Campbell Family

Victor Campbell Family

We will use this page to describe the extended Campbell family in Oak Springs and the Oak Creek valley.

Victor Campbell and his wife, Camilla (Fox), with their sons, Ralph and Delbert, arrived in the Oak Creek Valley in 1836 and settled on 160 acres on the Western Branch of Oak Creek. A daughter, Lillian, was born to the family the following year. Two years later, Eli Rhodes and his wife, Emeline, settled their 160 acres downstream from the Campbells. Over the years, each of the Campbell children married a son or daughter of the Rhodes family.

Ralph Campbell married Sally Rhodes and they had a son, Vic (named for his paternal grandfather), born during the Civil War. They returned to the valley and built and operated a Boarding house and farmed; Ralph was also eventually involved in the bank and other local businesses.

Vic and his wife, the former Kate King, had two children:

1. Theodore Campbell, born in Oak Springs in 1892, and

2. Eleanor Campbell, born in Oak Springs in 1895

Theodore and his wife had one daughter, Sarah Campbell, born in Oak Spring in 1932.

Eleanor Campbell married Gerald Offutt and they had a daughter, Rhoda Offutt, born in 1932.

Sarah and Rhoda, first cousins, graduated together from Oak Springs High School in the Class of 1950.

Rhoda had an older brother, Gerald, Jr., born in 1930. His son was Jonathan Offutt, born in 1956. He founded Oak Creek Outfitters.

Jonathan was born the same year as Peter Bevins; they graduated together.

From the Bank page:

History of the Oak Springs Bank

The Bank was first chartered in 1852 by Jake Patton, Robert Baldridge, and Victor Campbell. How the bank survived the Civil War period is a story of its own to be shared at a later time.

Through the years, the Campbell family was a constant in both ownership and operations, with Victor Campbell, followed by his son, Ralph Campbell, then his son, Vic, taking their turn in charge. Vic's son, Theodore, became involved in the 1920s. His daughter, Sarah, in 1955 married Harry Flanders. Harry joined the bank at that time, and succeeded to the Presidency in 1974, where he has been since that time.

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