February 2020 Newsletter

"There are countless ways we can help bless others, but when the end goal of our ministering is to help others come to know the Savior and become more like Him, we will be working toward the day when we won’t have to teach our neighbor to know the Lord because we will all know Him" -Liahona, January 2019

Our purpose as a Stake is to become and help others become true followers of Jesus Christ and enjoy the blessings of the holy temple. Have you implemented this into your own life? How do your Primary leadership, teachers, and activities align with this purpose?

Off To a Great Start!

We have enjoyed getting to visit you as Unit Conferences have gotten started. It is truly a joy to work in Primary with you all and feel the love you have for the children you serve! We have enjoyed taking over Primary in the units we've visited and getting to know the children throughout the Stake. You guys are doing a great job loving, teaching, and ministering to our youth!

-The Stake Primary Presidency

Meet Sister Pimentel

My name is Candace Pimentel and I am the Bessemer Stake Primary 2nd Counselor. My husband, Michael, and I have been married for almost 13 years in May. We have 3 children: Grayson (10), Raylen (7), and Stella (5). We have both been in Alabama for a while. Much of our married life was spent in Tuscaloosa while my husband attended the University of Alabama. We moved to Gardendale about a year and a half ago for my husband's job. In the past, we have homsechooled our kids, but they are currently "trying out" public school. We all love sports, especially watching the Crimson Tide play football. My kids all play sports, currently basketball, but also soccer. I love being active and running. I also love traveling and seeing new places. My most favorite thing to do, which I've done almost every year, is to load up in the van and take a vacation out west to Wyoming and Utah. It's a family tradition! I've been a member my whole life and, like Nephi, have been born of goodly parents. I'm grateful to have the gospel in my life and the opportunity to repent and strengthen my testimony daily. I'm grateful for the opportunity to serve the Lord here in the Bessemer Stake.

With love, Sister Pimentel.

Meet Sister Rudder

I'm Freya Rudder and I'm the Stake Primary Secretary. My husband Brett and I have been married for 11 years and have three kids from 6 years old to 18 months old. We moved to Gardendale from Florida six years ago for my husband's job, time flies! I enjoy taking piano lessons alongside my daughter, enjoying nature with my family, running, audio books, wandering around Target aimlessly, photography, and being our family's self appointed papparazzi.

I love the emphasis toward "Home centered, Church supported" church. I have a strong testimony of the Come Follow Me program and have seen it positively impact our family as we've taught it in our home. It's never reverent or easy with young children, but the Spirit can be felt and it's amazing what our kids can teach us in our discussions! - Sis Rudder

Ministering - Finding "the One"

A true shepherd loves his sheep, knows each one by name, and “has personal interest in” them.

In the New Testament, we find a parable and instruction from the Savior that provide further insight pertaining to our responsibility as shepherds, ministering sisters and brothers, of lost sheep:

“What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it?

“And when he hath found it, he layeth it on his shoulders, rejoicing.

“And when he cometh home, he calleth together his friends and neighbours, saying unto them, Rejoice with me; for I have found my sheep which was lost.”

As we summarize the lesson taught in the parable, we find this valuable counsel:

  1. We are to identify the lost sheep.

  2. We search after them until they are found.

  3. When they are found, we may have to lay them on our shoulders to bring them home.

  4. We surround them with friends upon their return.

"Shepherding Souls" By Elder Gary E. Stevenson

Handbook Highlight

All Church leaders are called to help other people become “true followers of … Jesus Christ” (Moroni 7:48). To do this, leaders first strive to be the Savior’s faithful disciples, living each day so that they can return to live in God’s presence. Then they can help others develop strong testimonies and draw nearer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Church programs and activities help achieve these purposes.

Leaders can best teach others how to be “true followers” by their personal example. This pattern—being a faithful disciple in order to help others become faithful disciples—is the purpose behind every calling in the Church.

When leaders serve according to this pattern, they help Church members desire to be worthy of temple marriage and the blessing of an eternal family.

Handbook 2, Chapter 3.1

Children of the Stake will sing "I Will Be What I Believe" for Stake Conference

Sister Stevens, the Stake Music Chair, has begun introducing this beautiful song to the Primaries that we visit in preparation for Stake Conference. Listen and sing along with this video so your Primary children will be ready to sing for Stake Conference!

Need help implementing the new Children and Youth Program? Here are some ideas:

Goal Ideas

Make sure the children in your ward/branch have their Personal Development Guidebooks to be able to start figuring out the goals they want to work on. Encrouage your Primary parents to take charge in helping their children form goals that interest them. This program is based in the home and supported by leaders at church. Goals are individual and personal so let the interests of the children lead the way!

The following link will take you to a list of goal ideas broken down by the four areas of growth:


Actvity Ideas

A goal for the Social area of growth may be to have children share a skill that they know with someone else. Is there something the children in your Primary could teach older members of your ward? Could your Primary children help teach children younger than them? Is there a need that they could help fill or service that could be done by teaching? This is a great opportunity to bring unity to your ward/branch!

What skills might your children have? What a wonderful opportunity to get to know them and let them take pride in teaching something they know!

Safety Training

Have you and your teachers taken the Children and Youth Safety Training? Take it here!