Trafod perchnogaeth

Discussing ownership



Iaith Language

Oes _____ gyda ti?
Nac oes. 

Mae _____ gyda fi / ti.

Mae _____ gyda Sam.

Do you have a _____.
  Yes, I do
  No, I don’t

I / You have a _____. 

Sam has a _____.

Beth sy’ gyda ti? 
What do you have?

ci  dog
cath  cat

Straeon  Stories

Picnic Tedi Twt.pptx

Picnic Tedi Twt  Tedi Twt's picnic

Darllen a thrafod y stori:  Beth sy yn y fasged?  Mae _____ yn y fasged.

Read and discuss the story:  What's in the basket?  There's a _____ in the basket.

Teulu Tedi Twt  Tedi Twt's family

Darllen a thrafod y stori:  Dyma _____ Tedi Twt.

Read and discuss the story:  This is Tedi Twt's _____. 

Stori - Teulu Tedi Twt.pptx

Caneuon  Songs