Personal Development (Leaders)

Dear Sisters,

We would like to invite you to consider your own personal development and wellness.  When we think of wellness, we might envision the physical aspects of our life like exercise, nutrition, blood pressure, etc.  However, wellness encompasses the integration of Spiritual, Social, Physical and Intellectual well-being.  Personal development includes the goals and tasks that we set and accomplish in each area, to strengthen and maintain our complete wellness.  According to the National Wellness Institute: 

“Mindfully focusing on wellness in our lives builds resilience and enables us to thrive amidst life’s challenges… Wellness is a conscious, self-directed and evolving process of achieving full potential… Wellness is positive and affirming…”

Understanding the areas of wellness can help us achieve resiliency and successfully overcome the trials and challenges that we may experience throughout our life.  By identifying each wellness category (Spiritual, Social, Physical, Intellectual) and then learning valuable skills to improve and maintain each area, we are better able to cope with stress, navigate life changes with greater ease, and be proactive in preserving our resiliency.  In turn, we are able to not only maintain our relationship with others in our lives, but we can maintain a close proximity to our Savior, Jesus Christ, and grow to become more like Him.

We have been blessed with an inspired program in the Children and Youth Program.  The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has created a program that spans from primary and extends through youth; but it doesn’t stop there.  This tool is a goal-oriented segue from primary to youth to adulthood.  Even as primary leaders, we can use the ideas and principles taught in the Children and Youth Program for ourselves; and then go and teach what we have learned, from experience, to the other primary leaders and children.  These principles, that we teach by example, will be lifelong skills that the primary children will develop and carry with them throughout their youth and life.

As we go forth and serve our families and our wards, it's easy to become overwhelmed, to feel the weight of much burden on our shoulders.  But if we can set our sights on taking small steps everyday to increase our stature, our wisdom, our favor with God, and our favor with our fellow man, we will be able to reflect at the end of each week to celebrate our victories.  When we are strengthened and our resilience is fortified, we can withstand the buffetings of the adversary, as we go and teach what we have learned, by example.

Sisters... Jesus Christ lives.  He loves us.  He created us in the image of our loving Father in Heaven.  We are divine beings and our potential is far beyond what we could ever imagine.  If only we could see and love ourselves through His eyes!  Imagine if the feelings of unconditional and overwhelming love that we feel for our own children, and the sweet primary children that we have charge over, was just a sliver of what our Father feels for us... would that help us to see how incredibly special we are?  Sisters, we love you.  We are in constant awe of you, the loving way that you serve your primary children and your families, along with so many other responsibilities.  We couldn't accomplish the Lord's goals without your diligent, strong, loving hands.  Thank you so much for blessing our lives.


Your Tuscaloosa Stake Primary Presidency

Sis. Cureton, Sis. Becker Sis. Martin & Sis. Hickman

We have created a Daily Schedule template that we would like to invite you to try out over the next month.  There are sample schedules and instructions included at the end of the document, as well:

Your schedule is personal and it's yours.  It can be as simple or as complicated as you would like.  We suggest that you start simple and add goals, if you feel the need each week.