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Tzvetelin Gueorguiev. An approach to integrate Artificial Intelligence in ISO 9001-based quality management systems.

Подход за интергриране на изкуствен интелект в системи за управление на качеството, основани на ISO 9001

XXIV IMEKO World Congress “Think Metrology”, August 26  29, 2024, Hamburg, Germany

To be published.

Abstract: The current state of ISO 9001-based quality management systems is intertwined with the updates of Annex SL, the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), and more recently – the effect of climate action changes. In December 2023, ISO published the standard ISO/IEC 42001:2023 “Information Technology — Artificial Intelligence — Management System”. This presents itself as an actionable opportunity for organizations around the world to enhance their existing management systems. The drive for innovations and the risk appetite of organizations shall be balanced by the ethical and responsible use of AI to build trust in AI applications. This paper presents a comparative analysis and suggests an approach to integrate the best practices established in the proven ISO 9001 standard with the brand-new AI management system standard. The threat of being hampered by the potential societal challenges provoked by late and insufficient AI integration in their management systems is very real. To stay afloat and, more importantly, to prosper organizations need to act and adapt to these impactful game-changing trends.

Keywords: artificial intelligence management systems; quality management systems; integrated management system; ISO 9001; ISO/IEC 42001; Annex SL.

Tzvetelin Gueorguiev. The Process Approach in Artificial Intelligence Management Systems.

Процесният подход в системи за управление на изкуствен интелект

2024 9th International Conference on Energy Efficiency and Agricultural Engineering (EE&AE)

To be published.

Abstract: Management systems help organizations achieve their strategic direction, and enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of their processes. The ISO management system standards are based on a pivotal principle - the process approach. The first edition of ISO 42001 - the standard for Artificial Intelligence (AI) Management Systems (MS) was published in December 2023. This is a good opportunity for organizations to keep up to date with the modern context and integrate AI into their MS. This paper presents a model that helps to establish the input clauses and output clauses of individual ISO 42001 processes, better understand the interactions between the processes, and create an overall view and representation of the AI MS based on these processes.

Keywords: artificial intelligence, management systems, process approach, ISO 42001:2023, standard.

Tzvetelin Gueorguiev. Enhancing quality management systems with knowledge management in a university context.

Подобряване на системи за управление на качеството чрез управление на знанията в контекста на университет

2024 9th International Conference on Energy Efficiency and Agricultural Engineering (EE&AE)

To be published.

Abstract: In recent years, the gap between perceptions and knowledge transfer widens significantly. This trend is especially pronounced as Generation Z representatives are becoming more influential at the organizational level. The undisputedly most popular management systems standards are based on the ISO 9000 series for quality management systems. The turn of the century has witnessed the integration of these systems with environmental, occupational health and safety, information security, and other management systems depending on the context and focus of the organization. Even more impactful changes are due to be published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in 2024 as amendments to international standards for management systems. Expectedly, they are mainly related to climate action changes. At present, the integration of management systems at the University of Ruse, Bulgaria, involves such aspects as innovation management, business continuity, and knowledge management systems. The paper extends previously published research dealing with curriculum design and an integrated pedagogical approach to teaching and learning for the UN Sustainable Development Goals, coupled with integrated management systems. This paper highlights best practices, methodologies, and tools for knowledge management that can enhance the effect that management systems can exert on the performance of educational organizations in general, and more specifically - at the University of Ruse, Bulgaria.

Keywords: quality management systems, knowledge management, university context, UN sustainable development goals, educational case study.

Bahadır Namdar, Fırat Sarsar, Özge Andiç Çakır, Hüseyin Ekrem Ulus, Setenay Sürmelioğlu, Linda Pavitola, Ivita Pelnena, Nicolay Mihalov, Boris Evstatiev, Tsvetelina Georgieva, Seher Kadirova, Atanas Atanasov, Tzvetelin Gueorguiev, Danguolė Bylaitė-Šalavėjienė, Leta Dromantienė, Ayşe Saliha Sunar, Vedat Tümen, Nilay Bozkurt, Manon van Leeuwen, Karl Donert. Designing Technology Enhanced Climate Change Curriculum: Understanding the Instructional Needs of Pre-service Teachers.

Проектиране на технологично подобрени учебни програми за промените в климата: разбиране на нуждите от обучение на бъдещи учители

6th IITEE 2024 - International Instructional Technologies Engineering Education, 27-28 March 2024, Ege University, Izmir, Türkiye 

To be published.

Abstract: Pre-service teachers are effective agents of change in the classrooms of the future. Character and values about socioscientific issues such as climate change are important factors that influence decision making regarding these matters. However, literature indicates that the initiatives towards enhancing the pedagogical skills as well as the character and values of preservice teachers for informed decision making are scarce. Therefore, this study aims to conduct a needs analysis of preservice teachers regarding climate change education. A total of 270 pre-service teachers from Bulgaria, Türkiye, Latvia and Lithuania completed a questionnaire consisting of 4 open-ended and 13 closed-ended questions, divided into three subdimensions: a) character and values regarding climate change, b) preparedness to teach climate change, c) technologies for teaching climate change. The results indicated that the pre-service teachers strongly agreed that climate change affects all of us and can disrupt the balance in nature. Only 1 respondent thought that not enough work has been done on climate change and about 25% of the respondents try to consider different opinions when making decisions on the issue. Although most respondents believe that teaching about climate change is important (n=234), only 61 respondents indicated that they have taken a course on climate change and only 82 respondents feel confident in teaching about climate change. The results also indicated that they get information about climate change mostly from social media and news, and 177 respondents indicated that they have never used information and communication technologies to learn about climate change. Based on the findings, we provide implications for the development of technology-enhanced climate change curricula.

Keywords: climate change education curriculum, character and values, need analysis, pre-service teachers.

Book of abstracts: 

Tzvetelin Gueorguiev. Research and Application of the PDCA Cycle in Artificial Intelligence Management Systems.

Изследване и приложение на цикъла PDCA в системите за управление на изкуствен интелект

To be published.

Abstract: The Plan – Do – Check – Act (PDCA) cycle is the basis of the process approach applied in ISO management system standards. The experience gained in working with management systems and summarized in the author’s monograph have been creatively adapted and applied in the analysis of the requirements of ISO/IEC 42001:2023 - the first standard for artificial intelligence management systems.

This paper presents a method for determining the type of each requirement of the ISO/IEC 42001:2023 standard in relation to the PDCA cycle. The application of the PDCA cycle is demonstrated for selected processes and is used for creating process flowcharts. Further on they can serve as the foundations for developing relevant documented procedures that comprise the artificial intelligence management system.

Book of abstracts:   

Tzvetelin Gueorguiev. A model for the integration of automotive quality management system requirements.

Модел за интегриране на изискванията към система за управление на качествот в автомобилостроенето

International Conference on Electronics, Engineering Physics and Earth Science (EEPES 2023), 21 - 23 June, 2023, Kavala, Greece. 

AIP Conf. Proc. 3063, 060016 (2024); 

Abstract: Quality management systems enable organizations to work more effectively and efficiently, improve their image, and enhance the satisfaction of their customers and other interested parties. The automotive industry is an industrial sector characterized by stricter requirements for quality management systems. The requirements of ISO 9001:2015 are used as a basis to which the requirements of IATF 16949:2916 are added. To keep up with current trends, the International Automotive Task Force (IATF) periodically publishes IATF 16949:2016 Sanctioned Interpretations (SIs). Depending on the organization's customers, a set of original equipment manufacturer (OEM) requirements are superimposed on the abovementioned set. The wide variety of requirements and their sources mate it difficult for the users and managers of quality management systems to track, monitor, take into consideration, update and integrate all such requirements into the management system of their organization. This paper presents a model designated to integrate these and other requirements in order to ensure conformity to requirements, effectiveness of processes, and customer satisfaction. ; 


Цветелин Георгиев. Изследване и приложения на цикъла PDCA в системите за управление на качеството

Research and Applications of the PDCA Cycle in Quality Management Systems


Издателство ПРИМАКС, Русе. 185 c., 2023. ISBN 978-619-7726-14-5. 

Компетентността и креативността доближават човека до божественото…

Компетентността е способността на човек да разбира явленията около себе си и вътре в себе си. 

Човек, застанал на брега на река може: 

За този човек, можем да кажем, че притежава сетивата да разбере съвършенството на природата. Ако човекът би бил сляп, той нямаше да може да види красивите меандри и слънчевите отблясъци… Ако той би бил глух, нямаше да бъде в състояние да чуе песента на потока… Човек, лишен от сетивата си, не би могъл да разбере съвършенството на света.

Именно компетентността дава на съзнанието ни сетивата да разбираме явленията около нас и вътре в нас.

Но защо ни е да разбираме нещо, ако това по-задълбочено вникване не ни приближава към съвършенството на Твореца? Креативността може да ни е дадена под формата на талант и от нас зависи да работим неуморно като я развиваме според собствените си предпочитания и възможности. Добре известна е притчата за талантите. Те трябва да се развиват и използват от хората, а не да се оставят да залиняват и закърняват.

Натрупаната компетентност под формата на знания, умения и опит е плодородната почва, върху която може да дадат плод таланта и креативността.

Идеята за самоусъвършенстването е дълбоко залегнала в човешката същност.

Непрекъснатото подобряване е характерна особеност на системите за управление на качеството. Добрите практики, описани в международните стандарти, са основата, върху която се изграждат съвременните системи за управление. Цикълът „планиране - изпълнение - проверка - действие“ (Plan - Do - Check - Act, PDCA)“ поставя жалоните по пътя към подобряването. 

Настоящата монография има за цел да даде криле на хората, за които личното и общественото усъвършенстване са кауза.

Системите за управление на качеството, основани на изискванията на ISO 9001, са най-многобройни спрямо други системи за управление. Внедрените системи за управление на качеството са над 1 милион в световен мащаб, а в България - 6402 по данни от проучването на Международната организация за стандартизация The ISO Survey of Management System Standard Certifications – 2021 (2022-09-26).

Проблемът, на който е посветена монографията, е неразбирането, а оттам и неприлагането на цикъла PDCA в организациите.

Основните методи, използвани за решаване на проблема са:

Приложението на предложените методи е апробирано в научната, практическата и консултантската работа на автора в продължение на повече от 20 години. С всяка глава от монографията и съответно - с всяка клауза на ISO 9001:2015, са свързани допълнителни публикации и проекти за по-подробно вникване в темата.

Ползите от решаването на този актуален проблем са в няколко насоки:


На първо място благодаря на моя учител – доц. д-р инж. Цвятко Корийков, който запали в мен пламъчето на любовта към качеството, поддържа огъня докато той стане достатъчно силен, за да разпръсква свои собствени искри и да го защитава през всякакви перипетии.

Благодаря на проф. д-р инж. Бранко Сотиров за професионалните съвети и житейската мъдрост, с които ме приветства в колектива на метролозите в Русенския университет. Благодаря му и за подробния и конструктивен преглед на монографията, докато още не бе видяла бял свят.

Дължа думи на благодарност и към моите колеги и партньори от индустрията, без чието сътрудничество през годините не бих се превърнал в човека, който виждат в мен днес.

Благодаря и на семейството ми, което познава всички мои слабости, а в моменти на трудности винаги стои зад мен и ми дава сили да продължа да се трудя и изпитвам щастие от пътуването ми във вселената, наречена КАЧЕСТВО!

Tzvetelin Gueorguiev. A Cross-section of Innovation Leadership – The Case of University of Ruse, Bulgaria.

Разрез на лидерството в иновациите - казусът на Русенски университет, България

Jensen, K.R., Kaudela-Baum, S. and Sheffield, R. (Ed.) Innovation Leadership in Practice: How Leaders Turn Ideas into Value in a Changing World, Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, Chapter 14, pp. 259-282, 2023. ; ;  

Book mentions | Flyer | Sample chapter

Abstract: While there has been great attention directed at innovation within organisations in business contexts, there has been less focus on the role of innovation at higher education institutions. A changing and turbulent environment is also placing more pressure on universities and business schools to re-imagine, inspire, and design an innovation culture. This empirical case presents the innovation leadership team’s point of view on the effect of innovation leadership when integrating the ISO 56000 series-based innovation management system at the University of Ruse in Bulgaria. Several face-to-face interviews and questionnaires are conducted to uncover gaps in innovation leadership based on a comprehensive literature review and the current state of the innovation management system. These gaps hold potential for improvement of the existing management system which are discussed, and recommendations are formulated in the conclusions section of this chapter. Taking into consideration the specific context in which this case study has evolved can help readers and other innovation leaders adapt the facts, conclusions, and lessons learned for universities and business schools. This chapter presents lessons learned and best practices by the innovation leadership team, as demonstrated in several cases at the University of Ruse ‘Angel Kanchev’, Bulgaria.

Keywords: Innovation leadership, Innovation management system, Higher education, ISO 56000, Innovation process, Case study.

Tzvetelin Gueorguiev, Cristinel Popescu. Standardization as Tool to Enhance Educational Accreditation.

Стандартизацията като инструмент за подобряване на акредитацията на образованието

Annals of the „Constantin Brancusi” University of Targu Jiu, Engineering Series, No. 4/2023, pp. 131-135.,%20popescu%20-%20standardization%20as%20tool%20to%20enhance%20educational%20accreditation.pdf 

Abstract: Educational accreditation guarantees the quality of the educational processes, products, and services. Both the National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency (NEAA) in Bulgaria and the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS) in Romania are members of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education ENQA). They follow strict professional standards, methodologies, procedures, and criteria. It is common that the quality management systems in universities are based on ISO 9001. The specific standard for educational organizations such as universities and research institutes ISO 21001 is far less popular than ISO 9001. The purpose of this paper is to highlight opportunities for improvement of the internal quality management systems of educational organizations based on international standards.

Keywords: standardization; accreditation; ISO standards; National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency (NEAA), Bulgaria; Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS).

Tsvetelina Georgieva, Seher Kadirova, Stanislav Penchev, Boris Evstatiev, Tzvetelin Georgiev, Nikolay Mihailov, Kathryn Cormican, Suzana Sampaio, Manon van Leeuwen, Özge Andiç Çakır, Fırat Sarsar, Nuno Pombo. Methodology for Pilot assessment of Higher Education Teachers, Instructional Technologies Design Materials and E-Learning Platform.

Методология за пилотно оценяване на преподавателите във висшето образование, проектиране на учебни материали чрез технологии и платформа за електронно обучение

Proceedings of University of Ruse - 2023, volume 62, book 9.1, pp.1 9-24.

Abstract: The paper presents methodology for pilot assessment of higher education teachers, instructional technologies design materials and e-learning platform. The learning materials for instructional technologies design and e-learning space were developed under the project “HE Teachers and Institutions and Instructional Technology (HIIT)”, Erasmus+ programm; Action type KA220-HED - Cooperation partnerships in higher education. The methodology for pilot testing includes two phases: The first one – with 105 HE STEM teachers and the second 24 of them will put the skills into practice with interaction with 480 students from the 4 Universities, partners in the project. A blended approach has been selected for the external piloting of the platform and training contents of the HIIT project. The main purpose of the HIIT-Pilot Survey-Teachers is to get first-hand feedback from the 105 teachers as users on the online learning space and the learning content that the HIIT consortium will make available to all HE engineering teachers and professionals. From the participants in the piloting evaluation 8 (2 per pilot country) will be selected for a guided interview/dialogue, to gain deeper insight in their experience with the programme, learning content and eplatform. A total of 24 HE teachers from the participants (6 per university partner) who participated in the learning activity and/or pilot testing will be mobilized to apply the skills and competences acquired and apply at least one of the tools in their online teaching activity. This will allow partners to assess and evaluate the impact on students in a reallife teaching environment.

