Our Guitar Progress

۶◔ ͜ ◔۶ Kathy and Paul’s Progress ͡° ͜໒ ͡°

General skills and songs we are working on - Updated Feb. 2017

Paul's Progress: ͡° ͜໒ ͡° 𝄢

I am a slow learner and so it will take some time to learn but I is definitely something my heart is into and is worth the time as it will be a skill that I will always have with me.

Skills I Am Currently Working On:

  • A YouTube practice session

    • On March 7th I did my first recording of myself playing my first song "Three Little Birds" using A-D-E chords and the JustinGuitar Android app.

    • I plan to record my practice occasionally and will post this and previously recorded practice sessions in our YouTube playlist in order to compare my progress over time.

  • A - D - E chord Practice

      • I have used an app called Justin Guitar by FourChords with play along chords, strum patterns timing exercises and songs using visual chords scrolling along as the beat plays. It has songs chords changed in key (to A-D-E chords in my case) for beginners. I started using the app under trial Feb. 12, 2017 and continue to use it for A-D-E by practicing the song "Four Little Birds" at 54 to 86 bpm depending on how I feel. I continue to progress with the app, so paid for full access for a year.

    • I keep a more detailed study notes doc about what I am currently working on as well as goals to monitor and encourage me to continue my progress.

    • This page only has our recent progress. For past progress I also post monthly(or so) to our Acoustic Achord blog with highlights of our hobby history. Past success from this page will be found in the blog.

    • I have been working on playing the tune to Christian Dedication:

      • I am working on this song when I practice on the extra keyboard Jay L. brought over for us to use .

      • My Guitar progress: 52 Christian Dedication -- Tab sheet Our tab sheet for song 52. My tab sheet uses the simplified chords made available with the older music sheets(as #7), and will do so until the simplified chords made available for the new songbook. I am currently concentrating on learning the chords A-D-E through playing the song 'Four little Birds'

    • My Piano progress: I am currently concentrating on learning the piano via an online Piano Video Lessons(PVL) course taught by his piano teacher, Lisa.

My Eventual Goals

Retired Methods

۶◔ ͜ ◔۶ Kathy's Progress:

I love the sound of the guitar and although I have small hands and reach which make it difficult to learn, I still have an interest in learning. I also wish to play the piano in the new system as my mother does on her piano.

Skills Am Working On

    • Chords last in practice A, G, C

My Eventual Goals

    • Chords

    • Greensleeves - A tune both of us like: Paul wrote his own lyrics to make it more a song for me.

    • Songs

    • Working on various strum patterns

Future Skills we both want to learn

  • Kingdom Melodies

  • Working on various strum patterns

  • Theocratic Music

  • Various folk songs (Particularly our non-meeting theocratic folk songs)

  • Greensleeves, a song we both like the music for other than the outdated lyrics, Paul change the lyrics to be a song to Kathy.

  • Learning to play togather and with Friends.

  • Due to time and brainpower most of our learning to play music will be in the new system.

This occasionally updated public blog chronicles our ongoing progress about our learning to play the guitar togather in Acoustic Achord togather with our local Friends. Feel free to check on more about our progress. If you are a Brother or Sister interested in music you may even wish to follow us.

(Guestbook entries are read by our family members only, your comments are not public)

Referral Advertisement from Paul:

Get $20 off Google Fi Phone service your first month and Paul will get $20 also.

$20 monthly service + $10 data (all unused data is refunded monthly). I often get $8 of my data back monthly making my service bill $28+tax.

Nexus 5X phone $199(16Gb memory when available) to $249(32Gb memory). Google Pixel Phone also available. Phone insurance also available. Three family members have this service. We all have the Nexus 5X, a very nice quality phone for the money.

This unlisted website was originally created Nov. 2016 is a family site shared by link only with family and Friends old and new.

© www.Allens.Place is an unlisted website. Our family owns all rights to its contents.

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