Disgrifio adeiladau

Describing buildings



Iaith Language

Oes _____ yn y tŷ?
Nac oes.  

 Is there a _____ in the house?
  Yes, there is.
  No, there isn’t.

Dyma’r _____. 
Here’s the _____.

drws  door
ffenestr  window
to  roof
simne  chimney

Straeon  Stories

Stori - Anrheg i Doli Glwt.pptx

Anrheg i Doli Glwt  A gift for Doli Glwt

Darllen a thrafod y stori:  Oes _____ yn y _____?  Oes / Nac oes

Read and discuss the story:  Is there a _____ in the _____?  Yes / No

Caneuon  Songs