What Equipment Do I Need for Surfing?

Surfing is one of the best recreational sports and a healthy, fun and exciting activity. Surfing is an activity that everyone can enjoy. So what kind of surfboard, surf product or accessories will give you a day of fun and enjoyment? What do you need to go surfing?

Waves are the most important thing you need to surf. You may ask, what kind of waves do I need? The answer to this question is simple; whatever wave is available to you. There are all types and sizes of waves, from the smallest to the giant waves of Hawaii. Recreational surfers need and prefer small waves. However, you need the right surfing products and accessories for all conditions.

To enjoy the waves, you must be prepared. This means that you may need several different types of surfboards and surfing devices along with the necessary wave riding accessories that are available so that you can surf on any given day. Every day is different and conditions will dictate that you need a different type of surfboard or surf device to take advantage of the waves at your local beach.

Here is a list of navigation devices and products for you to consider:

  • Swimming fins

  • Bodyboard

  • Skimboard

  • Wakeboard

  • Soft surfboard

  • Short surfboard

  • Long surfboard

  • SUP

Some days, the waves will be perfect little skinners for bodysurfing. To really take advantage of the waves, you need a pair of swim fins that fit well. The fins will allow you to swim faster and get into the wave earlier, allowing you to ride the shoulder of the wave like surfers and boogie board riders do. You want to get on the corner of the wave and get the green water out of the soup. This is exciting and you need fins to catch the waves and stay with them. The fins will also allow you to ride the biggest waves as you become more proficient. Bodysurfing is a great way to have fun with your friends. Gathering your group and going to a suitable place to bodysurf is really fun.

Bodyboarding, or boogie boarding, as I like to call it after my friend Tom Morey, who invented the small board, is something you can do in almost any surf condition. It's especially fun on small waves, which allow little ones, surf beginners, and older people to ride and enjoy the sensation of riding waves. You can ride the foam and small waves all the way to the sand. As you get more experience, you'll want to ride the shoulders of the waves like surfboard riders. Over time, if you are experienced and good in the water, you can ride the biggest waves as some do in Hawaii and other select surf spots around the world.

Skimboarding is another surfing sport that doesn't require big waves and is done close to shore, usually on smaller waves or even no waves. Some children even skim wet grass where there are small mounds. Another thing you can do when there is no surfing is ride your wakeboard. Wakeboarding is done behind a boat and can be done on wakeboards made especially to be towed behind a boat or you can ride your short, long, soft and hard surfboards. Some surfers, when they become proficient, they let go of the rope and ride the waves generated by the wake of the boat. Don't let the fact that there are no waves to surf at your chosen surf spot prevent you from enjoying the water and riding the surfboard or other surfing device that will make your day a fun-filled experience.

How about the surf accessories? What accessories do you need? Here is a list of the most essential ones:

  • Neoprene suit (s)

  • Rash Guard

  • Wax

  • Surfboard strap

  • Variety of fins and fin spanner

  • Travel bags

  • Surfboard holder for your car

  • Plastic container for wetsuits and changing table

  • Large towel

  • Shorts; more than one pair

  • Sunscreen

  • Hide-a-key

  • Bag

  • Money

  • Water

  • Swimming fins

Surfing is a sport that takes place outside the home. I recommend that you have all of these accessories listed above to meet the water conditions and surf activity of the day. You will need different items on different days, but some days you will use all of them. Plan ahead and you will have success and fun on your surf days.