Keywords: Instructional Technologies, Pilot Testing Methodology, Innovative Approaches. 

Bahadır Namdar, Fırat Sarsar, Ekrem Ulus, Linda Pavitola, Ivita Pelnena, Nicolay Mihailov, Boris Evstatiev, Tsvetelina Georgieva, Seher Kadirova, Atanas Atanasov, Tzvetelin Georgiev, Danguolė Bylaitė – Šalavėjienė, Ayşe Saliha Sunar, Manon van Leeuwen, Karl Doner. A Climate Change Technology Enhanced Curriculum for Teaching Preservice Teachers.

Учебна програма по промени в климата, подобрена чрез технологии и предназначена за учители в процес на обучение

Proceedings of University of Ruse - 2023, volume 62, book 9.1, pp. 45-50.

Abstract: The education system is one of the fundamental means used to form the society’s worldview. Global problems such as climate change, biodiversity decrease, social inequalities, and tensions, are systemic challenges in which education has a key role to play. The ability of the teachers to influence the worldview of their students strongly depends on their qualification as well as their own character and values. The project TECCHED is aimed at developing technology-enhanced climate change educational resources, that could support the education of preservice teachers. This study aims to present a curriculum, which promotes the values and character concerning ecological worldview, socioscientific accountability, social and moral compassion and encouraging active participation in mitigation of climate change.

Keywords: climate change, curriculum, character and values, technology enhanced, project TECCHED. 

Цветелин Георгиев. Използване на ISO 10009 при актуализиране на учебни планове в областта на управление на качеството.

Using  ISO 10009 to update the curricula in the domain if quality management

(под печат)

Резюме: Целта на настоящия доклад е да представи концепция за използване на бъдещия стандарт ISO 10009 за актуализиране на два учебни плана, свързани с управление на качеството- този на магистърския курс по „Управление на качеството“ и на бакалавърската специалност „Мениджмънт на качеството и метрология“. Полученият сравнителен анализ ще бъде използван за въвеждане на промени в съществуващите учебни планове, в съответните учебни програми, както и в съдържанието на всяка дисциплина и модул. Други университети и организации, предоставящи обучителни услуги биха могли да изработят на тази основа свои собствени учебни програми като надградят върху натрупания опит на екипа от преподаватели от Русенски университет „Ангел Кънчев“. 

Abstract: The purpose of the paper is to present the concept of using the upcoming standard ISO 10009 to update the curricula of two quality-related degree courses- BSc in Quality Management and Metrology, and MSc in Quality Management. The resulting comparative analysis will be used to introduce changes in the existing curricula, the relevant teaching programmes, and the content of each discipline or module. Other universities and training providers could elaborate their own curricula based on the proven experience of the teaching team at the University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev”.

Branko Sotirov, Miryana Masheva, Tzvetelin Gueorguiev. Measurement system analysis of a static method for taximeter verification.

Анализ на измервателната система на статичен метод за проверка на такси

ACTA IMEKO, Vol. 12, No. 3 (2023), pp. 1 - 6. DOI:

Abstract: The purpose of the paper is to present a method for taximeter verification. Taximeters, as special measurement instruments, are subject to metrological control in order to protect the rights of taxi customers. The methodology applied for the theoretical study of the proposed method is derived from Measurement System Analysis, Root Cause Analysis, and similar taximeter verification methods applied in other European countries. The presented method is innovative for Bulgaria and about to be introduced for the need of metrological control.

Keywords: taximeter, taxi, distance reporting device, sources of uncertainty. ; ; 

Tzvetelin Gueorguiev. Railway quality management systems- past, present, and future trends.

Системи за управление на качеството в железопътния сектор - минало, настояще и бъдещи тенденции

Proceedings of University of Ruse - 2023, volume 62, book 5.1., pp. 164-169. ISSN 1311-3321 (print); ISSN 2535-1028 (CD-ROM); ISSN 2603-4123 (on-line).

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to highlight the recent trends in quality management systems, and in particular- the quality management systems in the railway sector. These systems are based on the popular ISO 9000 series of standards, and more specifically- on the requirements of ISO 9001:2015. The latest standard ISO 22163:2023 for quality management systems in the railway sector is the heir to ISO/TS 22163:2017 which was also based on ISO 9001:2015 and expanded it with industry-specific requirements. This paper presents the main changes between the two editions of ISO 22163 and outlines some key issues and opportunities to be considered when implementing quality management system requirements, methods, and tools in the railway sector.

Keywords: Quality management systems, Railway sector, ISO 9001, ISO 9000 series of standards, ISO 22163. 

Cristina Ionici, Tzvetelin Gueorguiev, Gabriela Lemnar. Considerations on the sources of errors in experimental compression determinations.

Съображения относно източниците на грешки при експерименталното определяне на свиване

Fiability & Durability / Fiabilitate si Durabilitate. May 2023, Issue 1, p. 29-32. 4p.

Abstract: The compression request of some materials sintered at ambient temperature generally presents a macrostructural quasi-homogeneity and quasi-isotropy and inhomogeneities appear due to the presence of pores in the structure. A separate investigation is done on the sample to highlight the defects in the structure. Therefore, before proceeding to the tests, the operator is obliged to know the nature of the material, the mechanical processing undergone and the thermal treatments undergone. Only following these initial data will the operator choose the appropriate method of submission to the request, so that experimental errors are minimal.

Keywords: inhomogeneities, sintered materials, compression, experimental errors. 

Constanța  Rădulescu, Liviu Marius Cîrţînă, Tzvetelin Gueorguiev, Sînziana Caterina Munteanu, Alexandru Panait. Some aspects regarding 3D printing of dental prothesis.

Някои апекти относно 3D принтирането на детнални протези

Fiability & Durability / Fiabilitate si Durabilitate. May 2023, Issue 1, p. 240-245. 6p.

Abstract: This paper presents how to import STL models, simulate the models before they are printed and print them. Depending on the choice of printing parameters, the quality of the parts' surfaces is obtained. The material used to print the models is PLA, and they were printed on an Anycubic i3 Mega printer. The printed models have only a didactic and theoretical role.

Keywords: 3D printing, STL file, dentures.,%20Cirtina%20L%20M,%20Tzvelin%20G,%20Panait%20A%20-Some%20aspect%20regarding%203D%20priting%20of%20dental%20prosthesis.pdf 

Tzvetelin Gueorguiev. The experience gained from implementing an ISO 56000-based innovation management system.

Натрупаният опит от внедряване на система за управление на иновациите, основана на ISO 56000

ACTA IMEKO, Vol. 12, No. 2 (2023), pp. 1 - 6. DOI: 

Abstract: The aim of this paper is to share the experience gained from an early adoption of the ISO 56000 series of standards for innovation management systems. The University of Ruse is among the first universities in Bulgaria to implement an ISO 9001 quality management system. Later this system is updated and extended with elements of ISO 21001:2018- management systems for educational organizations. Since 2020 the Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property Centre (TTIPC) at the University of Ruse has implemented a number of requirements and guidelines of the ISO 56000 series of standards. The foundation of the integrated management system is ISO 56002:2019 with guidance for innovation management. The principles for innovation management from ISO 56000:2020 are being followed while implementing key methods and tools from ISO 56003:2019 for innovation partnership, ISO/TR 56004:2019 for innovation management assessment, ISO 56005:2020 for intellectual property management, and ISO 56006:2021 for strategic intelligence.

Keywords: innovation management system; ISO 56000 series; intellectual property management; best practice. ; ; 

Branko Sotirov, Miryana Masheva, Tzvetelin Gueorguiev, Rostislav Vasilev. Calibration Methodology for Roller Test Bench Used for Taximeter Verification.

Методология за калибриране на ролков стенд, използван за верифициране на таксиметрови апарати

2023 XXXIII International Scientific Symposium Metrology and Metrology Assurance (MMA), Sozopol, Bulgaria, 2023, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/MMA59144.2023.10317913. ; 

Abstract: The purpose of the paper is to present a methodology for calibration of a roller test bench for taximeter verification. Taximeters, as measurement instruments, are subject to legal metrological control in order to protect the rights of taxi customers. The methodology presented encompasses the methods, instruments, and uncertainty sources of the calibration process.

Keywords: calibration, uncertainty, roller test bench, taximeter.

Bryan Cassady, Tzvetelin Gueorguiev. Get any team aligned in less than 30 minutes.

Синхронизирайте всеки екип за по-малко от 30 минути

Proceedings of XXXIV ISPIM Innovation Conference, held in Ljubljana, Slovenia on 04 June to 07 June 2023. ISBN 978‐952‐65069‐3‐7. Editors: Iain Bitran, Leandro Bitetti, Steffen Conn, Jessica Fishburn, Eelko Huizingh, Paavo Ritala, Marko Torkkeli & Jialei Yang. pp. 1-8.

Link to the published paper.

Abstract: This case study focuses on alignment. We investigate using the 'True NORTH' method (Truly simple, Narrative, Objective, Restrictions, Tactical constraints, Here is a place to start) inspired by the military commander's intent method.

This method is applied in a Bulgarian university trying to overcome challenges post-COVID: face time, low involvement levels of professors and students alike, additional stress from being reachable anytime, anywhere, etc.

This tool and the lessons learned from the case study can be applied in any organization working on getting alignment on innovation objectives. The tool 'True NORTH' is supported by easy-to-use checklists and videos. This tool (and similar tools) could help innovation teams to be better aligned to achieve innovation objectives by following precise and meaningful action plans. This would reduce stress and frustration for both employees and top management. Clarity and alignment make the innovation process easier and more effective.

Keywords: Alignment; Innovation management; Commander’s Intent; Case Study; True North.

Цветелин Георгиев. Дигитална трансформация на обучението на одитори.

Digital Transformation of Auditor Training

Национална научно-практическа конференция “Дигитална трансформация на образованието – проблеми и решения, оценяване и акредитация”, Сборник с доклади, Русенски университет, стр. 316-320, 2023, ISBN 978-954-712-892-7.

Abstract: The traditional auditor training is based on auditor courses lasting from a day to a full week depending on their complexity and scope. The University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev” has more than 20 years of experience in training auditors within the courses “Auditing Management Systems” and “Auditor Practice”. The lectures and exercise are based on the international standard ISO 19011 provide key competences to the bachelor degree students in “Quality Management and Metrology” and the master degree students in “Quality Management”.

The possibility to carry out remote audits was just a good idea until the COVID-19 pandemic. The need to audit remotely has been used as an opportunity to maintain the educational process and to build a new skill set. The experience gained in recent years has extended traditional education with digital methods and tools, and has turned it into a successful model for blended learning. 

Keywords: auditor training, remote auditing, digital transformation. 


Tzvetelin Kirilov Gueorguiev. The PDCA Cycle - The Master Key to Unlocking the Secrets of ISO Management System Standards

Цикълът PDCA - Специалният ключ за разкриване на тайните на стандартите на ISO за системи за управление

Научный журнал Endless Light in Science, Экономические науки, pp. 135-138, ISSN: 2709-1201. eLIBRARY ID: 50249695 ; EDN: FYNWIF ; DOI: 10.24412/2709-1201-2022-135-138 . ; ; ; 

Abstract: The Purpose of this paper is to present the Plan – Do – Check – Act (PDCA) Cycle which is also called the Deming cycle. This approach to organizing systems, processes, activities and operations dominates a large number of standards published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The research is focused on some of the most popular management system standards as evidenced by the most recent ISO Survey data. The standard with requirements for quality management systems – ISO 9001:2015, is used as a basis, and the other management system standards are compared to it based on their clauses aligned to the PDCA cycle. The research results suggest that knowing and practicing the PDCA cycle can unlock the secrets of ISO management system standards.

Keywords: Plan – Do – Check – Act (PDCA) Cycle, ISO Management System Standards (MSS), Annex SL, ISO 9001:2015..

Tzvetelin Gueorguiev, Danko Tonev, Elena Loredana Stăncioiu. Total Quality Management, ISO Standards and Excellence Models - A Comparative Analysis

Тотално управление на качеството, стандарти на ISO и модели на съвършенство - сравнителен анализ

Annals of Constantin Brâncuşi University of Târgu-Jiu - Engineering Series, No. 4/2022, Academica Brâncuşi, pp. 136-140, ISSN:1842-4856.,%20Danko%20Tonev,%20St%C4%83ncioiu%20Elena%20Loredana_TOTAL%20QUALITY%20MANAGEMENT,%20ISO%20STANDARDS%20AND%20EXCELLENCE%20MODELS%20%E2%80%93%20A%20COMPARATIVE%20ANALYSIS.pdf 

Abstract: When the term “quality” is mentioned in a conversation or a commercial advertisement it usually evokes positive connotations. Nevertheless, everyone’s perception of “quality” is unique regardless of the fact that the term as such is defined in ISO 9000:2015. Chronologically, the ISO 9000 series of standards are the progression of total quality management. And yet, for perfectionists and really devoted quality managers, a certified quality management system is only a starting point on a much longer or even endless journey towards overall excellence. The present paper aims to pinpoint the similarities and the major differences between total quality management, ISO 9000 series of standards, and excellence models.

Keywords: Total Quality Management, TQM, ISO 9000 series of standards, EFQM excellence model, Malcolm Baldridge Excellence Framework.

Elena Loredana Stăncioiu, Andreea Cristina Ionică, Alin Stăncioiu, Tzvetelin Gueorguiev. Quality and Agrotourism Management: A Systematic Review of Key Findings

Управление на качеството и на агротуризма: систематичен преглед на ключови констатации

Annals of Constantin Brâncuşi University of Târgu-Jiu - Engineering Series, No. 3/2022, Academica Brâncuşi, pp.145-151, ISSN:1842-4856.,%20ANDREEA%20CRISTINA%20IONIC%C4%82,%20ALIN%20ST%C4%82NCIOIU,GUEORGUIEV%20TZVETELIN_QUALITY%20AND%20AGROTOURISM%20MANAGEMENT%20A%20SYSTEMATIC%20REVIEW%20OF%20KEY%20FINDINGS.pdf 

Abstract: The aim of the paper is to establish the current state of research regarding the relationship between quality and the development of agritourism. This study presents a  systematic review of key findings, such analysis helps in the identification of key research topics, interrelations, and collaboration patterns in the field of agrotourism, quality service in agrotourism, quality management in agrotourism, service quality in agrotourism based on theories derived from previous research and services literature. This paper gives insights about majorly studied research themes and also identified common areas of current research interest and potential directions for future research.

Keywords: Total Quality Management, TQM, ISO 9000 series of standards, EFQM excellence model, Malcolm Baldridge Excellence Framework.

Minodora-Maria Pasăre, Maria Plamenova Nikolova, Tzvetelin K. Gueorguiev. An Overall Aspect of Ni-P Depositions

Общ аспект на покрития Ni-P

Annals of Constantin Brâncuşi University of Târgu-Jiu - Engineering Series, No. 4/2022, Academica Brâncuşi, pp.124-129, ISSN:1842-4856.,%20Maria%20Plamenova%20Nikolova,%20Tzvetelin%20K%20Gueorguiev_AN%20OVERALL%20ASPECT%20OF%20Ni-P%20DEPOSITIONS.pdf 

Abstract: Composite materials are currently used in many fields of activity. These materials have different compositions and show very good mechanical and technological properties. A field where these composite materials have applicability is that of metal coatings. In the present work, these composite materials are presented, how they are applied and how they manifest themselves on the materials on which they are deposited.

