Background information on organization

Changi General Hospital (CGH) is an award-winning public hospital with over 1,000 beds caring for a community of more than 1 million people in the East. CGH offers a comprehensive range of medical specialties and services, helmed by a highly experienced and skilled team of healthcare professionals who consistently deliver excellent health outcomes and care for patients. CGH is a member of the SingHealth cluster of healthcare institutions.

The CGH Campus’ vision is to focus on promoting holistic, patient-centred care for the people of eastern Singapore. It achieves this through integrated and innovative facilities that enable the delivery of seamless, high-quality healthcare services. Under this vision, CGH has added two new facilities – The Integrated Building and the Medical Centre. Opened in December 2014, the Integrated Building provides a conducive healing environment for patients across hospital and rehabilitation settings, including the eventual transition of patients back to their homes.

The Medical Centre houses a variety of outpatient centres, with more than 130 consultation rooms for specialist outpatient care and minor surgery rooms. It is designed to enable multi-disciplinary consultation and facilities integrated specialist outpatient care.

CGH believes in delivering the best patient care with passion and empathy. To improve care for patients, CGH has adopted a proactive integrated care approach. CGH aims to deliver better, seamless and Integrated Medical services by partnering healthcare providers in the east and innovating by adopting new medical technologies and systems.

Background information of tasks we were involved in

We were first tasked to redesign an asthma brochure on soft copy, that was easy to read and understand for the public. After that, we were also tasked to re-design a mood calendar that was suited to the hospital work environment to lighten the mood for the patient experience staff. After that, we also designed a badge for the regular volunteers of CGH.

Elaboration of tasks assigned

  1. We used the software “Canva” to create our digital brochure on Asthma. Using all the medical information and facts that our mentors provided us with, we were able to put that information in our brochure and design it so that it is easier to understand and easier to read.
  2. After we finished our digital brochure, we used google documents to put all the information of the mood calendar in, such as the pictures on each page and the description of the words on each page. We found the pictures online and used pictures that were suited for the hospital environment.
  3. After we finished our two tasks, our mentors assigned us other tasks. For instance, we helped to edit the A&E brochures and labelled logo stickers on items that the hospital planned on giving to patients. We also designed a badge that was meant for the volunteers at the hospital, by using the website “pixlr.com”.

Drafts of brochure

Summary of work done

  1. Asthma Brochure
  2. Mood Calendar - customized for the hospital environment, for a more collaborative and supportive work environment
  3. PowerPoint Slides on the directory of CGH
  4. Edits to A&E brochures
  5. Labelling of logo stickers on items to be given to patients
  6. Designing a badge meant for volunteers coming to Changi General Hospital

3 Skills Learnt

  1. We learnt how to use Adobe Photoshop software from our mentor in the making of our brochure which may be used in future digital designs.
  2. We also learnt and improved our time management and teamwork during this period of time. This was because we had a month to complete several tasks so we had to organize our time and cooperate with one another so as to complete our tasks as fast as possible.
  3. We also learnt about many medical facts that we did not know about Asthma, as it was our brochure content, and gained new knowledge.

2 Interesting aspects of your learning

  1. From our mentors, we learnt that in an office, collaborative skills are extremely important. By working on many projects and discussing issues, they are able to come up with solutions to problems.
  2. In the hospital, there are not only doctors and nurses that help patients, but there are also the administrative aspects and other staff such as the patient experience staff.

1 takeaway for life

In hospitals, there are not only doctors and nurses, but there are also other aspects, such as the administrative and the patient experience staff. Thus, we must not only appreciate the doctor and nurses, but also appreciate those that provide medical facts to the public and those that find ways to make our hospital trips pleasant.