Student Expectations

Expectations of  Job Training I & II  and Transition Students


It is your responsibility to notify your employer and Mrs. Foster when you are not going to work. You can call or text Mrs. Foster at 402-519-5051 to provide notification of absence/illness. 

Clocking In/Out: 

When you arrive at your assigned WBL site and prior to leaving your WBL site, you MUST clock in and out. This includes on and off-campus WBL sites.

Cell Phone Policy: 

You may bring your phone to the job site; however, phone use is strictly prohibited during your shift. If your cell phone is visible, it will be confiscated and turned over to HSH administration. Your parent/guardian will need to pick up your phone from the main office. Per school policy, you may be required to attend after-school detention.

Need assistance?

If you work independently at a job site and NEED to speak to Mrs. Foster during your shift, please call or text 402-519-5051. 

Dress code: 

You'll need to wear the appropriate clothing to the job site. The list below outlines clothing that is permitted and not allowed. Your assigned job site may have a different dress policy. If so, we will discuss it on an individual basis.  

*If needed, clothing will be provided to meet these guidelines. 

Shift Responsibilities: 

Soft Skills:

While at your WBL site, you will be evaluated monthly on your effort and ability to meet job site expectations. You will set goals, practice skills, and work to improve your employability skills. 

Also, see the Job Coach Evaluation Form for more information