Why new business data is important for the New Year

Why should you consider fresh business data for the fast-approaching New Year?

With the start of the New Year rapidly approaching, lots of changes begin to happen. Some changes could impact the effectiveness of your businesses marketing. With many people leaving and changing jobs, your business data starts to become old, outdated and irrelevant. This means that a high percentage of your marketing efforts will not be reaching the intended contacts if any contact at all. Why not give your marketing a boost with a new business data set, putting you on the right track for 2021?

Plan ahead of time

Planning ahead of time allows you to develop a marketing plan which you can stick to and get the most from your marketing efforts. This also increases the success of your business data as you can plan when to target and follow up with contacts. This is much more effective than doing this on the fly. With proper planning, you can dedicate time to follow up on specific contacts, for example, those who opened and clicked on a particular link from your email.

Out of date business data

As 2021 approaches, it is the start of new opportunities for a lot of people. This involves a lot of people leaving their jobs, finding new ones, and even changes within the structures of companies, meaning people move roles and their responsibilities change. This means that a large quantity of your data will all of a sudden become out of date. Due to this, your marketing efforts will not be reaching the intended contact, as in most cases, they are no longer working at this company. Communications may be automatically forwarded on to the next best contact, or the person who filled this vacancy, but this doesn’t happen often. This is a waste of your time, effort and marketing budget. To reach the most contacts, you should ensure that your business data is correct and up to date, which ensures that you will be reaching the correct contacts to market your businesses products and services to.

Be a part of companies spending budgets

In the New Year, companies will begin to piece together their plans for the year ahead. Shortly, they will also start to take notes and points for consideration in their financial year plan. Therefore, it is vital to get your message across at the beginning and during January, to ensure that you are included in these plans. As companies begin to budget, they will consider your products and services and maybe even allocate part of their budget for your products and services.

Targeting a new business data set of companies which you haven’t targeted before, widens your marketing reach and brings new opportunities to build and develop business relationships for the future, even if this does not result in an initial purchase. Keeping your new prospects warm with regular follow-ups and communication will give your business a higher chance of a sale should the prospects be looking for products or services to fulfil their needs as they require throughout the year. This places you ahead of your competitors, as it is likely the prospect remembers the communication from your business and has already built up some trust with you.

Exploring a new target market

By using new business data in the New Year, it also provides your marketing team with an opportunity to find and target a new audience. This opportunity gives them the chance to expand the businesses marketing reach. You may identify industries and decision-makers which you have not targeted before. This opportunity could prove to be extremely successful, given a chance.

If you are looking for new, fresh and accurate business data in the New Year, then Business Data Prospects are the perfect data supplier to help you target new contacts. All of our business data must pass through multiple levels of checks and verifications before it reaches your database, to ensure complete accuracy. Alongside this, Business Data Prospects provide a 100% guarantee on all business data. They can provide such a guarantee as they are the UK’s only data owner, meaning they do not broker or resell, any business data from other data providers. Business Data Prospects have full control. Give your marketing team a fresh set of business data for the New Year and see your sales, enquiries and revenue soar. Make sure to get in contact to see exactly what data we have within your criteria. Our account managers are always happy to talk and discuss your data requirements.

We look forward to hearing from you.