Tuscaloosa Stake Primary Newsletter
July 2021
July: History & Patriotism
July is a month filled with history and patriotism! As we celebrate our beautiful country and the heritage of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we can turn our hearts, in gratitude, to those that sacrificed so much so that we can do the work today to gather Israel in this free and promised land! How wonderful!
July 24th marks the 174th anniversary of the Saints arrival in the Great Salt Lake Valley in 1847! While the youth of our stake will be traveling to Nauvoo for Youth Conference this year, what will your primary and ward be doing to celebrate Pioneer Day?
Click the button below to read more about the History of Pioneer Day:
The trail that the Saints took from Nauvoo, Illinois to the Great Salt Lake Valley in 1846-47.
Bound to the Savior through Covenants & Ordinances
Enjoy the videos below, then contemplate the following:
What will you go and do to help children bind themselves to the Savior on the covenant path?
What did the Spirit teach you as you watched this video?
How do the principles of love, share, and invite help children as they strive to share the gospel?
How does service help children stay on the covenant path after baptism?
Let's Get Social...
Tuscaloosa Stake FACEBOOK Groups:
Tuscaloosa Stake INSTAGRAM:
Presidency Meetings - We would like to sit in on one of your presidency meetings! If we have not joined in on one of your presidency meetings this year, please text Sister Cureton or Sister Martin to set up a time that we can ZOOM in or come in person. We will just be observing!
Photo/Spotlight Submissions - On the homepage of the Tuscaloosa Stake Primary website, you will find places to submit photos/videos/spotlights from your ward or branch. In order to submit these items, there must be a photo release submitted at the same time, so that we can use the photos. The submitter will also need to sign in to their google account to fill out the form.
Stake Primary Website - We have revamped the Stake Primary Website to make it a bit more functional and to entice all of you to to take advantage of the information. Please use the navigation bar at the top of this page to find your way around. Some pages are still under construction, so be patient with us. If there is something you would like to see on here, but don't, use our COMMENT FORM to let us know!
Primary Sacrament Program - Please use this sheet to let us know which Sunday your Primary Program will be held. There are only 3 units left that haven't signed up. If you have any questions, please contact us.