measuring the Angular Position of Moving Objects with an Adaptive Wiener Filter. 2024 XXXIV International Scientific Symposium Metrology and Metrology Assurance (MMA), Sozopol, Bulgaria, 2024, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/MMA62616.2024.10817671.
Tsanko Karadzhov, Miroslav Kokalarov, Borislav Georgiev. Accuracy Measurement System for Mechanical Watch via the Computer's Built-in Microphone. 2024 XXXIV International Scientific Symposium Metrology and Metrology Assurance (MMA), Sozopol, Bulgaria, 2024, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/MMA62616.2024.10817670.
Marija Cundeva-Blajer, Leonardo Iannucci. Editorial to selected papers from the 2022 IMEKO TC11&TC24 Joint Conference – 2nd part. Acta IMEKO, Vol. 12 No. 3 (2023), 1-2. DOI: ; ; SCOPUS
Рисков анализ на грешки на измерване (Risk analysis of measurement errors)
XIX научен симпозиум с международно участие „Метрология и метрологично осигуряване”, Сборник доклади, стр. 72-80, Созопол, 2009, ISSN 1313-9126 .
Known Citations as of 2024-01-04: 1
Miroslav Kokalarov, Dimitar Dichev, Branko Sotirov, Svetlin Parvanov, Boris Sakakakushev. Accuracy Analysis Methods for Photogrammetric Measurements in Industrial Production. 2024 XXXIV International Scientific Symposium Metrology and Metrology Assurance (MMA), Sozopol, Bulgaria, 2024, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/MMA62616.2024.10817674.
Изследване на източниците на грешки при измерване на механични свойства на материали (Examination of the sources of errors in measuring the mechanical properties of materials)
XVII научен симпозиум с международно участие „Метрология и метрологично осигуряване”, Сборник доклади, стр. 233-237, Созопол, 2006, ISBN 978-954-334-061-3.
Known Citations as of 2024-01-04: 1
Miroslav Kokalarov, Dimitar Dichev, Branko Sotirov, Svetlin Parvanov, Boris Sakakakushev. Implementation of the Stereophotogrametric Method for Measurement of Deformations in Engineering Structures and Constructions. 2024 XXXIV International Scientific Symposium Metrology and Metrology Assurance (MMA), Sozopol, Bulgaria, 2024, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/MMA62616.2024.10817627.
Best Practices and Lessons Learned from the Project 15.3. 1.017 Risk Management for Large Scale Infrastructures in the Romanian-Bulgarian Cross-Border Area"
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Known Citations as of 2024-09-14: 1
Munashe Naphtali Mupa, Florence R. Chiganze, Tapiwa I. Mpofu, Regis Mangeya, Maxwell Mubvuta. The Evolving Role of Management Accountants in Risk Management and Internal Controls in the Energy Sector. IRE Journals (Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, Volume 8, Issue 2, 2024, Page 859-881), Volume 8, Issue 2. ISSN: 2456-8880 (Aug 2024). ;
Multicultural Investigation of the Students’ Acceptance on Using Digital Learning Materials in Laboratory Classes
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Known Citations as of 2024-02-15: 21
Jincheng Ning, Gang Zhi, Zhenhua Sun. Research on Digital Transformation of Vocational Education in the Era of Big Data. Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences, Volume 9, Issue 1 (2024) 1-18. ISSN 2444-8656. ;
Patricia Wolf, Kathryn Cormican, Marianne Harbo Frederiksen, Andreas Wilhøft, Hüseyin Ekrem Ulus, Christoph Kunz, Özge Andiç-Çakır, Fırat Sarsar, Manon van Leeuwen. I think they just logged on and fell asleep: Challenges to facilitating creativity online in higher engineering education. Creativity and Innovation Management, 1–23. ; ; SCOPUS
Shuyi Li. Evaluation on the Reform and Development of Basic Music Education from a Multicultural Perspective. Curriculum and Teaching Methodology (2023) Vol. 6: 1-9. DOI: DOI: 10.23977/curtm.2023.060801. ISSN 2616-2261. ; ;
Tri Suryaningsih, Arifin Maksum, Arita Marini. Membentuk Profil Pelajar Pancasila Dimensi Berkebinekaan Global melalui Pendidikan Multikultural di Sekolah Dasar. DWIJA CENDEKIA: Jurnal Riset Pedagogik, Vol 7, No 3 (2023) / Volume 7 Nomor 3 Tahun 2023. P-ISSN: 2581-1843, E-ISSN: 2581-1835. DOI: ; ; (PDF)
Christoph Kunz, Patricia Wolf, Marianne Harbo Frederiksen, Özge Andıç Çakır, Hüseyin Ekrem Ulus, Fırat Sarsar, Kathryn Cormican, Manon Van Leeuwen. Upskilling Higher Education Engineering Teachers on Teaching Creativity Online. In S.M. Curle & M. T. Hebebci (Eds.) Proceedings of International Conference on Academic Studies in Technology and Education 2023, (pp. 66-77). Antalya, Turkiye. ARSTE Organization November 16-19, 2023. (PDF) Available from: ;
Vyarka Ronkova, Antoaneta Dobreva. Smart Design of Core Components in Engineering Education. Proceedings of the 34th DAAAM International Symposium, pp. 0121-0127, B. Katalinic (Ed.), Published by DAAAM International, ISBN 978-3-902734-41-9, ISSN 1726-9679, Vienna, Austria. DOI: 10.2507/34th.daaam.proceedings.017 ; ; SCOPUS
Chi Zhang, Jiaqi Guo. Real time image processing and operation management of multicultural communication platforms based on deep learning. International Conference on Mechatronics and Intelligent Control (ICMIC 2023); Proc. SPIE 12793, p. 562-566. International Conference on Mechatronics and Intelligent Control (ICMIC 2023), 1279327 (26 September 2023); ;
Ari Tri Noeryanti, Triana Rejekiningsih, Sudiyanto. Learning Innovation through the Development of Interactive Multimedia Based on Local Wisdom for Sociology Learning in the Digital Era. Jurnal Edutech Undiksha, Volume 11, Number 1, Tahun 2023, pp. 41-53. P-ISSN: 2614-8609, E-ISSN: 2615-2908. DOI: ; ;
Widya Rahma Wati, Sariyatun, Sudiyanto. Opportunities and Student Responses to Audio Visual-Based Learning Media for Learning in Vocational High Schools. ELITE JOURNAL, 5(2), 341-350. (ELITE JOURNAL: Journal of English Linguistics, Literature, and Education Articles, Vol. 5, No. 2, June 2023, pp. 341-350). Retrieved from ;
Roemintoyo, Hilmawan Wibawanto. Management And Use of Multimedia as an ICT-Based Learning Media to Improve the Skills of Vocational School Students. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies, pp. 1-10. ISSN: 2663-7197; DOI: 10.32996/jhsss ; ; ;
Hilmawan Wibawanto. Pengembangan Multimedia Simulasi Praktikum untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Pengoperasian Alat Ukur Sipat Datar pada Peserta didik SMK di Surakarta. Tesis Disusun untuk Memenuhi Sebagian Mencapai Derajat Magister, Program Studi Magister Teknoloji Pendidikan (Master Thesis in Technology Management) Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, 2023. ; ;
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