2022 Tuscaloosa Stake Primary Service Project

Stake Primary Service Project:  Stuff-a-Backpack

We will be hosting "Stuff-A-Backpack" and we would love for every ward and branch to take part!  Each unit will be assigned a list of school supplies to be collected between June 15-July 29, 2022.  On or before July 29, each unit will transport their collected items to the Tuscaloosa Stake Center to be organized.

On Saturday, July 30, 2022, senior primary children from all units are invited to assemble backpacks at 10:00am at the Tuscaloosa church building.  Following the backpack assembly, the children and leaders will gather to watch the "Friend to Friend" broadcast.  Sack lunches will be distributed following the broadcast.

Even though this is a primary service project, we encourage participation from all unit organizations and families.  Items will be collected by the ward or branch from Wednesday, June 15, 2022 until Friday, July 29, 2022.






Once the backpacks are fully assembled, the inspirational letters and cards will be put in the outer pocket.  

Backpacks will be distributed to the children in need by a unit primary leader and at least one primary child from that unit.  The list of children receiving backpacks will have come from the bishop, branch president or primary president.  The receiving children need not be church members.

Bishops/branch presidents will report back to the stake presidency after following up with the families.  Perhaps the report could be given during stake council?

Specific Assignments:

Unit Assignments:

Not assigned but needed:

Possible donations from community??

Disclaimer:  Backpacks and supplies may be collected in the manner in which the ward or branch leadership desires.  This is, indeed, a "primary" service project, but it is not out of the question to enlist the cooperation and help of other unit organizations.  Families might reach out to their communities and friends/family, as well.  This is a wonderful opportunity to teach, by example, the "DISCOVER --> PLAN --> ACT --> REFLECT"  model, of the Children and Youth Program, to the children and their families.  

Remember that the joy and growth is in the journey.  The PROCESS is where the magic happens.  It's not a block to be checked or a meaningless task to be checked off.  When we embrace each opportunity as being a learning and then teaching opportunity, we are truly doing the Lord's work in His kingdom.

Main Point of Contact:  TBD

Stake Primary Point of Contact:  

Evie Cureton, 479-217-1068, polychic@yahoo.com