Keywords: composites, corrosion, deposition, electrolysis, layers.

Lucica Anghelescu, Bogdan Diaconu, Mihai Cruceru, Tzvetelin K. Gueorguiev. Construction materials obtained by recycling ash from coalfired power plants ash ponds. Estimation of basic mechanical properties by means of machine learning algorithms. Part I— Discussion on suitability of several machine learning algorithms for the problem

Строителни материали, получени чрез рециклиране на пепел от резервоари за пепел на електроцентрали, работещи с въглища. Оценка на основните механични свойства с помощта на алгоритми за машинно обучение. Част I — Дискусия относно пригодността на няколко алгоритма за машинно обучение за проблема

Annals of Constantin Brâncuşi University of Târgu-Jiu - Engineering Series, No. 2/2022, Academica Brâncuşi, pp. 31-36, ISSN:1842-4856. 

Abstract:  Machine Learning algorithms have demonstrated their ability to model complex processes that are otherwise impossible to model analytically or through standard techniques. However, the amount of data and more importantly, the data quality, are critical factors for obtaining a good performance with such algorithms. This two-part paper will present an experimental dataset and will discuss several commonly used Machine Learning algorithms adequate for such problems. In the first part of the paper an introduction to several algorithms will be given; the inputs of the algorithms and some special constraints and limitations will be introduced.

Keywords: Machine Learning algorithms, Clay, Ash, Compressive strength, Density.

Lucica Anghelescu, Bogdan Diaconu, Mihai Cruceru, Tzvetelin K. Gueorguiev. Construction materials obtained by recycling ash from coalfired power plants ash ponds. Estimation of basic mechanical properties by means of machine learning algorithms. Part IIMachine learning algorithms benchmarking

Строителни материали, получени чрез рециклиране на пепел от резервоари за пепел на електроцентрали, работещи с въглища. Оценка на основните механични свойства с помощта на алгоритми за машинно обучение. Част II — Сравнителен анализ на алгоритми за машинно обучение

Annals of Constantin Brâncuşi University of Târgu-Jiu - Engineering Series, No. 2/2022, Academica Brâncuşi, pp. 37-47, ISSN:1842-4856.  

Abstract:  It is a fact that engineering properties of the building materials are particularly difficult to model analytically. Given the importance of their values in any application, it is critical to have an estimation of every engineering parameter that is required. This two-part paper will present a dataset containing three engineering properties of some new materials obtained through recycling waste from petroleum industry and from coal-based power. The second part of the paper will present the application of several Machine Learning algorithms to the dataset mentioned above. The performance of each model was assessed and discussed. It was found that Bagging (with a Decision Tree based algorithm) and XGBoost algorithm have the best performance.

Keywords: Machine Learning algorithms, Clay, Ash, Compressive strength, Density.

Цветелин Георгиев, Данко Тонев. Влияние на организационната култура върху системите за управление на качеството

The Influence of Organizational Culture on Quality Management Systems

ХХХIII Национална научно-практическа конференция "Качеството - за по-добър живот ’ 2022", София.

Резюме: Съвременните системи за управление на качеството се основават на стандартите от серията ISO 9000. Въпреки, че изискванията на ISO 9001:2015 са общи, те се прилагат по уникален начин от всяка организация в зависимост от нейния вътрешен и външен контекст, стила на лидерство и мотивацията на персонала. Тези фактори формират организационната култура и взаимно си въздействат с нея. Многобройни са книгите, научните изследвания и публикувани статии, свързани с организационната култура, но до 2022 год. нямаше официални указания от ISO как да се осъзнава, оценява и подобрява организационната култура. Новите указания на ISO 10010:2022 могат да се използват за създаване на въпросници, които да разкрият допълнителни възможности за подобряване на системата за управление на качеството.

Ключови думи: култура по качество; системи за управление на качеството; организационна култура; ISO 10010:2022; ISO 9001:2015.

Миряна Машева, Бранко Сотиров, Цветелин Георгиев. Предизвикателства пред таксиметровите услуги породени от неопределеността в контекста на предоставянето им в България

Challenges for Taximeter Services Caused by the Uncertainty in the Context of Their Realization in Bulgaria

ХХХIII Национална научно-практическа конференция "Качеството - за по-добър живот ’ 2022", София.

Резюме: Заплащането на таксиметровите услуги се извършва въз основа на показанията на измерваща система таксиметров апарат-автомобил. В действащата в страната нормативна база са уредени единствено изискванията към таксиметровите апарати. Съставянето на системата таксиметров апарат-автомобил в България не е регламентирано към настоящия момент, въпреки препоръките на международни документи в сферата на законовата метрология. Темата е с особена обществена значимост поради широкото разпространение на таксиметровите услуги. Следва да се дефинира и осигури метрологично измерващата система таксиметров апарат-автомобил въз основа на натрупан местен и международен опит, като подобни постъпки вече се правят от изследователски екип.

Ключови думи: таксиметрова услуга, такси, таксиметров апарат, метрологичен контрол, законова метрология.

Tzvetelin Gueorguiev. The Role of Innovation Partnerships in the Creation of Intellectual Property

Ролята на партньорството в иновациите за създаване на интелектуална собственост 

61-а Научна конференция на Русенски университет „Ангел Кънчев“ и Съюз на учените - Русе „Нови индустрии, дигитална икономика, общество – проекции на бъдещето V", Русе, 27-29 октомври 2022 г. Научни трудове на Русенски университет, том 61, серия 9.1 "Качество на висшето образование", стр. 11-16. ISSN 1311-3321 (print), ISSN 2535-1028 (CD-ROM), ISSN 2603-4123 (on-line). 

Abstract: The paper presents a methodology for uncovering, developing, nurturing, and improving innovation partnerships. The basis of the partnership is the implemented innovation management system at the University of Ruse, Bulgaria. The innovation portfolio is the starting point that serves to create a short list of potential internal and external partners. The expected outputs of implementing the guidance of ISO 56003 are the innovation partnership agreements in combination with non-disclosure agreements. The plans for the future include targeting potential partners in order to improve the overall performance of the innovation management system and more specifically- to protect the intellectual property rights of the university and its community of researchers.

Keywords: Innovation Management Systems, Innovation Partnership, ISO 56003, University of Ruse. 

Tzvetelin Gueorguiev. Management for Quality and Innovations

Управление за качество и иновации

Conference Proceedings of Joint IMEKO TC11 & TC24 hybrid conference 2022, 16–19 October 2022, Dubrovnik, Croatia. pp. 66-69. DOI: 10.21014/tc11-2022.13 ; ;  SCOPUS

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to outline the advantages of integrating quality management systems with innovation management systems. The paper presents the chronology of ISO standards for management systems, the evolution from quality management systems based on ISO 9001 to innovation management systems based on ISO 56002. The discussion evolves into a summary of the lessons learned from the implementation of such systems. The conclusions highlight a number of opportunities for improvement and suggestions for practical implementation of innovation management systems in universities.

Keywords: quality management systems; ISO 9001; innovation management systems; ISO 56002; university management systems.

Miryana Masheva, Branko Sotirov, Tzvetelin Gueorguiev. Uncertainty Sources Analysis of a Static Method for Taximeter Verification

Анализ на източниците на неопределеност на статичен метод за верифициране на таксиметър

32-nd International Scientific Symposium "Metrology and Metrology Assurance 2022", September 7 – 11, 2022, Sozopol, Bulgaria. pp. 1-4. ISBN 978-1-6654-8569-2. pp. 57-60. 

2022 XXXII International Scientific Symposium Metrology and Metrology Assurance (MMA), 2022, pp. 1-4, DOI: 10.1109/MMA55579.2022.9992766 ; 

Резюме: The purpose of the paper is to present an analysis of the sources of uncertainty of a static method for taximeter verification. Taximeters, as distance reporting devices (DRD), are subject to metrological control as to protect taxi customers’ rights. The methodology applied for the evaluation is based on Measurement System Analysis, Root Cause Analysis, and comparable taximeter verification methods applied in other countries. The innovative method is on the verge of being introduced in Bulgaria for the needs of metrological control.

Ключови думи: taximeter, taxi, metrological control, distance reporting device.

Цветелин Георгиев. Оценяване на управлението на иновациите и интелектуалната собственост

Assessment of Innovation Management Systems and Intellectual Property

Сборник „Интелектуалната собственост в университетите – нови хоризонти на академичния диалог“, Издателство "За буквите - О писменехь", 2022, стр. 217-233, ISBN 978-619-185-546-9. 

Резюме: Управлението на иновациите е сложен процес поради своята пряка обвързаност както с творчеството, така и с измерими показатели. Защитата на иновациите чрез обекти на интелектуалната собственост създава основа за извличане на финансови ползи от създадените иновации. CEN/TS 16555-7 и ISO/TR 56004 са стандарти, които биха могли да послужат като обобщение на добри практики при организиране, осъществяване и докладване на оценяването на управлението на иновациите. Настоящата статия представя опитът на Русенския университет, натрупан от оценяването на управлението на иновациите и интелектуалната собственост. 

Ключови думи: Управление на иновациите, интелектуална собственост, измерими показатели, оценяване, ISO/TR 56004:2019.

Abstract: Innovation management is a complex process because it is directly related to both creativity and to quantitative indicators. The protection of innovations by intellectual property objects provides a basis for obtaining financial benefits from the innovations created. CEN/TS 16555-7 and ISO / TR 56004 are standards that could serve as a summary of best practices for organizing, implementing, and reporting the assessment of innovation management. This paper presents the experience of the University of Ruse gained by assessments of innovation management and intellectual property.

Keywords: innovation management, intellectual property, quantitative indicators, assessment, ISO/TR 56004:2019.

Tzvetelin Gueorguiev, Danko Tonev, Svetlin Parvanov. A Study of Measurement Systems Analysis by Attributes

Изследване на анализ на измервателната система по неизмерими показатели

2022 8th International Conference on Energy Efficiency and Agricultural Engineering (EE&AE), 2022. ISBN 978-1-6654-0708-3. DOI: 10.1109/EEAE53789.2022.9831252

Abstract: The paper presents a critical measurement systems analysis (MSA) of the implementation of "go-no go" gauges for control of mechanical parts. The MSA by attributes is generally overlooked when compared to MSA by variables. Nevertheless, this type of MSA is especially useful when applied in mass production where the use of variable gauges is time-consuming and costly. The outcomes of the study can be adapted to similar measurement systems analysis for other manufacturing processes and mechanical parts.

Keywords: measurement systems analysis, MSA, attributes, mechanical parts, analysis of assessment results. 

Danko Tonev, Tzvetelin Gueorguiev. Determining the Planned Error of a Measurement Transducer with a Pointer

Определяне на планираната грешка на измервателен преобразувател със стрелка

2022 8th International Conference on Energy Efficiency and Agricultural Engineering (EE&AE), 2022. ISBN 978-1-6654-0708-3. DOI: 10.1109/EEAE53789.2022.9831240

Abstract: This paper discusses the problem of determining the planned (theoretical) error of a measurement transducer. The effect of all components on the position of the final actuated component of the dimensional chain is analyzed in detail. The planned error of a measurement transducer with a constant (graduation) of i = 0,001 mm is determined.

Keywords: measurement transducer, planned error. 

Neli Babekova, Tzvetelin Gueorguiev, Pavel Vitliemov. A Maturity Model as a Tool for Sustainable Development of Organizations

Моделът на зрялост като фактор за устойчивото развитие на организациите

2022 8th International Conference on Energy Efficiency and Agricultural Engineering (EE&AE), 2022. ISBN 978-1-6654-0708-3. DOI: 10.1109/EEAE53789.2022.9831414

Abstract: The paper reviews maturity models, aiming of presenting the essence of self-assessment using a maturity model of quality, environmental and health and safety management systems as a factor for achieving sustainable development of organizations considering that one of the goals of any organization is to achieve sustainable development in a complex and changing environment. This paper is addressed to present the essence of self-assessment by using a maturity model as a factor for achieving sustainable development of organizations. As a future study, a methodology for determining the level of maturity through a model of maturity of environmental management systems according to ISO 14001:2015 and health and safety at work according to ISO 45001:2018 will be developed.

Keywords: factor for sustainable development; maturity model. 

Emil Yankov, Tzvetelin Gueorguiev. A Critical Overview of the Normative, Regulatory and International Standard Requirements for Healthy and Safe Public Facilities

Критичен преглед на нормативните и регулаторни изисквания и изискванията на международни стандарти за здравословни и безопасни обществени помещения

2022 8th International Conference on Energy Efficiency and Agricultural Engineering (EE&AE), 2022. ISBN 978-1-6654-0708-3. DOI: 10.1109/EEAE53789.2022.9831293

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to present a critical overview of the international, national, regional and local requirements for healthy and safe public facilities. The normative requirements for the cleanliness of rooms through the measurement of some key parameters such as carbon dioxide, amount of oxygen, fine dust particles, radiation levels, light, noise, humidity, etc. are discussed. The measurement methods for most of these parameters are carried out using specialized equipment by regulatory bodies. The prescribed limiting levels are specified in certain standards depending on the type of facility- public spaces (stations, airports), work rooms, civil protection facilities, etc. The critical overview aims to specify the requirements for a monitoring system which will allow preventive control of the abovementioned parameters. Thus, it will facilitate favourable, healthy and safe working conditions for personnel and other interested parties. 

Васил Петров, Цветелин Георгиев. Метрологични аспекти на системите за управление на качеството

Metrological Aspects of Quality Management Systems

Сборник доклади от XIX Национална младежка научно-практическа конференция, 17-18.11.2022, Федерация на научно-техническите съюзи в България, стр. 7-12, ISSN 1314-8931.

Резюме: Системите за управление на качеството са наложили се добри практики за управление. Те следват цикъла „планиране, изпълнение, проверка, действие“, в който централна роля играе стъпката проверка. За извършване на обективни проверки са необходими средства за измерване, контрол, изпитване. В актуалната версия на стандартите за системи за управление на качеството ISO 9001:2015, метрологичната инфраструктура попада в клауза 7.1.5 „Ресурси за наблюдение и измерване“. Настоящата статия представя преглед на метрологичните аспекти в стандартите на ISO, и най-вече в серията ISO 9000.


Tzvetelin Gueorguiev, Boris Sakakushev. The Case of Implementing ISO 21001 at the University of Ruse

Казусът на прилагане на ISO 21001 в Русенския университет

Proceedings of the International Scientific & Business Quality Congress "Effective Education & Quality Management - Key Factor for Success", June 29-30, 2021, Belgrade, Serbia. pp. 271-276.

Abstract: This paper presents the lessons learned and the main outputs from the process of transitioning from an ISO 9001-based quality management system to an ISO 21001-based system. The University of Ruse has developed, established and implemented its quality management system in 2004 when it was based on the requirements of ISO 9001:2000. Since then, the internal quality management system of the university has undergone multiple internal and external audits leading to its continual improvement. Some of the improvements were based on the two editions of the International Workshop Agreement IWA “Quality management systems - Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001:2000 in education”. In 2017, the University of Ruse has developed a special project focused on adapting its system to ISO/DIS 21001:2017 “Educational organizations - Management systems for educational organizations - Requirements with guidance for use”. In 2018 the first edition of ISO 21001 was published, and later that year it became a Bulgarian National Standard (BDS). Throughout 2019 teams from all faculties worked on updating the existing quality management system to the requirements of ISO 21001:2018 and also aligned the internal management system to the requirements of the National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency in Bulgaria. This paper intends to provide local context and to convey practical experience and tips to educational organizations that intend to implement ISO 21001.

Keywords: quality management systems, ISO 21001, case study, improvement, University of Ruse. 

Tzvetelin Gueorguiev, Irina Kostadinova. ISO Standards Do Good: A New Perspective on Sustainable Development Goals

Стаюндартите на ISO правят добро: нова гледна точка към целите за устойсиво развитие (на ООН)

Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management - KMIS, 2021, No. 3, pp.133-137. ISBN:978-989-758-533-3. DOI: 10.5220/0010658000003064.

Abstract: The paper presents a new perspective to looking at ISO standards. Standards are usually considered as best practices or state-of-the-art industrial norms. For some, they are a source of vital information, and for others- standards are inhibitors for human creativity and innovation. Regardless of personal opinions and preferences, the greater good should unite humankind in pursuit of sustainability. In 2015, the United Nations (UN) adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as part of its 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In 2018, ISO engaged with its contribution to the UN SDGs. This paper focuses on the relationship between SDGs and some of the most popular ISO standards for management systems.

Keywords: Sustainable Development Goals, United Nations, International Standards, ISO. 

Fırat Sarsar, Özge A. Kale, Özge Andiç‐Çakır, Tzvetelin Gueorguiev, Boris Evstatiev, Tsvetelina Georgieva, Seher Kadirova, Nikolay Mihailov, Przemysław Różewski, Magdalena Kieruzel, Tomasz Lipczyński, Marcin Prys, Manon van Leeuwen. Multicultural investigation of the students' acceptance of using digital learning materials in laboratory classes

Мултикултурно изследване на възприемането на студентите на използването на цифрови обучителни материали в лабораторни упражнения

Computer Applications in Engineering Education, John Wiley and Sons Inc., No. 29 (4), pp. 883-896. ISBN 1099-0542. DOI: 10.1002/cae.22322. Impact factor (2021): 2.109 / Impact factor: 1.532 / 2020 (WoS)

Abstract: The digitalization of education is a continuously developing process, aimed at the use of information and communication technologies. However, engineering education utilizes several forms of learning, with laboratory experiments being one of them. The use of digital learning materials (DLM) in labs is still limited due to numerous existing factors. This study investigates students' acceptance of using DLM during laboratory exercises in three universities located in Turkey, Poland, and Bulgaria. A questionnaire was prepared, and a survey was conducted among 625 learners. They were divided into eight categories, based on their engineering area and country. The survey results demonstrate that there is a strong correlation between the students' opinion on DLM and the use of DLM by their lab instructors, which means that their acceptance could be increased if more DLM are integrated in lab courses. The analysis of the questionnaire results also showed that there is a significant difference in the students' opinion on DLM, depending on the engineering area. Students of Food, Chemistry, and Electrical engineering rated the use of DLM quite high (above 4.0 out of 5), followed by the Civil engineering students with average results between 3.5 and 4.0. Respondents involved in Textile, Bio, and Machine engineering were the most skeptical (<3.5). Furthermore, their opinions covered a wide range from “Strongly disagree” to “Strongly agree.”.

Keywords: Sustainable Development Goals, United Nations, International Standards, ISO. 

Цветелин Георгиев. Системи за управление на качеството - пътят напред

Quality Management Systems - The Road Ahead

Сборник от ХХXII-ра Национална научно-практическа конференция "Качеството - за по-добър живот" - Преминаване на следващата граница с качество, Панел І: Качеството и свързаните с него дейности – инструменти за устойчиво развитие на бизнеса и националната икономика, София, стр. 15-23, 2021.  ISSN 1314-9563 (CD-ROM). ISSN 2603-4387 (PRINT).

Abstract: The paper presents an overview of the chronological development of quality management systems based on the ISO 9000 series of standards. The overview covers the period that starts with the publication of ISO 9001 in 2015 until the most recent revisions of supporting standards. The article focuses more specifically on Annex SL, its effect on management systems standards, and the mutually beneficial impact of ISO standards and the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. The conclusions suggest possible scenarios for the road ahead.

Keywords: ISO 9000 series, supporting standards, UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Tzvetelin Gueorguiev, Aleksandar Kosuliev. Impact of COVID-19 on Safe Work

Въздействие на COVID-19 върху безопасността при работа

Proceedings of University of Ruse - 2021, volume 60, book 5.1, pp. 136-141.

Abstract: The paper focuses on the way the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the health and safety at work. In a broader sense, parallels are drawn between the ISO 45000 series of standards for occupational health and safety and the relevant UN Sustainable Development Goals. The guidelines of ISO 45005:2020 are subjected to critical analysis in respect to their application in the context of an educational organization.

Keywords: ISO standards, COVID-19, Occupational Health and Safety, UN SDGs. 

Tzvetelin Gueorguiev. Continual Improvement and Innovations

Постоянно подобряване и иновации

Proceedings Book of 6th International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering 20 - 22 October 2021 (ICAME 2021), Istanbul, Turkey. pp. 320-325. ISBN 978-975-461-599-9.

Abstract: The desire for continual improvement is natural for any human being. In an industrial setting, the efforts to improve productivity, effectiveness and efficiency of processes can be focused by following the requirements of international standards. The ISO 9000 series of standards specify requirements, guidelines and maturity models to achieve continual improvement. It is a common misconception that standards stifle new ideas and innovations. This paper aims to demonstrate how quality and innovation management standards can coexist and can jointly contribute to improved organizational performance.

Keywords: Continual Improvement, Innovation, ISO 9000 series of standards, ISO 56000 series of standards. 

Tzvetelin Gueorguiev. Innovation Management Systems - Reality and Perspectives

Системи за управление на иновациите - реалност и перспективи

International Scientific Journal ''Innovations", Vol. 9 (2021), Issue 2, pp. 48-50. ISSN 2603-3771.

Proceedings Innovation Policy and Innovation Management - Innovative Solutions. pp. 9-11.

Abstract: Innovations require professional knowledge augmented by personal skills, creativity being the most frequently cited. It is a common misconception that standards limit creativity. The recent trends in management system standards prove that they can be used as best practices in order to improve organizational performance in various domains. The seven parts of CEN/TS 16555 are the precursor of the ISO 56000 series of standards for innovation management systems. The article provides a chronological review of these standards, their relation to the United Nations' sustainable development goals (SDGs) and the way they can provide benefits for the organizations.

Keywords: innovation management systems, ISO 56002, ISO 56000 series, UN SDG, intellectual property, technology transfer. (Journal) (Proceedings)


Tzvetelin Gueorguiev, Miroslav Kokalarov, Boris Sakakushev. Recent Trends in FMEA Methodology

Съвременни тенденции в методолигията на FMEA

2020 7th International Conference on Energy Efficiency and Agricultural Engineering (EE&AE), Ruse, November 12-14, 2020. ISBN 978-1-7281-0362-4/20. DOI 10.1109/EEAE49144.2020.9279101.

Abstract: This paper intends to present the latest trends in one of the most popular methods for risk analysis- the Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA). The application of FMEA in the automotive industry has been significantly modified in the summer of 2019. This necessitates the elaboration of a transition methodology supported by appropriate training and practical implementation in industry.

Keywords: FMEA, Failure Mode and Effects Analysis, AIAG, VDA, ISO 31010, IEC 60812. 

Tzvetelin Gueorguiev, Boris Sakakushev, Boris Evstatiev. Improving Educational Management Systems by Integrating Quality and Innovations

Подобряване на системите за управление в образованието чрез интегриране на качество и иновации

Proceedings of University of Ruse - 2020, volume 59, book 9.1, FRI-ONLINE-1-QHE-03, pp. 27-32. ISSN 1311-3321.

Abstract: The paper presents a method for improving the educational management system at university level. Traditionally integrated management systems comprise of requirements for quality, environment, and occupational health and safety. The proposed method for improvement involves the synergy between the latest editions of several international standards such as ISO 9001 for quality, ISO 21001 for educational organizations, and ISO 56002 for innovation management systems. Reccomendations for the practical implementation of the integrated management system are made.

Keywords: Quality, Innovation, Integrated Management System, Education. 


Tzvetelin Gueorguiev, Boris Sakakushev. Sustained Success Of Organizations – A Comparative Analysis

Устойчив успех на организациите - сравнителен анализ

Proceedings of the 15th International Conference “Standardization, prototypes and Quality: A Means of Balkan Countries’ Collaboration”, Trakya University, Edirne, Turkey, 2019, pp. 471-478. ISBN 978-975-374-247-4.

Abstract: The purpose of the paper is to present a comparative analysis of the two latest editions of the standard ISO 9004- Quality management - Quality of an organization - Guidance to achieve sustained success. The key findings are based on case studies of two Bulgarian organizations. The need to research this topic is justified by the fact that there is no benchmark between quality management systems certified to ISO 9001:2015. The research hypothesis is that ISO 9004:2018 can be used to measure the maturity of quality management systems, and at a later stage as a guideline for best practices. The intent is to research two different industry sectors- manufacturing of metal tubes and production of pharmaceuticals. The maturity levels of the processes in both organizations have been assessed using a specially designed Excel form. Data has been gathered based on face-to-face interviews with quality managers and process owners at the two surveyed organizations. The comparative analysis uncovers opportunities for improvement of the quality management systems. Recommendations for quality improvement have been made based on a gap analysis of data from two maturity audits of the quality management systems. All Level 4 and Level 5 processes serve as best practices to organization from the same industry sector, or even from substantially different industries.

Keywords: Quality management systems, sustained success, sustainable development goals, ISO 9004:2018, ISO 9004:2009. 

Tzvetelin Gueorguiev. Improving the Quality of Education by M-Learning

Подобряване на качеството на обучение чрез M-Learning

Proceedings of University of Ruse - 2019, volume 58, book 9, pp. 26-31. FRI-K1-1-QHE-04. ISSN 1311-3321 (print), ISSN 2535-1028 (CD-ROM), ISSN 2603-4123 (on-line).

Abstract: The paper presents a step-by-step guide on how to develop m-learning modules for a set of subjects in the field of quality management. There is a growing need of applying digital learning materials and implementing e-learning and m-learning, both in classroom and open settings. Student satisfaction is affected by the quality and quantity of digital media coupled with traditional learning approaches. The modules presented in this paper are taught to Bulgarian and international students and are received with readiness and eagerness to learn by the students. The proposed solutions are free and easy to use by educators. This way of teaching provokes student involvement and customization of individual learning experiences.

Keywords: Quality, Education, M-Learning, E-learning, Google sites. 


Boris Sakakushev, Svetlin Parvanov, Tzvetelin Gueorguiev. The Real Capabilities of the Photogrammetric and the Stereophotogrammetric Methods for Measurement in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering

Реални възможности на фотограметричния метод за измерване в машиностроенето

IJAEDU- International E-Journal of Advances in Education, Vol. IV, Issue 11, September 2018, pp. 209-215. ISSN: 2411-1821, e-ISSN: 2411-1821.

Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2018- 5th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2-4 July 2018- Dubai, U.A.E., pp. 108-114. ISBN: 978-605-82433-3-0.

Abstract: The paper presents the research results of the team of authors in the application of the photogrammetric method from its initial phase to its present condition for measuring small and large dimensions in fine mechanics and technics, as well as the established theoretical bases for the application of this method for measurement of deformations in mechanical constructions and parts. Presented are the main influencing factors that have critical influence on the measurement accuracy characteristics, and determine the uncertainty budget. The typical errors of the method are outlined for certain conditions of its application and when using specific equipment. Recommendations how to decrease these errors are made. The paper devotes special attention to the initial phase of applying the stereo photogrammetric method for measurement of large dimensions and deformations in mechanical and manufacturing engineering. Presented are the main dependencies of the method by analyzing the constituent components. According to the authors, this method has a bright future for application in manufacturing and construction engineering. The goals for continual research are set out for determining the accuracy characteristics of the methods and for widening the range of their application. Recommendations are made in relation to the main characteristics, the equipment requirements and the application of these methods in real conditions.

Keywords: photogrammetric method, stereo photogrammetric method, small dimensions, large dimensions, measurement, error, uncertainty budget. 

Tsvetelina Georgieva, Tzvetelin Gueorguiev, Seher Kadirova, Boris Evstatiev, Nicolay Mihailov. Analysis of using digital learning materials in engineering laboratory courses

Анализ на използването на дигитални обучителни материали в инженерни лабораторни упражнения

Journal of Engineering Studies and Research (JESR); 13-th International Conference of Constructive Design and Technological Optimization in Machine Building “OPROTEH” 2018, Volume 24 (2018), No. 1, pp. 24-29. ISSN 2068-7559. DOI: 

Abstract: The paper presents an analysis of the use of digital learning materials in engineering laboratory courses. Interviews have been conducted with lecturers from several engineering faculties of the University of Ruse ‘Angel Kanchev’, such as: the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation, the Faculty of Transport, and the Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering. The aim of the interviews is to investigate the capacity and understanding of the lecturers in respect to using digital learning materials in laboratory courses. The obtained results demonstrate that digital learning materials are perceived as a useful tool to achieve better engagement of students in the educational processes. This would require continuous additional efforts by the teaching staff and permanent updating of their specific and digital competences.

Keywords: digital learning materials, engineering education, interviews.

Nikola Mihaylov, Boris Evstatiev, Seher Kadirova, Tzvetelin Gueorguiev, Tsvetelina Georgieva, Aleksandar Evtimov. Load Profile of Typical Residential Buildings in Bulgaria

Профил на натоварването на типични жилищни сгради в България

4th International Scientific Conference SEA-CONF 2018 IOP Publishing, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 172 (2018) 012035, pp. 1-6. ISSN 1755-1307. DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/172/1/012035.

Abstract: In the current market design, the increasing use of renewable energy sources for electricity generation leads to new challenges in balancing supply and demand. While households are responsible for 29% of total electricity demand in Europe, a good understanding of their consumption and load profiles is missing. Households have become one of the most crucial factors shaping the management of developments towards sustainability. The development and implementation of effective policies for promoting energy efficiency in the household sector has been an emerging target of the EU. Recent analyses of Bulgarian households show this type of housing as the most statistically significant variable to impact electricity savings. This study deals with the statistical analysis of electric consumption. Statistical evaluations of electricity consumption in a typical apartment building have been obtained in the research. Mathematical models of the investigated loads have been developed. The research is based on the periodic results and the object of investigation is a typical residential block of flats in Ruse, Bulgaria. The average daily energy consumption during the weekdays and weekends is presented and analysed in the paper. 

Цветелин Георгиев. Установяване на подхода за мислене, основано на риска, на ниво университет

Establishing a Risk-Based Thinking Approach at University Level

International Journal “Knowledge”, Twelfth International Scientific Conference “Knowledge Without Borders”, 31.3-2.4.2017, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia, No. 22.3, pp. 887-892. ISSN 2545-4439, ISSN 1857-923X.

Abstract: Risk-based thinking (RBT) is a hot topic in the field of quality management systems (QMS). It has been introduced in the latest edition of ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems – Requirements. This approach has been implicit in the previous editions of the standard ISO 9001 but nowadays it attracts more attention due to a number of factors. First and foremost, one must point out the increasing complexity of the environment we live in and in which organizations operate. In QMS, this environment is referred to as the context of the organization. Another contributing factor is the importance of goal-setting and the deployment of the organizational mission, vision, strategy and policy at the relevant levels within the organization. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has published a set of international standards for risk management. They include a range of risk-related topics like vocabulary, principles and guidelines, risk assessment techniques, etc. The most recent update relates to the latest revision of the risk management at organizational level. ISO 31000:2018 provides a common approach to managing any type of risk and is not industry or sector specific. Hence, its more general guidelines have to be adapted to the context of the educational organization, and the requirements of ISO 21001. This paper presents the main elements of the documented procedure for applying RBT. It is developed in order to support the decision-making process at all levels of the University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev’. In addition, guidelines on how to audit the effectiveness and efficiency of the implementation of this procedure are given.

Keywords: Risk-Based Thinking (RBT), Quality Management System (QMS), higher education institution (HEI).

Nicola Mihaylov, Tzvetelin Gueorguiev, Boris Evstatiev, Seher Kadirova, Tsvetelina Georgieva. Best Practices and Lessons Learned from the Project „Risk Management for Large Scale Infrastructures in the Romanian-Bulgarian Cross-Border Area“

Добри практики и научени уроци от Проект „Управление на риска при мащабни инфраструктури в румънскобългарската трансгранична област“

Scientific Bulletin of Naval Academy, MBNA Publishing House Constanta 2018, Vol. XXI, Issue No. 1, pp. 550-554. ISSN: 2392-8956; ISSN-L: 1454-864X. DOI: 10.21279/1454-864X-18-I1-082

Abstract: The paper presents the main results from the implementation of the project „Risk Management for Large Scale Infrastructures in the Romanian-Bulgarian Cross-Border Area“, financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Programme Interreg V-A Romania – Bulgaria. The project includes a study of the main infrastructure objects from the chemical industry, energy and transport infrastructures. Documents have been developed in order to raise the awareness of the population in the cross-border region. The knowledge of the trainees has been assessed in respect to risk management and the information related to it. The paper presents a statistical analysis of the questionnaires completed during the project. 

Tzvetelin Gueorguiev. Improving the Internal Auditing Procedure by Using SIPOC Diagrams

Подобряване на процедурата за вътрешни одити чрез използване на SIPOC диаграми

Journal of Innovations and Sustainability, Vol. 4/2018, Issue No. 2, pp. 35-43. ISSN 2367-8127, ISSN 2367-8151. DOI: 

Abstract: Auditing is intended to provide a better understanding of a system and to provide insights on the possibilities for improvement. The University of Ruse has implemented a management system in compliance with ISO 9001 since 2004. Thus, for more than a dozen of years it has experience in auditing its management system – both by internal and external audits. In 2017 ISO has published the draft standard ISO / DIS 21001 that defines the requirements for a quality management system of any type of educational organization. This article presents a proposal for improvement of the current internal auditing procedure.

Keywords: audit; SIPOC; Educational Organization Management System; EOMS; ISO 19011, ISO 21001. 

Tsvetelina Georgieva, Tzvetelin Gueorguiev, Nikolay Mihailov, Boris Evstatiev, Seher Kadirova, Nadezhda Paskova. Quality of Distance Learning in Engineering

Качество на дистанционното обучение за инженери

Proceedings of University of Ruse - 2018, volume 57, book 9, pp. 73-78. FRI-K1-1-QHE-15. ISSN 1311-3321 (print), ISSN 2535-1028 (CD-ROM), ISSN 2603-4123 (on-line).

Abstract: The paper reviews existing methods of distance learning which are applied in modern higher education and are supported by international standards for quality. Different forms of distance learning are presented and compared against each other. The advantages and disadvantages of e-learning, m-learning, and online tutorials are discussed. The ideas of the authors are supported by several examples of distance learning. Recommendations for the application of distance learning methods in engineering laboratory courses are made.

Keywords: Distance Learning, E-Learning, M-Learning, Online Tutorials. 


Цветелин Георгиев, Георги Георгиев, Ани Станчева, Йоана Цветанова. Методика за измеримо управление на качеството чрез KPI

Method of Measuring Quality Management through KPI

Сборник с доклади от кръгла маса с международно участие „Качество и безопасност на потребителските стоки“, 2017. Издателство „Наука и икономика”, Икономически университет – Варна, стр. 214-223. ISBN 978-954-21-0933-4.

Резюме: Статията представя методика за измерване на успеха на процесите от системата за управление на качеството (СУК). Методиката е разработена със съвместните усилия на университетски преподавател, управител на индустриална фирма, упълномощен представител на ръководството по качеството в същата организация и дипломант от специалност „Мениджмънт на качеството и метрология“. Методиката е приложена във фирмата с цел подобряване на процесите от СУК на базата на измерими ключови индикатори за успеха (KPI).

Ключови думи: ключови индикатори за успеха (KPI), система за управление на качеството (СУК), ISO 9001:2015, ISO 9004:2009, сътрудничество между университета и бизнеса.

Abstract: The article presents a methodology for measuring the performance of quality management system (QMS) processes. The methodology is developed with the collective efforts of a university teacher, the manager of an industrial company, the top management representative for quality in the same organization, and a last-year student in the degree programme „Quality Management and Metrology“. The methodology is implemented by the company with the main purpose being the improvement of QMS processes based on measurable key performance indicators (KPI).

Keywords:  key performance indicator (KPI), quality management system (QMS), ISO 9001:2015, ISO 9004:2009, University-Business Cooperation. 

Boris Sakakushev, Tzvetelin Gueorguiev. Новата система от критерии за акредитация на НАОА – стъпка за повишаване на качеството на образование

The New System of Criteria of the NEAA – a Step for Improving the Quality of Education

Научни трудове на Русенския университет - 2017, том 56, серия 9 - Качество на висшето образование, стр. 43-48. ISSN 1311-3321 (print), ISSN 2535-1028 (CD-ROM), ISSN 2603-4123 (on-line).

Abstract: The paper presents the challenges arising from the new criteria for accreditation of the National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency /NEAA/ of the Republic of Bulgaria and their direct and indirect influence on the improvement the quality of higher education. Very briefly is discussed the European standard ESG /Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area/ as a document which lays the foundations for the formulation of the new system of criteria in the light of the main guidelines for improving the quality of higher education both in Europe, and in Bulgaria. Presented is the relationship between this standard and the new criteria for assessment and accreditation of the NEAA. Along with each of the criteria are listed some urgent measures which have to be taken in order to respond to the new reality.

Keywords:  Accreditation criteria, quality of higher education, European standard ESG. 

Tzvetelin Gueorguiev, Boris Sakakushev, Emil Trifonov. Standardization of Management Systems in Education

Стандартизация на системи за управление в образованието

56th Science Conference of Ruse University, Bulgaria, 2017; Reports Awarded with "Best Paper" Crystal Prize‘17. Volume 55, Book 9, pp. 195-200. ISBN 978-954-712-733-3.

Abstract: The paper reviews international standards and guidelines, which can improve the quality of education. The focus is on the impact that the standard ISO/DIS 21001 and the agreement IWA 2 could have on the quality management system in higher education. The purpose of the paper is to establish a reference for improving the internal system for assessment and maintenance of the quality of education and of the academic staff at the University of Ruse 'Angel Kanchev'.

Keywords:  International standards, excellence models, higher education, ISO 21001, IWA 2. 

Tzvetelin Kirilov Gueorguiev, Petar Nedyalkov Angelov. A Digital Model of ISO 9001:2015 Processes

Дигитален модел на процесите в ISO 9001:2015

Proceedings from the 9th International Working Conference “Total Quality Management – Advanced and Intelligent Approaches”, Belgrade, Serbia, Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Laboratory for Production metrology and TQM, Belgrade, Serbia. pp. 158-165. ISBN 978-86-7083-934-2.

Abstract: The ISO 9001:2015 clause 4.4.b) ‘Quality management system and its processes’ requires the organization to ‘determine the sequence and interaction of these processes’. Figure 2 of the same standard shows a representation of the structure of this International Standard in the PDCA cycle. Even though correct, this figure displays a very general interaction of the main clauses. The paper presents 2D model of individual ISO 9001:2015 processes. In addition, a 3D model using SolidWorks is presented.

Keywords:  3D model, process interaction and interrelation, ISO 9001:2015.

Tzvetelin Gueorguiev, Nina Dimitrova. The Latest Trends in the Standardization of Automotive Quality Management Systems

Най-новите тенденции в стандартизирането на системи за управление на качеството в автомобилостроенето

International Journal “Knowledge”, Twelfth International Scientific Conference “Knowledge Without Borders”, 31.3-2.4.2017, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia, No. 16.1. pp. 443-449. ISSN 1857-923X.

Abstract: The quality management systems in the automotive industry have undergone many changes since the turn of the century. In October 2016, a new standard- IATF 16949:2016 has been issued and has set the pace for a number of changes in the currently existing quality management systems. The paper presents some of the key changes, as well as hints on the tasks which need to be completed by vehicle producers and their suppliers in a period of less than two years.

Keywords:  Automotive quality management systems, IATF 16949, ISO 9001, Annex SL.

Цветелин Георгиев, Нина Димитрова, Борис Сакакушев. Представяне на дейността на „Младежкия клуб по качество“ към Русенски университет „Ангел Кънчев“

Presentation of the activity of the Youth Quality Club at the University of Ruse "Angel Kanchev"

ХХVIII-ма Национална научно-практическа конференция “Качеството – за по-добър живот ’2017“, София, "Авангард Прима", стр. 294-299, ISSN 1314-9563.

Резюме: Докладът представя дейността на „Младежкия клуб по качество“ към Русенски университет „Ангел Кънчев“. Посочени са събития от създаването на клуба през 2014 год. до края на 2017 год. Показани са сертификати за постижения на членове на клуба, както и иновативни решения като „Алманах на алумните“, онлайн каталогът на материали от Информационния център по качество „Корийков“ (QuICK) и онлайн инструментът “NetworkinQ Tool” за запазване и разширяване на връзките между членовете на клуба.

Ключови думи:  Младежки клуб по качество, Информационен център по качество, Русенски университет.

Цветелин Георгиев, Борис Сакакушев. Системи за управление на качеството в образованието

Quality Management Systems in Education

ХХVIII-ма Национална научно-практическа конференция “Качеството – за по-добър живот ’2017“, София, "Авангард Прима", стр. 313-319, ISSN 1314-9563.

Tsvetelina Harakchiyska - Editor; Stanislava Tsoneva, Teodor Dimchev, Diana Ivanova, Ivelina Ivanova, Svilen Ivanov, Evgeniy Petrov, Kalin Dimitrov, Rumen Arnaudov, Juliana Popova, Tsvetelina Harakchiyska, Tzvetelin Gueorguiev. National Guidelines for Knowledge Retention in VET Organizations in Bulgaria

Национални указания за съхраняване на знания в организации за професионално образование и обучение в България

Академично издателство "Русенски университет", 115 с. ISBN 978-954-712-730-2.

Кристиян Начев; Научен ръководител: гл. ас. д-р Цветелин Георгиев. Изисквания към системите за управление на качеството в автомобилостроенето – IATF 16949

Quality management system requirements in the automotive industry – IATF 16949

Русенски университет. Сборник доклади на студентска научна сесия – СНС’17, Факултет „Машинно-технологичен”. Доклади на докторанти, студенти и млади учени, стр. 24-38. ISSN 1311-3321.

Abstract: ISO/TS16949 is an ISO technical specification aimed at the development of a quality management system that provides for continual improvement, emphasizing defect prevention and the reduction of variation and waste in the automotive industry supply chain.

Keywordsquality, automotive industry, ISO/TS 16949, IATF 16949. 


Tzvetelin Kirilov Gueorguiev, Boris Borisov Sakakushev. Current Advances in the Standardization of Management Systems

Настоящ напредък в стандартизирането на системи за управление

Journal of Thermal Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 6, Special Issue 5. International Conference on Energy Systems (ICES), 23-25 December 2015, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey. Proceedings book, pp. 971-977.

Abstract: The article 'Current Advances in the Standardization of Management Systems' presents an overview and proposals for implementation of the new series of standards for management systems- for quality (ISO 9001), environment (ISO 14001), and energy (ISO 50001). Discussed is their integration with the Annex SL (previously ISO Guide 83) and the implications for organizations which already have implemented such management systems- both in the view of potential risks and new possibilities.

Keywords:  Management systems, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 50001, Annex SL. 

Цветелин Георгиев. Перспективи и извлечени поуки от най-новото издание на ISO 9001

Perspectives and Lessons Learned Since the Latest Revision of ISO 9001

Научни трудове на Русенския университет - 2016, том 55, серия 9, стр. 74-79. ISSN 1311-3321 (print), ISSN 2535-1028 (CD-ROM), ISSN 2603-4123 (on-line).

Abstract: One year after the publication of the fifth edition of ISO 9001 – the international standard for quality management systems – two distinct trends can be observed. On one hand, there is a ‘wind of change’ which has modified the quality management principles and the structure of the standard ISO 9001, new requirements have been introduced, as well as new ideas, terms and interpretations. On the other hand, there is a sense of a standstill induced by the relaxed deadline for transition- September 2018.

Keywords:  ISO 9001, quality management systems, risk-based thinking, context of the organization, transition, changes. 

Tzvetelin Gueorguiev. An Updated Model for Optimization of Quality Management Systems’ Documentation

Актуализиран модел за оптимизиране на документацията на системи за управление на качеството

Prospects for development of education and science: Collection of scientific articles. Academic Publishing House of the Agricultural University, pp. 273-276.

Abstract: The article presents an updated model for optimization of quality management systems’ documentation. The actual need which this article fulfills is to avoid some of the most frequently cited disadvantages of quality management systems - that they are heavy, use a lot of complicated phrases, and often make sense only to the quality managers and consultants. The model presented in this article is based on previous work of the author and incorporates new trends and features of modern quality management systems.

Keywords:  quality management system, SIPOC, documentation requirements.

Juliana Popova, Tsvetelina Harakchiyska, Tzvetelin Gueorguiev. Good practices of Knowledge Management at the University of Ruse, Bulgaria

Добри практики за управление на знанията в Русенския университет, България

Knowledge - International Journal Scientific Papers Vol. 13.1 “Teacher of the Future”, Ninth International Scientific Conference, 17-19.6.2016, Durres, Republic of Albania, Vol. 13.1, pp. 71-75. ISSN 1857-92.

Abstract: Knowledge management is a key asset and plays a pivotal role in modern society. It is crucial to organizations of any type and size, but its importance is crucial in educational institutions in Europe. The European Commission promotes ‘close, effective links between education, research, and innovation – the three sides of the ‘knowledge triangle’.’ Knowledge management is a main topic also for UNESCO which ‘works to create inclusive knowledge societies and empower local communities by increasing access to and preservation and sharing of information and knowledge’. This UNESCO policy is based on four pillars: freedom of expression; universal access to information and knowledge; respect for cultural and linguistic diversity; and quality education for all.’ The International organization for standardization, ISO, also has issued standards such as the popular ISO 9000 series which deal with knowledge management. The latest edition of ISO 9001:2015 in its clause 7.1.6 Organizational knowledge devotes more specific attention to knowledge management than the previously used Competence of human resources. In addition, clause 6.7.2 Knowledge, and 9.4 Learning of ISO 9004:2009 give more clues how universities and schools can benefit from implementing a quality management system standard for achieving sustainable success. This context defines the conditions in which a European VET (Vocational Education and Training) project DESK (Develop, Evaluate and Save Knowledge) has united the strengths of German, Austrian, Slovenian and Bulgarian educational institutions. The project deals with defining critical knowledge for the partner organizations, implementing custom tailored solutions to knowledge management issues, and disseminating good practices in order to assure better knowledge management, to propose national guidelines, and to help introduce the successful cases at European level.

Keywords:  knowledge management, develop, evaluate and save knowledge, DESK project. 

