Trafod salwch

Discussing illness



Iaith Language

Beth sy'n bod?

Mae pen tost gyda Tedi.

Oes bola tost gyda ti?
Nac oes.  

What's wrong?

Tedi has a headache.

Do you have a belly ache?
  Yes, I do.
  No, I don’t.

pen tost  headache
bola tost  belly ache 

Caneuon  Songs

Mae pen tost gyda fi

(The wife wants a wife)

Mae pen tost gyda fi,

Mae pen tost gyda fi,

O na  O na,

Mae pen tost gyda fi.

(You can change the words "pen tost" to:

"clust dost", "bola tost", "braich dost", "coes dost")

Offerynnol  Instrumental

farmer in the dell.mp3

Llais  Voice