Trafod person arall

Discussing another person

Tai  Houses



Iaith Language

Ble mae _____?
Dyma fe  
Dyma Sam  
Dyma Tedi Twt  
Fan hyn!  
Dyma hi  
Dyma nhw  

Where is _____?
  Here it is
  Here is Sam
  Here is Tedi Twt
  There she is
  Here they are

yn y _____.

in the _____. 

siop  shop
cornel darllen  reading corner
tywod  sand
dŵr  water
chwarae role  role play
sinc  sink 

Caneuon  Songs

Ble mae?

(Frere Jacques)

Ble mae Tedi?  Ble mae Tedi?

Dyma fe, dyma fe,

Ble mae Tedi? Ble mae Tedi?

Yn y siop. Yn y siop.

(Change the word "Tedi" with another name, the word "Dyma fe" can be changed with "Dyma hi" or "Fan hyn" or "Dyma nhw" and the word "siop" can be changed with another location such as "tywod", "sinc", "dŵr" etc.)

Offerynnol  Instrumental

Frere Jacques offerynnol.mp3