Teacher Training

"All thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children"  (3 Nephi 22:13)

Thank you!

Thank you for accepting the call to teach the children of your ward or branch!  We are so grateful for your willingness to prepare yourself, spiritually, to teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to these lovely children that will soon be youth and then adults.  There is no better opportunity to Gather Israel than to influence the young people of the world, starting here in Primary.

In your classroom, the children will learn, by your example, how to see, minister, and love as the Savior does.  They will observe your relationship with Jesus Christ.  Their spirits will remember the loving and patient way that you invite the Holy Ghost into the classroom to teach the truths of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Through your consistent connection to each child, they will know that they are loved, understood and cared about by someone other than their mother, father and grandparents.

Thank you for your time and love.  Thank you for loving the children and being willing to share your testimony of Jesus Christ with them.  Please take some time to orient yourself using the resources below.  If you ever have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to your ward or branch Primary Presidency.  

We love you and appreciate your wonderful efforts!


Tuscaloosa Stake Primary Presidency

When we teach in the Savior's way, we must learn about HOW the Savior taught.  This resource will help you learn the 3 parts of teaching in the Savior's way and and how to apply these principles to teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the children and to anyone in which you teach in the future.

4)  You are a Teacher of Children

Principles of Christlike Teaching:

Quarterly teacher council meetings are held during the 50-minute class time on a 2nd or 4th Sunday.  Teachers can counsel together about principles of Christlike teaching.