May 2020 Newsletter

Spiritual Thought

Great Shall Be the Peace of Thy Children

Hooray! It's summertime and school is over! The last three months of school were particularly trying to our families, as I'm sure they were to families all over the world. We learned how to navigate online instruction or paper packets. We helped with math and science. We managed meltdowns and celebrated successes. Teachers sent love and resources from afar, and the whole world was suddenly homeschooling. It took real teamwork.

Our spiritual lives were affected as well. Home church. Home Sunday school. Home singing time. Parents of Primary-aged children are now home Primary workers. Those of us who hold Primary callings in the Tuscaloosa Stake have a unique opportunity to bless the lives of the children and families in our wards. We get to send love and resources from afar.

Isaiah 54: 2,13 speaks about how this happens in Zion: "Enlarge the place of thy tent, and let them stretch forth the curtains of thine habitations: spare not, lengthen thy cords, and strengthen thy stakes;...And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children." (emphasis added)

When children learn of Jesus Christ, they have greater peace. A letter, a phone call, or a list of internet links to help with Primary lessons could go a long way to help our children and their families find greater peace. We challenge all of us to pray and ask Heavenly Father for guidance. As we do, I testify we will feel Heavenly Father sending his love and resources from afar.

-Tuscaloosa Stake Primary Presidency

Handbook Highlight

Handbook 12.1.2, Primary Theme

It is a sacred privilege to teach children. Jesus Christ taught, “Behold your little ones” and “feed my lambs” (3 Nephi 17:23; John 21:15). By following these invitations, Primary leaders love and teach children in the Savior’s way.

The Primary theme is a reminder of the blessings of serving in Primary:

“All thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children” (Isaiah 54:13; 3 Nephi 22:13).

May we all remember our sacred privilege to be around and teach God's children here on earth.

With love,

Sister Pimentel

Children and Youth Program Ideas

Did you receive a recent email from Salt Lake with ideas for virtual meetings? (If not, make sure your email address is up to date on the church website and you've opted in to receive emails related to your calling!)

We loved some of the principles the email highlighted for planning virtual meetings:

  • Use your own spiritual inspiration to decide what will best meet the needs of your children then you can go to the activities website for ideas.

  • Plan with digital interactions in mind. Not all in-person activities will be successful in a digital environment. Leaders should consider activities that allow individual efforts to be shared or brought together online.

Activities should:

Safety Practices

The following best practices may be adapted to local circumstances, under the direction of local leaders.

  • Counsel together and seek revelation for adapting activities so they can be held digitally.

  • Follow online safety practices:

    • Use known and secure vendors and sites.

    • Avoid sharing personal information online—others’ and your own.

    • Avoid sharing pictures of others without their permission.

    • Avoid opening attachments from unknown sources.

    • Don’t send money or account information.

    • Follow Church standards in materials that are posted.

    • Ensure that leaders participate in all virtual activities.

    • Make parents aware of activities so they can be responsible for the online safety of their children.

How Can We Minister During These Unprecedented Times?

Prayerfully seek to serve as He would have us. We can have success in ministering when we strive to act as the Savior would.

Communication is so important, especially now as we all may be struggling with feeling isolated, disconnected, and in poor mental health. Counsel with those you minister to about how they need help and seek inspiration to meet those needs. We need to “listen so we can understand how best to serve.” (Handbook: Ch 21 Ministering) Sometimes a listening ear is exactly what those we minister to need! Now is a great time to listen because we can do that from a distance!

Also remember, we all are constantly progressing and growing on our ministering path. We need to get ourselves to a spiritual place that's good to be able to best reach out to others.

Looking for something to do this quarantine?

Take the youth safety training!

Have you and your teachers taken the Children and Youth Safety Training? Take it here!

Continue working on

"I Will Be What I Believe"

We need a feeling of unity now more than ever! So sing this song and think of our Stake singing it together!