Disgrifio siâp, maint a mesur 

Describing shape, size and measuring



Iaith Language

Pa siâp?  

What shape?

cylch  circle 

triongl  triangle 

sgwâr  square

petryal  rectangle

seren  star

Mae’r cylch yn _____
The shape is _____

fawr  big
fach  small
goch  red
las  blue
felyn  yellow
oren  orange
binc  pinc
wyrdd  green
borffor  purple
llwyd  grey
ddu  black
wyn  white
frown  brown

Tasgau Ffocws  Focused Tasks

Sgwrs siâp a lliw - shape and colours conversation.pptx

Sgwrs am Siâp a Lliw  Conversation about shape and colour

Dysgwyr i actio'r sgwrs, naill ai gyda'r athro/wes neu ffrind

Learners to act out the conversation, either with the teacher or a friend

Darpariaeth Barhaus  Enhanced Provision

geiriadur siâp dictionary.pptx

Geirfa Siâp  Shape Vocabulary



Straeon  Stories

Gemau  Games

Caneuon  Songs