Disgrifio lleoliad o rhwybeth neu rywun 

Describing the location of something or someone



Iaith Language

Ble mae Sam?
Dyma fi.  
Dyma Sam.  

Ble mae’r car?
Dyma’r car.  
Dyma fe.  
Fan hyn.  

Mae’r _____

Where is Sam?
  Here I am.
  Here is Sam.

Where is the car?
  Here’s the car.
  Here it is.

The _____ is

yn y  in the
ar y  on the
wrth y  by the
o dan y  underneath the
o flaen y in front of the
tu ôl i’r  behind the
rhwng y _____ a’r _____ 
between the _____ and the _____
ger y  near the

siop  shop
cornel darllen  reading corner
tywod  sand
dŵr  water
chwarae role  role play
sinc  sink
bwrdd  table
cadair  chair
mat  mat
drws  door
bocs  box

Straeon  Stories

Stori - Teulu Tedi Twt.pptx

Teulu Tedi Twt  Tedi Twt's family

Darllen a thrafod y stori:  Dyma _____ Tedi Twt.

Read and discuss the story:  This is Tedi Twt's _____. 

Tedi Twt a Doli Glwt yn yr Ardd
Tedi Twt a Doli Glwt in the Garden

Darllen a thrafod y stori:  Ble mae'r _____?  Yn y _____ / Ar y _____ ...

Read and discuss the story:  Where's the _____?  In the _____ / On the _____ ...

Stori - Tedi Twt a Doli Glwt yn yr Ardd.pptx