Special Education Glossary

ADA - Americans with Disabilities Act (1990) is a civil rights law that protects individuals with qualifying disabilities against discrimination in all areas of public life, including education, employment, transportation, and public and private venues open to the public. This includes access to opportunities, extracurricular activities, and facilities in the educational setting. 

FAPE - Free Appropriate Public Education must be provided to all children ages 3 - 21 years old, including those with disabilities and those who have been suspended or excused. This means that special education and related services must be provided free of charge.

FERPA - The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act gives certain rights to parents and eligible students (18 years or older). FERPA allows parents to right to access their child’s educational records, request an amendment, and protects the privacy of students’ educational records by requiring parental consent to disclose information. 

IDEA stands for Individuals with Disabilities Act, which protects the rights of individuals birth to age two under Part C and ages 3-21 under part B, to receive free appropriate public education (FAPE), ensuring special education and related services are provided. IDEA ensures students receive services geared towards their unique needs allowing students to prepare for the transition into adulthood, focusing on independent living skills, continuing education, and employability.

NDE - Nebraska Department of Education

WIOA - Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (2014) is a program established to help remove employment barriers through education, training, support, and employment services. WIOA has programs for youth and adults, individuals with disabilities, and post-secondary education seekers. Benefits for qualifying youth/young adults may include paying wages for students working in a school, work-based learning opportunities, on-the-job training, mentoring, career counseling, resume assistance, and provide financial assistance for textbooks and tools. For more information: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EwsQeg7p4g