Job Training II

Work-Based Learning

WBL Community Partners:

Job Training II Course Description

*Work-Based Learning (WBL)

This course focuses on improving employability skills by combining classroom instruction with real-world work experiences. Students will learn about their strengths, preferences, and needs through vocational assessments, work-based learning experiences, and job training. Students will learn to prepare a cover letter, resume and complete job applications. WBL experiences at various businesses throughout Hastings will help students develop soft skills such as teamwork, self-direction, accepting feedback, communication, flexibility, etc. In addition to WBL placements that typically last one semester, students will participate in  various other experiences, such as job shadowing, business tours, presenters, and volunteering opportunities. Students may have a job coach or work independently based on individual needs. Students will be evaluated in the following areas: Time management, Motivation, Team Work, Accepting Feedback, Communication, Flexibility, Personal Appearance, and Responsibility. 


*The HSH transition program partners with local businesses, community organizations, and the Nebraska Department of Labor to offer students who qualify for WIOA a paid work-based learning experience and individualized support. To learn more, please reach out to Mrs. Foster

*The HSH transition program partners with Nebraska VR. Students meet individually and as a group with their VR representative monthly during the school year. VR provides a limited number of paid summer WBL experiences to eligible students. Applications are available in the Spring of each year.

*The HSH transition students attend multiple transition-based events and activities throughout the year provided by ESU 9. 

Agency Partnerships: