Tuscaloosa Stake Primary Quarterly Newsletter

April-June 2022

"Meet Me at the Temple"

We would like to invite branch and ward primary presidencies, nursery leaders, music leaders and activity leaders to a special primary stake training Saturday, September 17, 2022 from 10:00am -12:00pm at the Gardendale Ward Building. We plan to have training focused around the next ordinance: preparing the junior primary children for baptism and the senior primary children to receive their limited-use recommend when they advance to Young Women/Young Men. A guest speaker will follow. Lunch will be served at noon.

We ask that each individual spiritually prepare to be taught by the Holy Ghost, by studying section 12 of the Handbook and Alma 32. While we understand the great distance that many of you will travel, we assure you that your time and efforts will not be in vain. Please make your best effort to attend in person. We look forward to seeing you all in September!


Sis. Cureton, Sis. Becker, Sis. Martin & Sis. Hickman

We will be hosting "Stuff-A-Backpack" and we would love for every ward and branch to take part! Each unit will be assigned a list of school supplies to be collected between June 15-July 29, 2022. On or before July 29, each unit will transport their collected items to the Tuscaloosa Stake Center to be organized. On Saturday, July 30, 2022, senior primary children from all units are invited to assemble backpacks at 10:00am at the Tuscaloosa church building. Following the backpack assembly, the children and leaders will gather to watch the "Friend to Friend" broadcast. Lunch will follow.

Please join us for a very quick ZOOM (Personal Meeting ID: 379 802 8147 Passcode: primary) informational meeting Sunday, June 26 at 2:00 pm. This is a great opportunity to ask any questions you might have. Full details and unit supply assignments are linked below. Thank you all for of your love for our children and for one another!

Full Details >>>

Summertime Means Goals & Fun Activities!

School is out and summer is in full swing! What fun activities are your Activity Boys and Activity Girls planning for the next few months? While we might be tempted to take a break from gathering the children for Activities, it's important that we continue consistent gatherings that will help them with their spiritual, intellectual, social and physical momentum. With school being out, it's imperative that we provide that soft, spiritual and edifying place for them to land as often as possible; and that means, Activities for Boys and Girls throughout the summer. We can't wait to see what your primary children accomplish this summer!

Welcome, Sister Hickman!

We would like to welcome Sister Hickman as the new Stake Primary Secretary! Here's a little introduction from her:

"I am Joanna Hickman and I have been married to the man of all my "nevers" (never a red head, never military, never before the mission, etc) for 18 years. We have three permanent kids who are 12, 6 and 6. Currently we have two bonus kiddos who are three. We have lived all over while my husband did medical school and are now in Columbus Mississippi for Internal Medicine Residency. I'm a girl who struggles saying no and whose love language is food. I have served in Sunday School, Relief Society, Young Women and Primary. My all time favorite calling would have to be nursery leader or music leader. I've been a 911 dispatcher and am a nurse so not much rattles me. I tend to straddle the line between amazing and crazy and it's anyone's guess which side I'll land on any given day. I experienced Postpartum Depression and Anxiety after my twins were born and it has just come to stay. While I wouldn't wish it on anyone, it has given me unique perspectives and a way to relate to people that I didn't have before. We also struggle with infertility so that's a whole extra group of people to relate to. Heavenly Father has always put us exactly where we need to be when we need to be there so I know we are here for a reason."

Handbook Highlight: Singing Time & Primary Program

As most of you are starting to put plans in motion for your annual Primary Program, we would like to direct your attention to section 12 of the Handbook. Singing time is essentially gospel doctrine for the primary children. This is the time when the children learn essential Gospel truths through the Holy Ghost and we, as their leaders, are responsible for creating a spiritual space and time where the Holy Ghost can do just that.

Section 12.1.4 of the Handbook states, "Singing time helps children feel Heavenly Father's love and learn about His plan of happiness. As children sing about gospel principles, the Holy Ghost testifies of their truthfulness. The words and music will stay in the children's minds and hearts throughout their lives."

Because singing time is so tender and precious, we are specifically directed on how to prepare and invite the Spirit into singing time with opening exercises. Opening exercises consist of a "Prayer, Scripture or Article of Faith, AND Talk -- all given by children" and should take only 5 minutes. This gives 20 minutes for singing time, a 5 minute transition and 20 minutes for classes and a closing prayer. Implementing these opening exercises allows the children to invite the Holy Ghost to teach them!

We invite you to study these sections of the Handbook and ask the Lord to inspire and direct you. We would also invite you to study "Instructions for Singing Time and the Children's Sacrament Meeting Program" for additional direction.

Primary Resources

Resources for Increasing Emotional Resilience

The Friend Magazine

Calendar Events

Stuff-a-Backpack Service Project

& Friend-to-Friend Broadcast for Children

July 30, 2022 (Tuscaloosa building)

10:00 a.m. CST - Service Project (Senior Primary)

11:00 a.m. CST - Friend to Friend Broadcast

12:00 p.m. CST - Lunch

Worldwide Event for Parents

August 21, 2022, 6:00 p.m. CST

Stake Primary Training: "Meet Me at the Temple"

September 17, 2022, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. CST (Gardendale building)

General Conference

October 1-2, 2022

Stake Conference

October 29-30, 2022

Friend to Friend Broadcast for Children

November 5, 2022, 11:00 a.m. CST

First Presidency's Christmas Devotional

December 4, 2022, 7:00 p.m. CST

Tuscaloosa Stake Primary Calendar


When there is a new presidency member called... please contact Sis. Joanna Hickman so that we can set up a time to orient her in person. To prepare for the in-person orientation, please visit the New Leader Orientation page. Orienting is a wonderful way to make a seamless transition and will help the new sister to feel welcomed and confident in her abilities.

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