Juliana Popova, Tzvetelin Gueorguiev. Danube: Future – A Promising Path to Connecting the Danube Region

Danube: Future – един обещаващ път за свързване на Дунавския регион

Journal of Danubian Studies and Research, European Construction between Desideratum and Realities, Galati, Romania, 2016, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 326-335. ISBN 978-619-207-088-5.

Abstract: The aim of this paper is to present the participation and involvement of the University of Ruse in the Danube: Future Project for sustainable development of the Danube Region. A white paper on integrated sustainable development of the Danube River Basin produced by representatives of Danube Rectors’ Conference and Alps-Adriatic Conference member universities. Case study of the participation of the University of Ruse in the 3 editions of the DIANET International School, the 1st Danube:Future Workshop, and in the Management Committee of the Project. The general conclusion drawn in the paper is that the Danube:Future project has allowed the University of Ruse to be more engaged in the scientific development in the Danube Region, and has improved its visibility among other universities and stakeholders. The paper results can serve as a motivation for other researchers and universities to join the project and contribute to its growing Knowledge Base. The study will contribute to finding new paths for developing research in the Danube Region by making the environmental and cultural heritage of the DRB visible and bringing it into the context of sustainable development.

Keywords: Danube; Future flagship project; sustainable development; knowledge base. 

Tzvetelin Gueorguiev. Standards and Risk

Стандарти и риск

Proceedings of the kick-off conference of the project „Risk management for large scale infrastructures in the Romanian-Bulgarian cross-border area“, Project Code:, Ruse, Bulgaria, Mediatech Pleven, 2016. Vol. 1, pp. 61-75. ISBN 978-619-207-088-5.

Abstract: The paper presents the current level of standardization in the domain of risk management. The main focus is on the series of standards ISO 31000 which include the terminology, methods and their application for risk management. The new high-level structure of Annex SL and its implementation in the most popular quality management system standard- ISO 9001:2015 is compared to the structure and requirements of ISO 31000.

Keywords: risk, standard, management system, ISO 31000.

Nicola Mihailov, Ognyan Dinolov, Boris Evstatiev, Teodor Iliev, Tzvetelin Gueorguiev. A study on the characteristics of production and transport infrastructure objects within the Romanian-Bulgarian cross-border area

Изследване на характеристиките на производствените и транспортните инфраструктурни обекти в трансграничната област Румъния-България

Proceedings of the kick-off conference of the project „Risk management for large scale infrastructures in the Romanian-Bulgarian cross-border area“, Project Code:, Ruse, Bulgaria, Mediatech Pleven, 2016. Vol. 1, pp. 149-169. ISBN 978-619-207-088-5.

Abstract: The aim of this study is to investigate the parameters and characteristics of the main production and transport infrastructure objects located in the Romanian-Bulgarian cross-border area, namely the districts Dobrich, Silistra, Razgrad, Ruse, Veliko Tarnovo, Pleven, Vratsa, Montana, Vidin, Mehedinţi, Dolj, Olt, Teleorman, Giurgiu, Călăraşi and Constanța. Using published data and other Internet references, an analysis of the characteristics of a total of 103 infrastructure objects is conducted. The objects are mapped, systematized and classified by location, capacity, personnel and other indicators. The results of the study can be used in compiling databases, evaluating the potential of the cross-border area, developing European projects and actions focused on this area, including topics in the field of risk analysis and management.

Keywords: Industry, Transport, Infrastructure Objects, Romanian-Bulgarian Cross-Border Area.


Цветелин Георгиев, Борис Сакакушев, Диана Георгиева. Анализ на влиянието на контекста на висшето училище върху качеството на висшето образование

Analysis of the influence of context of the higher educational institution on the quality of higher education

Научни трудове на Русенския университет -  2015, том 54, серия 9, стр. 80-87. ISSN 1311-3321 (print), ISSN 2535-1028 (CD-ROM), ISSN 2603-4123 (on-line).

Abstract: The paper presents a critical analysis of the influence of the context in which Bulgarian universities are expected to provide high quality education. The authors use the newest version of the international standard for quality management systems- ISO 9001:2015, statistical data, and appropriate methods and techniques to point out trends in the internal and external issues to the university education, and the risks and opportunities associated with them.

Keywords: quality of higher education, ISO 9001, context of the organization, risk analysis, SWOT analysis, cause and effect diagram. 

Tzvetelin Kirilov Gueorguiev. Social Responsibility as a Key Performance Indicator for the Quality of Educational Processes

Социалната отговорност като ключов индикатор на резултатността за качеството на образователните процеси

Journal of Thermal Engineering (special issue with keynote speakers' (Tzvetelin Gueorguiev, PhD) speeches). Yildiz Technical University Press, Istanbul, Turkey, January, 2015, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 35-41. ISSN 2148-7847.

Abstract: Quality of education is a key issue in providing a sustainable future. University rankings have remarkable reputation among various stakeholders but they lack personality. This paper raises questions and proposes alternatives for possible solution for the problem. The change for the better is seen as implementing and in the same time adapting international standards to different regional, national and cultural settings.

Keywords: Quality of education; Social responsibility; Key performance indicator (KPI); University ranking. 

Tímea Árgyelán, Chiara Beccalli, Stefano Bertuzzi, Tzvetelin Gueorguiev, József Krisztián Szalánczi, Viola Ternényová, Dijana Tralić. Former Socialist Countries Open their Past to Europe (SCOPE)

Бивши социалистически държави разкриват миналото си към Европа (SCOPE)

Stefano Brumat (eds.) "DIAnet International School Proceedings 2015. The role of cultural heritage for the sustainable development of the Danube Region, Gorizia 14th-23rd March 2015", Trieste, EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, Italy. pp. 133-149. ISBN 978-88-8303-669-9, eISBN 978-88-8303-670-5.

Abstract: The project “Former Socialist Countries Open their Past to Europe” (SCOPE) focuses on gathering cultural heritage (CH) in the form of documents and personal testimonies from the former socialist countries (FSC) in the Danube Region. The main goals are to create an extensive database (DB) of the publicly available and newly collected documents, and to develop a user-friendly application for data search and analysis. The collection of available documents will be examined by group of historians to select significant CH movements on a specific geographical area. Innovative tools, SCOPE website and application, will provide effective research and analysis of documents in a new, standardized database. SCOPE tools allow quick searching of all available documents using keywords or phrases; classification of results according to geographical position/dates/types/ historical impact; and graphical illustration of activities against the socialist/communist regimes through the defined period of time. The novelty of the project is the use of the ‘citizen science’ approach to acquire personal testimonies of cultural opposition movements during the communist period through SCOPE tools. An interactive part of SCOPE application will collect users’ feedback in order to analyze if the documents serve the purpose of awareness raising on the anti-communist past among EU citizens.

Keywords: cultural heritage, socialism, communism, opposition movements, SCOPE. 

Tzvetelin Kirilov Gueorguiev. Teaching Professional English to the Quality Specialists of Tomorrow

Преподаване на професионален английски език на бъдещите специалисти по качество

Proceedings of the 8th International Working Conference ''Total Quality Management – Advanced and Intelligent Approaches'', 1st – 5th June, 2015, Belgrade, Serbia, Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Laboratory for Production metrology and TQM, Belgrade, Serbia, pp. 425-428. ISBN 978-86-7083-858-1.

Abstract: Nowadays, the English language is widely used in professional communication. Quality specialists use it daily in respect to communicating with customers, auditors, and suppliers. This paper presents the main challenges, the teaching and assessment methods used, and the plans for further development of teaching professional English to the ‘Quality Management and Metrology’ bachelor degree students at the University of Ruse ‘Angel Kanchev’, Bulgaria.

Keywords: practice of professional English, quality management systems, ASQ, EF English Proficiency Index, European language levels.

Coordinating Lead Authors: Verena Winiwarter and Gertrud Haidvogl. Contributing Authors and Commentators:  Daniel Barben, Marco Contin, Marija Cutura, Bruno Domany, Stefan Dorondel, Heike Egner, Goran Gajski, Glenda Garcia-Santos, Tzvetelin Gueorguiev, Martina Hartl, Thomas Hein, Ferenc Hudecz, Oana Ivan, Igor Jelen, Michael Jungmeier, Bresena Kopliku, Sabri Laci, Mirjana Lenhardt, Máté David Tamáska, Andrei Mihalca, Aleko Miho, Leila Papp, Ana Petrovic, Didier Pont, Ana-Maria Pop, Juliana Popova, Cristina Sandu, Jan Sendzimir, Mateja Šmid Hribar, Georgeta Stoica, Gernot Stöglehner, Momir Tabakovic, Aleksandra Terzic, Gregor Torkar, Vita Žlender, Hans Zojer. Danube:Future White Paper on Integrated Sustainable Development of the Danube River Basin. A research community-based White Paper on research and capacity building needs, challenges and opportunities for the development of the sustainability-oriented knowledge society of the Danube River Basin

Danube:Future - бяла книга за интегрирано устойчиво развитие на  басейна на река Дунав

Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt Wien Graz & University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna. Printed edition, Vienna, Austria, 2015. ISBN 978-3-900932-27-5.

Abstract: A research community-based White Paper on research and capacity building needs, challenges and opportunities for the development of the sustainability-oriented knowledge society of the Danube River Basin. 


Цветелин Георгиев, Петър Ангелов. Дигитален модел на взаимодействията между процеси от ISO 9001

A Digital Model of the Interaction between ISO 9001 Processes

Научни трудове на Русенския университет - 2014, том 53, серия 2, стр. 78-83. ISSN 1311-3321 (print), ISSN 2535-1028 (CD-ROM), ISSN 2603-4123 (on-line).

Abstract: The paper presents a solution for describing the interaction between ISO 9001 processes. The model which is incorporated in the international standard is too general for practical purposes. Using a 2D graph can be counterproductive because the network of links is complex and tangled. The authors propose a 3D model developed in SolidWorks which provides zooming, rotating, and panning functions and enhances the understanding of interactions between processes.

Keywords: ISO 9001, Process Interaction Model, 3D modeling, Process links. 

Цветелин Георгиев, Светлин Първанов, Данко Тонев. Валидиране на органолептични методи

Validation of Organoleptic Methods

Сборник доклади от XXIV Национален научен симпозиум с международно участие „Метрология и метрологично осигуряване 2014”, стр. 525-529. ISSN 1313-9126.

Резюме: Органолептичните методи са известни от дълбока древност, но техните приложения в машиностроенето са недостатъчно изследвани. За да се потвърди тяхната адекватност е предложена методика за валидиране, основана на международни стандарти и „добри практики”.

Ключови думи: органолептични методи, валидиране, ISO 9000, добри производствени практики (GMP), добри лабораторни практики (GLP).

Abstract: The organoleptic methods are known since ancient times but their applications in manufacturing are not researched sufficiently. In order to prove their adequacy a new method for validation is proposed based on international standards and good practices.

Keywords: organoleptic methods, validation, ISO 9001, good manufacturing practices (GMP), good laboratory practices (GLP). 

Tzvetelin Gueorguiev, Marieta Krasteva. Social Responsibility as a Means for the Sustainable Development in the Lower Danube River Basin

Социалната отговорност като средство за устойчивото развитие по долното течение на река Дунав

Journal of Danubian Studies and Research, International Conference ‘The Danube- Axis of European Identity’, 4th Edition, 29.06.2014, Ruse, Bulgaria. Vol. 4, no. 1/2014, pp. 52-62. ISSN 2284-5224.

Abstract: Objectives Sustainable development of the world and the EU in particular is a priority outlined in a number of strategic documents. Prior Work Social responsibility is an important topic covered by standards such as SA 8000:2001 and ISO 26000:2010. Approach This paper presents a case study of the practical implementation of corporate social responsibility activities in a Bulgarian company. Results Several key initiatives have been undertaken to prove the company’s commitment to all interested parties including local communities as well. Implications Social responsibility is where the interests and benefits for all stakeholders meet, namely employers, employees, contractors, academics, authorities and society as a whole. Value This paper presents a critical and original point of view on the advantages of using standards for social responsibility as a means for sustainable development.

Keywords: SA 8000; ISO 26000; social accountability. 

Tzvetelin Gueorguiev, Lucia Hudáčková, Rostislav Nétek, Dritan Rustja, Niculina-Lucrina Ştefănescu, Giada Zanuttini. "Working Group “Red”. Sharing Responsibility for the Protection of the Danube Delta (SHARED – Society, Heritage, Awareness, River, Environment, Danube)

Работна група "червено". Споделяне на отговорността за защите на делтата на река Дунав (SHARED - общество, наследство, осъзнаване, река, околна среда, Дунав)

Stefano Brumat, Claudia Macchia (eds.) "DIAnet International School Proceedings, 2014. The role of natural heritage for the sustainable development of the Danube Region, Gorizia 22nd-31st March 2014", Trieste, EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, pp. 108-125. ISBN 978-88-8303-564-7; eISBN 978-88-8303-565-4.

Abstract: The project focuses on involving stakeholders such as communities, authorities, industry, and researchers from the Danube River Basin (DRB) countries in sharing responsibility for the protection of natural heritage in the Danube Delta (DD). The expected results include increased shared responsibility for the protection of the Danube Delta natural heritage, informed and engaged communities in the DRB, and better networking between the stakeholders. These results will be achieved by using an upstream-downstream cooperation approach through round-trip visits by a Boat interactive centre, application of ICT, and a plethora of events. The project results will promote institutional, economic, and behavioral changes that ensure sustainability and preservation of natural heritage.

Keywords: Natural heritage, Danube Delta, Shared responsibility, Knowledge society, Public engagement. 

Tzvetelin Gueorguiev, Gheorghe Popescu, Marieta Krasteva. Quality Control of a Runner for a Pelton Turbine

Контрол на качеството на лопатка за турбина Пелтон

The International Energy Technologies Conference, ENTECH '14, Proceedings 2014, 22 to 24 December 2014, Istanbul, Turkey. DAKAM Publishing, pp. 55-61. ISBN 978-605-5120-98-6.

Abstract: This paper presents the quality assurance process for turbines and more specifically of turbine runners. Three facets of quality are demonstrated- the theoretical discussion of key quality indicators, the methodology being used and the practical implementation of quality control in the workshop and in specialized accredited laboratories. In addition, a success story for producing a Pelton turbine for the Ciğdem Project is presented.

Keywords: quality costs, spheroidal graphite cast iron, SGI, ductile iron, DI, BS 6143, ГОСТ P 52380.

Tzvetelin Gueorguiev, Svetlin Dimitrov Parvanov, Branko Dushkov Sotirov, Danko Hristov Tonev. Quality costs associated with production of spheroidal graphite iron

Разходи за качество, свързани с производството на сферографитен чугун

Науково-виробничий журнал „Метрологiя та прилади“, 2014, No 1, стр. 10-12. ISSN 2307-2180.

Abstract: The article presents a case study, performed in Bulgarian foundries producing spheroidal graphite cast iron. The in-depth analysis of the results is based on international standards. Possible ways for decreasing the quality costs are proposed.

Keywords: quality costs, spheroidal graphite cast iron, SGI, ductile iron, DI, BS 6143, ГОСТ P 52380.


Цветелин Георгиев, Данко Тонев, Георги Георгиев. Анализ на измервателната система (MSA) като елемент от системата за управление на качеството в индустрията

Measurement systems analysis (MSA) as an element of a quality management system in industry

Научни трудове на Русенския университет - 2013, Том 52, Серия 2 - Машиностроителни технологии и механика, стр. 73-78. ISSN 1311-3321 (print), ISSN 2535-1028 (CD-ROM), ISSN 2603-4123 (on-line).

Abstract: The measurement system assures that all decisions are made based on solid facts. The international standard ISO 10012:2003 “Measurement management systems - Requirements for measurement processes and measuring equipment” specifies requirements which guarantee that the measurement system is adequate and that the risk of having misleading measurement results is managed by using statistical techniques. The advantages of using this standard can be further improved by the application of the Measurement Systems Analysis (MSA) developed by the Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG).

Keywords: Measurement systems Analysis (MSA), ISO 10012:2003, ISO/TS 16949:2009. 

Цветелин Георгиев, Георги Николов, Марчела Царевска. Осигуряване на качеството на сферографитни чугуни

Quality Assurance of Spheroidal Graphite Iron

Научни известия на Научно-техническия съюз по машиностроене, XX-та Национална леярска конференция с международно участие „Металолеене 2013”, Година XXI, Брой 1 (138), април 2013 год., стр. 5-8. ISSN 1310-3946.

Резюме: Осигуряването на качеството на сферографитните чугуни може да се постигне по три алтернативни начина: усилване на контрола или използване на по-съвременни методи и средства за контрол и наблюдение; откриване и отстраняване на първопричините за несъответствие и препроектиране на продукта и процеса. Първите два от тези варианти са приложени за условията на „Осъм“ АД, гр. Ловеч.

Ключови думи: осигуряване на качеството, сферографитен чугун, статистически контрол, валидиране.

Георги Николов, Цветелин Георгиев. Изработване на леярски форми

Production of Casting Moulds

Научни известия на Научно-техническия съюз по машиностроене, XX-та Национална леярска конференция с международно участие „Металолеене 2013”, Година XXI, Брой 1 (138), април 2013 год., стр. 2-4. ISSN 1310-3946.

Резюме: Направен е кратък преглед на видовете леярски форми, на тяхното развитие до днес и са описани прогнозни варианти за развитие на основните представители на еднократните форми – класическата пясъчно-глинеста и блок-формите от втвърдяващи смеси.

Ключови думи: леярски форми, постоянни форми, еднократни форми, класическа пясъчно-глинеста форма, блок-форми.

Tzvetelin Gueorguiev, Stefan Yanev. Human Quality Management System

Човешка система за управление на качеството

Proceedings from the 27th International Working Conference 'Total Quality Management – Advanced and Intelligent Approaches', Belgrade, Serbia. pp. 149-153. ISBN 978-86-7083-791-1.

Abstract: The article presents a comparative analysis of the similarities between the human body, the ISO 9000 quality management principles and the ISO 9001 structure. This analysis uncovers some opportunities for improvement of the standards based on the ‘nonconformities’ between the human nature and the requirements of the ISO 9000 series of standards.

Keywords: ISO 9000 series, system approach, process approach, human body.

Kristina Bikit, Tzvetelin Gueorguiev, Avni Hajdari, Ivana Maraš, Iván Zàdori, Péter Zilahi. Green and Integrated Transport on the Danube River. Extending and Enhancing the Existing Motorail (Car Trains) System in the Danube River Basin (DRB)

Зелен и интегриран транспорт по река Дунав. Разширяване и подобряване на съществуващата система Motorail в басейна на река Дунав

DIAnet International School Proceedings 2013. “Interdisciplinary Methods for the Sustainable Development of the Danube Region”, EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste. pp. 55-69. ISBN 978-88-8303-521-0.

Abstract: The aim of the project is the enhancement of a greener, innovative and sustainable mobility through the extension of the existing railway system with as little changes as possible and the development of new modes of transport, providing a fast and seamless combination of rail and water transport, followed by short distance travel to the final destination by motorized vehicles or bicycles. This would be achieved through the extension in the Danube River Basin of the motorail system which allows the transport of cars, motorbikes and small trailers, creating an efficient, seamless and low-carbon transport network, thus contributing to the sustainable development of economic competitiveness and growth, of an integrated European single market and of an open and inclusive society, of tourist accessibility to new countries.

Keywords: sustainable mobility, modes of transport, seamless combination, rail and water transport, motorail.

Tzvetelin Kirilov Gueorguiev, Danko Hristov Tonev, Branko Dushkov Sotirov. SIPOC Diagrams - A Solution for Leaner Management Systems

SIPOC диаграми - едно решение за по-елегантни системи за управление

Theoretical and practical aspects of the development of modern science: papers from the X-th International scientific and practical conference, Moscow, 23-24 December 2013 / Scientific and information publishing centre ‘Institute for strategic research’. – Moscow: ‘Spetskniga’ Publishing house (Теоретические и практические аспекты развития современной науки: материалы X международной научно-практической конференции, г. Москва, 23-24 декабря 2013 г. / Науч.-инф. издат. центр «Институт стратегических исследований». – Москва: Изд-во «Спецкнига»). pp. 36-42. ISBN 978-5-91891-349-9.

Abstract: The article presents a proposal for a leaner quality management system. The compact structure of the procedure is achieved by using flowcharting and a SIPOC model to express the inputs and the outputs of the process. The continual improvement of the effectiveness of the quality management system is assured by specifying a measurable KPI for each procedure.

Keywords: quality management system, QMS, lean, flowchart, KPI, SIPOC diagram.

Danko Hristov Tonev, Branko Dushkov Sotirov, Tzvetelin Gueorguiev. Determining the Percentage of Nonconforming Parts Using the Taits-Markov Method and Measurement Systems Analysis

Определяне на процента на несъответстващите детайли чрез използване на метода Тайц-Марков и Анализ на измервателната система

Theoretical and practical aspects of the development of modern science: papers from the X-th International scientific and practical conference, Moscow, 23-24 December 2013 / Scientific and information publishing centre ‘Institute for strategic research’. – Moscow: ‘Spetskniga’ Publishing house (Теоретические и практические аспекты развития современной науки: материалы X международной научно-практической конференции, г. Москва, 23-24 декабря 2013 г. / Науч.-инф. издат. центр «Институт стратегических исследований». – Москва: Изд-во «Спецкнига»). pp. 42-48. ISBN 978-5-91891-349-9.

Abstract: The present article discusses the issue of determining the probable percentage of erroneously accepted and erroneously rejected parts, as the data regarding the error of the measurement device is taken from the Measurement Systems Analysis (MSA). The results of the mathematical dependencies show the real values of the error of the measurement device, as well as the real zone of variation, which are obtained when assessing the capability of the measurement device (CIM).

Keywords: MSA analysis, R&R, error of the measurement method.

Danko Hristov Tonev, Branko Dushkov Sotirov, Tzvetelin Gueorguiev. Using the Possibilities of the Vibratory Surface Plastic Deformation Process as a Method for Machining Surfaces Which are Suitable for Bearing Fits

Използване на възможностите на вибрационното повърхностно пластично деформиране като метод за механична обработка на повърхнини, които са подходящи за лагерни сглобки

Theoretical and practical aspects of the development of modern science: papers from the X-th International scientific and practical conference, Moscow, 23-24 December 2013 / Scientific and information publishing centre ‘Institute for strategic research’. – Moscow: ‘Spetskniga’ Publishing house (Теоретические и практические аспекты развития современной науки: материалы X международной научно-практической конференции, г. Москва, 23-24 декабря 2013 г. / Науч.-инф. издат. центр «Институт стратегических исследований». – Москва: Изд-во «Спецкнига»). pp. 49-56. ISBN 978-5-91891-349-9.

Abstract: The article presents the possibilities to use the vibratory surface plastic deformation process as a method for reconditioning the dimensions of worn-out bearing journals. Proposed are criteria for selection of a suitable surface depending on the relative material ratio and the resulting microhardness.

Keywords: vibratory surface plastic deformation, multiplicity of deformational impact, bearing fits.


Георге Самоилеску, Беазит Али, Флорин Николае, Корнелиу Морояну, Камелия Чобану, Михай Бежан, Каталин Попа, Алина Барбу, Лаура Чизер, Занфир Виорел, Никола Михайлов, Кондю Андонов, Диана Антонова, Иван Евстатиев, Ивайло Стоянов, Валентин Стоянов, Красимир Мартев, Надежда Евстатиева, Анелия Манукова, Димо Димов, Огнян Динолов, Елица Куманова, Руслан Иванов, Сехер Кадирова, Цветелин Георгиев. Възобновяеми енергийни източници и технологии

Renewable energy sources and technologies

Под ред. на проф. д-р Георге Самойлеску и проф. д-р Никола Михайлов Изд. "Примакс", Издателски център на Русенски университет "Ангел Кънчев", Русе, 2012, ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ П.1. "Статистическа обработка и представяне на резултати от измерване", стр. 266-280. ISBN 978-954-8675-52-9.

Никола Михайлов, Диана Антонова, Иван Евстатиев, Ивайло Стоянов, Надежда Евстатиева, Красимир Мартев, Анелия Манукова, Даниел Павлов, Огнян Динолов, Елица Куманова, Сехер Кадирова, Руслан Иванов, Цветелин Георгиев. Възобновяеми енергийни източници и технологии. Ръководство за упражнения

Renewable energy sources and technologies. A guidebook for exercises

Под ред. на проф. д-р Никола Михайлов Изд. "Примакс", Издателски център на Русенски университет "Ангел Кънчев", Русе, 2012, ISBN 978-954-8675-42-0. ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ П.1. "Статистическа обработка и представяне на резултати от измерване", стр. 266-280. ISBN 978-954-8675-52-9.

Георги Николов, Цветелин Георгиев, Георги Рашев, Райчо Георгиев. Надеждността на технологичния процес и технологичната дисциплина - предпоставка за високо качество и производителност

Euro-QLIO нов образователен инструмент за обучаване на специалисти на европейско ниво

Международно виртуално списание „Машини, технологии, материали”, ХVII Национална леярска конференция с международно участие „МЕТАЛОЛЕЕНЕ 2011”, Ловеч, Брой 3, стр. 3-7. ISSN 1313-0226. 


Daniel Bekana, Tzvetelin Gueorguiev, Tihomir Vasilev. Control plan of a process for rebuilding machinery parts

Контролен план на процес за възстановяване на машинни части

Scientific proceedings, 16th International Scientific Conference ‘Quality and reliability of technical systems’ (Zborník vedeckých prác, 16. Medzinárodná vedecká konferencia ‘Kvalita a spoľahlivosť technických systémov’), Nitra, Slovakia, pp. 14-18. ISBN 978–80–552–0595-3.

Abstract: The article presents a method for controlling the parameters of a process for rebuilding machinery parts. The authors propose using a control plan that provides a documented description of process and product special characteristics. It may serve as guidance for determining the appropriate statistical tools, for developing work instructions, and for paving the way for continual improvement through control and reduction of variation in product characteristics and manufacturing process parameters.

Keywords: control plan, rebuilding, quality control, FMEA.


Horaţiu Pop, Cristian Gabriel Alionte, Malina Prisecaru, Valentin Apostol, Gheorghe Popescu, Ion Dan Filipoiu, Bernard Heit, Tzvetelin Gueorguiev. Euro-QLIO a New Educational Tool for Specialist Training at European Level

Euro-QLIO нов образователен инструмент за обучаване на специалисти на европейско ниво

Iskander, M., Kapila, V., Karim, M. (eds) Technological Developments in Education and Automation. Springer, Dordrecht. .

Abstract: In the context of constant development of methods for distance learning, or e-learning, the paper presents a project in which the software tools specific to this type of education are being applied, namely, the ERASMUS project called „Filière Euro Qualité Logistique des Organisations”, acronym EURO-QLIO. The e-learning process offers flexibility and affordability "anywhere, anytime", so that it can be used in both hybrid and joint learning. The project EURO-QLIO ensures the preparation and conduct of the partnership for training in the field of Metrology, Quality Control and Organization Logistics. The partnership is ensured by the involvement of three renowned universities from three different countries: „ University Henri Poincaré” from Nancy, France (which is the project coordinator) "University Politehnica of Bucharest”, Romania, and "University Angel Kanchev” from Rousse, Bulgaria. The Romanian partner has co-opted from the industrial area the firm “SC Marco & Alex Instalaţii Frig SRL”. This partner represents the interface between the Euro-QLIO project and the industrial beneficiaries. The educational platform is based on two very important components, namely: establishment of a virtual campus and issuance of a diploma with triple recognition.

Keywords: distance learning, EURO-QLIO project, joint education, triple recognition.

Pop, H. et al. (2010). Euro-QLIO a New Educational Tool for Specialist Training at European Level. In: Iskander, M., Kapila, V., Karim, M. (eds) Technological Developments in Education and Automation. Springer, Dordrecht. 

Despina Duminica, Bogdan Popescu, Tzvetelin Gueorguiev, Cristian Gabriel Alionte, Horaţiu Pop, Gheorghe Popescu, Anthony Battistuta. Euro-Qlio, an opportunity for education and professional development in quality, metrology and logistics

EuroQLIO, възможност за образование и професионално развитие по качество, метрология и логистика

The Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics & Mechatronics (Revista Română de Mecanică Fină, Optică şi Mecatronică), 2010 (20), No. 38, pp. 123-127. ISSN 1584-5982.

Abstract: The paper presents the aims and some aspects concerning the implementation of EURO-QLIO, an ERASMUS project oriented on education process improvement in the field of Metrology, Quality Control and Organization Logistics in the partner universities: “Henri Poincaré” University of Nancy, France, “POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest and “Angel Kanchev” University of Rousse, Bulgaria. The educational platform is based on two components: a virtual campus establishment and issuance of triple recognition diploma.

Keywords: educational platform, performance.,%20an%20opportunity%20for%20education%20and%20professional%20develop..pdf 

Tsvyatko Koriykov, Tzvetelin Gueorguiev, Hugues Haouy, Cyril Domptail. Modern Teaching Practices, Implemented in The Bachelor Degree Quality Management and Metrology’ / EuroQLIO

Съвременни практики на преподаване, внедрени в бакалавърската специалност "Мениджмънт на качеството и метрология" / EuroQLIO

Proceedings of the 27-th Danube Rectors’ Conference, 25-27 November 2010, Ruse, University of Ruse Publishing Center, Thematic session ‘Quality in education’, pp. 118-124, Русе, 2010.

Abstract: The article presents the experience in E-Learning of an international teaching team. The Bachelor degree has been created as a result of the Erasmus Virtual Campus project ‘EuroQLIO’ where the partners are the University ‘Henri Poincare’, Nancy, France, the University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania and the University of Ruse ‘Angel Kanchev’. More than 70 students have been accepted to pursue their study in quality management and metrology.

Keywords: e-learning, virtual campus, quality of higher education.

Despina Duminica, Cristian Gabriel Alionte, Bogdan Popescu, Horaţiu Pop, Gheorghe Popescu, Tzvetelin Gueorguiev, Anthony Battistuta. The Euro-QLIO Project: An Example of E-learning Platform Used in Order to Improve the Educational Process in the Fields of Quality, Metrology and Logistics

Проектът Euro-QLIO: Пример за платформа за електронно обучение, използвана за да се подобри образователния процес в областите качество, метрология и логистика

18th Edition International Salon Hervex 2010 (Hydraulics; Pneumatics; Sealing systems; Fine mechanics; Tools; Mecatronics Dedicated electronic devices and equipment), 10 - 12 November 2010, pp. 436-441. ISSN 1454-8003.

Abstract: The paper presents an educational platform developed in order to improve the education process and the professional development in the fields of Quality, Metrology and Industrial Logistics, in the frame of the Erasmus project EURO-QLIO. The educational platform is based on two components: a virtual campus establishment and issuance of triple recognition diploma.

Keywords: virtual campus, e-learning, quality, metrology, logistics. 


