Patrymau Iaith
Language Patterns

Patrymau - blynyddol.pdf

Patrymau Iaith Cynyddol

Progressive Language Patterns

Mae’r ddogfen hon yn cynnwys yr holl batrymau iaith sydd i’w haddysgu i blant mewn ysgolion ail iaith. Maent wedi’u rhannu’n dri cam cynnydd ac yna wedi’u hamlygu mewn lliwiau gwahanol i’w rhannu ymhellach i grwpiau blwyddyn a sicrhau dilyniant o’r Meithrin i flwyddyn 6.

This document includes all language patterns to be taught to children in second-language schools.  They have been broken up into the three progression steps and then highlighted in different colours to break them further into year groups and ensure progression from Meithrin to year 6.

Adnoddau i ddysgu'r patrymau iaith

Resources to teach the language patterns

Patrwm yr wythnos.pdf

Patrwm yr Wythnos

Pattern of the Week

Mae patrwm iaith ar gyfer pob wythnos o'r flwyddyn ysgol. Maent wedi'u cynllunio i'w defnyddio mewn trefn neu allan o drefn. Mae pob patrwm wedi'i rannu'n dalpiau i helpu dysgwyr i adeiladu brawddegau, ac mae unrhyw dreigladau wedi'u hamlygu er mwyn i ddysgwyr fod yn ymwybodol o'r newid.

There's a language pattern for every week of the school year.  They have been designed to be used in or out of order.  Each pattern has been broken into chunks to help learners build sentences, and any mutations have been highlighted for learners to be aware of the change.  

Scan the QR codes for help with pronunciation.

Cymraeg Cyflym

Quick Welsh

Llyfryn deniadol yn llawn patrymau iaith sylfaenol a geirfa y gall plant ei gadw wrth law i gyfeirio ato'n gyflym.

An engaging booklet filled with basic language patterns and vocabulary that children can keep on hand for quick reference.
