Temple & Family History

Temple & Family History

Our Heavenly Father wants all of His children to return home to be with Him again. Temple and family history service includes finding our deceased family members and performing essential ordinances in sacred temples for them so they can return home. Those that engage in this service are promised powerful blessings. At its heart, temple and family history service brings joy and satisfaction. As a Church leader, you have a unique opportunity to help teach and provide opportunities for members to experience these promised blessings.

As we come unto Christ and help others do the same, we participate in God’s work of salvation and exaltation. This work is guided by the two great commandments to love God and to love our neighbors (see Matthew 22:37–39). We show our love for God as we keep His commandments and serve His children (see John 14:15).

God invites all to come unto Christ and assist in His work by:

  • Living the gospel of Jesus Christ.

  • Caring for those in need.

  • Inviting all to receive the gospel.

  • Uniting families for eternity.

Primary helps children, families, leaders, and teachers accomplish this work.

Uniting families for eternity includes:

  • Making covenants as we receive our own temple ordinances.

  • Discovering our deceased ancestors and performing ordinances for them in the temple so they can make covenants with God.

  • Going to the temple regularly, where possible, to worship God and perform ordinances for His children.

Interviewing Grandparents

Primary leaders and parents could encourage children to write questions for their grandparents or choose from the interview questions below and send the list home along with a note to parents. Children could report back during a Primary Activity and record their story on FamilySearch.org