Цветелин Георгиев. Планиране на качеството на процес за получаване на сферографитен чугун чрез приложение на QFD метод

Planning the Quality of the Production Process of Spheroidal Graphite Iron Using the QFD Method

Сп. „Известия на Съюза на учените – Русе”, 1/2009 год., Серия “Технически науки” №5, стр. 36-42. ISSN 1311-106X .

Резюме: Статията представя приложението на метода QFD (quality function deployment) за планиране на качеството на процеса за производство на сферографитен чугун. Целият процес е разделен на четири подпроцеса и за всеки един от тях са определи критичните показатели на качеството.

Abstract: The paper presents an application of the quality function deployment (QFD) method for planning the Quality of a Process for Production of spheroidal graphite iron. The whole process is divided into four stages and the critical quality indices for each one of them are established.

Цветелин Георгиев, Георги Николов. Контролни планове за осигуряване качеството на сферографитни чугуни

Control Plans for Quality Assurance of Spheroidal Graphite Irons

XV Национална леярска конференция с международно участие „Металолеене 2009”, Международно виртуално списание „Машини, технологии, материали”, Ловеч, Брой 5-6, стр. 33-37. ISSN 1313-0226 .

Abstract: The article presents a summary of the advantages offered by creating control plans, an explanation of the main components of a control plan, and links to Bulgarian and international standards. The most critical steps in producing spheroidal graphite (ductile) irons are presented in the context of quality assurance activities. The complete control plan is prepared to be printed as a guide book for foundries.

Keywords: Control plan, Quality assurance, Spheroidal Graphite Iron, Ductile Iron, ISO/TS 16949. 

Цветелин Георгиев, Бранко Сотиров. Рисков анализ на грешки на измерване

Risk analysis of measurement errors

XIX научен симпозиум с международно участие „Метрология и метрологично осигуряване”, Сборник доклади, стр. 72-80, Созопол, 2009, ISSN 1313-9126 .

Abstract: The article presents a research of the main causes, sub-causes and root causes that produce measurement errors. It is a continuation of a previous publication by the authors. Presented is the risk analysis of failures when measuring mechanical properties of materials based on quantitative assessment of each root cause by its Severity, Occurrence and Detection. Recommendations for lowering the risk priority numbers for the critical root causes have been presented.

Keywords: risk analysis, measurement errors, FMEA.

Бранко Сотиров, Борис Сакакушев, Цвятко Корийков, Цветелин Георгиев, Жан-Филип Жел, Георге Попеску. Мениджмънт на качеството и метрология – специалност от европейското образователно пространство

Quality Management and Metrology - a speciality from the European Education Area


Георги Николов, Георги Рашев, Цветелин Георгиев, Владимир Тодоров. Сиви чугуни – възход без падение. Ретроспекция и перспективи

Cast irons - rise without fall. Retrospective and perspectives

XIV национална леярска конференция с международно участие „Металолеене 2008”, Международно виртуално списание „Машини, технологии, материали”, стр. 15-19, ISSN 1313-0226.

Abstract: The article presents an overview of the development of cast iron, the various types of cast irons, as well as some key moments that have marked a significant growth in their production. In addition to known facts, the paper discusses the properties of spheroidal graphite cast irons and the competitive advantages that an ISO certification may produce.

Keywords: Cast iron, spheroidal graphite iron, ADI, CADI, bainite, ISO certificates. 

Samuel Nowakowski, Nathalie Bernard, Jean-Philippe Jehl, Bernard Heit, Gheorghe Popescu, Tzvetelin Gueorguiev, Branko Sotirov, Tsvyatko Koriykov. EURO-QLIO un campus virtuel pour la mise en place d'une filière euro qualité, logistique des organisations

EURO-QLIO виртуален кампус за внедряване на европейска мрежа по качество и логистика на организациите

CIFA 2008 (Conférence Internationale Francophone d'Automatique) 3-5.09.2008, Bucharest, Romania, Papier n° 228 .

Abstract: Le projet EURO-QLIO s’inscrit dans le cadre de programme européen LifeLong Learning Program 2007-2013. Sur la période allant d’octobre 2007 à Septembre 2009, EUROQLIO a pour objectif la mise en place d'une filière thématique européenne de l'enseignement de la Qualité, de la logistique industrielle et de l'organisation. Ces disciplines, vecteurs de réussite dans tous les secteurs d'activités, sont aujourd'hui incontournables pour les entreprises qui souhaitent accroître leurs performances et leur compétitivité au niveau européen.

EURO-QLIO est un campus virtuel s’appuyant sur la création d'une filière thématique constituée d'une Licence et d'un Master à triple diplomation entre la France, la Roumanie et la Bulgarie.

En tant que campus virtuel, EURO-QLIO a pour caractéristique remarquable de s'appuyer fortement sur une utilisation des outils issus des TICE (plateforme d'enseignement à distance et modules multimédia) pour une pédagogie mixte (à distance sur une plateforme collaborative et en présentiel avec des séances de regroupement). L'ensemble des formations sera tutoré à distance par les équipes pédagogiques des trois pays. L'évaluation des formations sera effectuée lors des séances de regroupement.

L'internationalisation des diplômes se caractérise par plusieurs aspects :

- les aspects linguistiques par la transposition des contenus dans les différentes langues (anglais, français, roumain et bulgare) ;

- les aspects liés à l’articulation avec le tissu socioéconomiques par la mutualisation des contacts industriels de la PME aux grands groupes internationaux et un transfert d'outils, de savoir-faire et de méthodologie auprès des entreprises (conventionnement et placement des stagiaires en entreprise) et des universités locales.

Keywords: Campus virtuel, triple diplomation, filière thématique, qualité, logistique.

Samuel Nowakowski, Nathalie Bernard, Jean-Philippe Jehl, Bernard Heit, Gheorghe Popescu, Tzvetelin Gueorguiev, Branko Sotirov, Tsvyatko Koriykov. EURO-QLIO – A Partnership for Creating a European Network for Training in Quality, Metrology and Logistics

EURO-QLIO - Партньорство за създаване на европейска мрежа за обучение по качество, метрология и логистика

XIX Национална научно-практическа конференция с международно участие „Качеството – за по-добър живот”, София, 12-13.11.2008, стр. 221-229, ISBN 954-91780-1-3.

Abstract: The project EURO-QLIO is a virtual campus that belongs to the European Lifelong Learning Programme 2007-2013. With a planned duration of two years (October 2007 - September 2009), EUROQLIO aims to create a European thematic network for teaching Quality, Metrology and Industrial Logistics to Bachelor and Master degrees students. Important aspects of the project are: possibility for triple diploma from France, Romania and Bulgaria, the application of modern distance learning methods and the high degree of participation of industrial organizations in the process of acquiring hands-on experience by the students. Students from France, Romania and Bulgaria will be able to study at the three partner universities: University 'Henri Poincare, 'Politehnica' the University of Bucharest and the University of Ruse 'Angel Kanchev'. The fourth partner in this project is the Romanian enterprise 'Marco & Alex". The international nature of the project is supported by the publishing of all teaching materials in the three languages of the partners, and English serving as a base for enhanced visibility and further dissemination of the idea.

Keywords: virtual campus, triple diploma, thematic network, quality, metrology, logistics. 

Valentin Apostol, Nathalie Bernard, Tzvetelin Gueorguiev, Gheorghe Popescu, Ion Dan Filipoiu, Cristian Gabriel Alionte, Dumitru Petre, Horaţiu Pop. Evaluation of professional development in the mechanical engineering field based on economical education

Оценяване на професионалното развитие в областта на машинното инженерство на основата на икономично образование

International Conference ‘Education and creativity for a knowledge society’, Bucharest, Romania, 20-21.11.2008, pp. 25-30, ISBN 978-973-569-964-2.

Abstract: In this paper is presented the evaluation framework of professional development in the mechanical engineering field oriented on economical education (Metrology, Quality Control and Organization Logistics) realized under the project „Filière Euro Qualité Logistique des Organisations”, acronym EURO-QLIO. The project ensures the quality of the education process and is responding to the work market internationalization through the transversal competences, fulfilled by of international partnership development, educational process internationalization and virtual campus implementation. Thus, the educational platform is based on two important components, namely: establishment of a virtual campus and issuance of a diploma with triple recognition. The partnership is ensured by the involvement of three universities: "Henri Poincaré" University of Nancy, France, the project coordinator, "Politehnica" University of Bucharest”, Romania, and "Angel Kanchev" of Rouse, Bulgaria. As interface with the industry in the EURO-QLIO consortium is “SC Marco & Alex Instalaţii Frig SRL” Enterprise.

Keywords: quality management, higher education, European requirements, ISO 9001:2000. 


Цветелин Георгиев, Бранко Сотиров. Изследване на източниците на грешки при измерване на механични свойства на материали

Study of the sources of errors when measuring mechanical properties of materials

XVII научен симпозиум с международно участие „Метрология и метрологично осигуряване”, Сборник доклади, стр. 233-237, Созопол, 2006, ISBN 978-954-334-061-3.

Резюме: Известно е, че механичните свойства на материалите оказват пряко влияние върху тяхното качество. В определена степен това качество е зависимо и от качеството на измерване, формирано чрез редица причинно-следствени връзки с реално определими фактори. Статията представя изследване на основните причини, подпричините и първопричините, пораждащи грешки при измерване на механични свойства.

Ключови думи: механични свойства, грешки, фактори, причинно-следствена диаграма.


Tzvetelin Gueorguiev. Quality Management in Higher Education

Управление на качеството във висшето образование

Първа национална научна конференция с международно участие „Качество на висшето образование”  - Информационен бюлетин, 2006, стр. 1-7. ISBN 954-712-347-5; ISBN: 978-954-712-347-2.

Abstract: Being an indicator for organizational performance, the quality of education should be the primary goal of all educational institutions, including universities. By definition quality is the extent to which a product or service meets a complex of requirements. Thus, universities should aspire to satisfy the requirements of their students, staff, stake-holders, society, and applicable regulatory requirements. The EU is aiming to become the world leader in terms of the quality of its education and training systems. As a future member country Bulgaria takes an active part in the Bologna, Lisbon and Copenhagen processes.

Keywords: quality management, higher education, European requirements, ISO 9001:2000.

Бранко Сотиров, Борис Сакакушев, Данко Тонев, Цветелин Георгиев. За обучението по метрология за инженери

Metrology education for engineers

Резюме: Метрологията е част от фундаменталната техническа подготовка на инженерите. Качеството на тяхното обучение в немалка степен се определя и от фактори като съдържание на програми, технология на обучението и хорариум на преподаваните дисциплини. В статията са разгледани въпросите за характеристиките на това обучение и са представени вижданията на авторите относно съдържанието и технологията на обучение.

Ключови думи: метрология, обучение, учебни програми.

Цветелин Георгиев, Георги Николов, Цвятко Корийков. Показатели, влияещи върху качеството на изотермично закалените чугуни със сфероидален графит

Characteristics that influence the quality of austempered ductile irons

Научни трудове на Русенски университет “Ангел Кънчев”, Том 45, Серия 2, стр. 76-81. Русе, 2006. ISSN 1311-3321.

Резюме: Статията представя различните групи свойства, които определят качеството на отливките, техните свойства, изисквани по различни стандарти, и предлага минимален набор от изисквания, които трябва да бъдат изпълнени за да се удовлетворят повече клиенти.

Ключови думи: свойства, стандарти, отливки, сферографитен чугун.


Цветелин Георгиев. ISO 9001:2000 и / или 6 сигма?

ISO 9001:2000 and/or 6 Sigma?

Библиотека "Клуб 9000 консултира", бр.17/05, стр. 22-27 .

Abstract: Discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of ISO 9001:2000 and ‘Six Sigma’.

Keywords: ISO 9001:2000, PDCA, “Six sigma”, DMAIC.

Цветелин Георгиев, Цвятко Корийков, Николай Рахнев. Методи за подобряване качеството на процесите по ISO 9001:2000

Methods for Improving the Quality of ISO 9001:2000 Processes

XVI-та Национална научно-практическа конференция с международно участие “Качеството – за по-добър живот 2005” – Доклади, стр. 101-106.

Резюме; Статията представя преглед на методите, прилагани за подобряване на качеството на процеси, съответстващи на ISO 9001:2000. От гледна точка на управлението на качеството са анализирани различни методи от операционния мениджмънт. Разработен е метод за подобряване на качеството. Той е приложен за конкретен процес в „Жити“ АД, гр. Русе.

Abstract: The article presents a review of the methods, applied for quality improvement of the processes meeting the requirements of ISO 9001:2000. Various methods used in the operations management are analyzed from a quality management perspective. A method for quality improvement has been developed. It has been applied for a specific process in Zhiti S.A., Rousse.

Keywords: quality improvement, methods, practical application of quality management.

Tzvetelin Gueorguiev. Eastern Europe and Bulgaria – Wide Open for ISO 9000:2000 And ‘Six Sigma’

Източна Европа и България - широко отворени за ISO 9000:2000 и "Шест Сигма"

Сборник Научни трудове на Русенски университет “Ангел Кънчев” и AMTech 2005, стр. 569-572, ISSN 1311-3321.

Abstract: Since the fall of communism, the Eastern European countries have undergone multiple and rapid changes in their economies. This in turn has led to a marketing approach focused on customer satisfaction and quality plays a key role in it. Even though the EU orientation of those countries presumably leads them towards ISO 9000:2000, more and more companies explore American and Japanese methods in their quest for excellence.

Keywords: quality management, standardization, Eastern Europe, Bulgaria.

Борис Сакакушев, Младен Петров, Данко Тонев, Цветелин Георгиев. Поляризационно-оптичен метод за измерване якостните свойства на твърди тела

Polarization and Optical Method for Measurement of the Strength Properties of Solids

Сборник Научни трудове на Русенски университет “Ангел Кънчев”, Том 44, Серия 2, стр. 521-526, ISSN 1311-3321.

Резюме: В доклада се предлага методика и създадена на нейна база идейна схема за измервателна установка за безразрушително измерване на якостните свойства на твърди тела чрез поляризационно-оптичен метод.

Abstract: The article presents a method and an ideal scheme based on that method for non-destructive measurement of the strength properties of solids using the polarization and optical method.

Keywords: solids, strength properties measurement, deformation, optics.


Цветелин Георгиев, Данко Тонев. Възможности за подобряване на качеството, породени от сравнителния анализ между ISO 9001:2000 и “6 сигма”

Possibilities for Quality Improvement, Based on the Comparative Analysis of ISO 9001:2000 and Six Sigma'

Научни трудове на Русенски университет “Ангел Кънчев”, Том 39, Серия 7, стр. 93-97, ISSN 1311-3321.

Резюме; На база на текущото състояние на подходите към качеството в света се открояват два основна метода- ISO 9001:2000 и “Шест сигма”. Тъй като е международен стандарт първият от двата метода има по-големи шансове да стане пример за цял свят. Някои негови недостатъци могат да бъдат компенсирани и именно тук е мястото на „Шест сигма“. Обединението на двата метода трябва да води към постигане на идеала.

Ключови думи: ISO 9001:2000, „Шест сигма“, сертифициране, PDCA, DMAIC.

Abstract: Based on the current situation of the quality approaches in the world two main methods stand out- ISO 9001:2000 and ‘Six Sigma’. Being an international standard the first one has bigger chances of becoming a world example, but some of its disadvantages can be compensated and that’s where ‘Six Sigma’ comes into place. The unity of both approaches must lead to perfection.

Keywords: ISO 9001:2000, “Six Sigma”, Certification, PDCA, DMAIC.