Our Parents

Mom and Dad at wedding
Mom and Dad with Paul
Mom and Dad in Paul and Kathy's yard at the Allens Place

  The Truth

   After their marriage in 1960 our parents Claude and Dorothy Allen started searching for a church that followed Bible principles but were disappointed by what they repeatedly found in them.   First, among many disappointments in the churches they looked into, was the fact that they did not even use Gods name.   Dad already knew that God's name is Jehovah and should be in the bible even as a child, and later through his own personal bible research.   Years later, after continued disappointment with the churches, they were eventually contacted in the door to door ministry at their home at Royal Ave. by Robert "Doc" Strong and his mother Voila Strong in 1963.   Dad and Mom were intrigued at how closely the Witnesses followed the bible.   With an open mind and after much diligent study and research, our Parents were helped to gain an accurate knowledge of the Bible and were baptized in August of 1967.   They shared this knowledge with there children of which Paul, Earl, Craig and Cecil who also came to realize that this Bible knowledge was accurate with what the Bible teaches and thus also live in accordance with Bible principles. 

  Section written Jul 14, '08 for original blog as "Paul's Parents" - Updated for this posting Nov. 2016 as "The Truth".  Paragraph on Dads farm added 8/6/23

Claude And Dorothys Intro To TheTruth

  Section written Jul 14, '08 for original blog as "Paul's Parents" - Updated for this posting Nov. 2016 as "The Truth". Inserted on Ray & Dorothy’s recollections of learning the truth Dads added 8/6/23

Making a Home Together

   Our parents first home together was at a duplex at 5th St. and Franklin in Eugene.  After a couple years it was time to find a home for starting a family.  They settled on one on Royal Ave.  Mom liked it as it had plenty of room for her children to run around on its 2/3 acre lot with a three bedroom home with 2 garages, one which would become Dads shop.  Dad liked is it was close to where he worked at Olson cabinet mfg. on Danebo St.  They raised four boys at the new Allens Place home.  Due to a back injury Dad obtained operating a safety line while installing a stairway while on the job Dad decided to train at LCC as wastewater treatment plant operator.  He then found a job and moved to Oakridge, OR taking Craig(10yrs) and Cecil(8 yrs) with them.  Parents left Paul and Earl at the Allens Place home as they were 18 and 17 and able to live on there own there.  After several years and partially due to Grandparents needing care, they found a home with a suitable mother-in-law apt. and moved back to Eugene with Craig and Cecil.  At this location on Minnesota st. they were able to take care of two Grandmothers in turn,  and also our Aunt on Mom's side who died of cancer.  After our Mom died in our parents room on Minnesota St. Dad rented out the mother-in-law apt. and extra rooms to several of the Brother and Sisters in turn.  Dad is now preparing it to sell and plans to move to a the Allen's Place home on Royal.  EarlCraigPaul and Kathy still live at the Allens Place home.  Cecil lives on Fir Butte road in trailer he bought from the Bailey's.


 The farm Dad was raised on

Dad's Granddad Maurice Allen originally bought the original land.  Then Claude Ellsworth Allen inherited part of it it and had Dad "Claude R. Allen".   The original land "donation" was larger but Dad was raised on a 160 acre farm by the time it was divided out to family and sales but let it go when his mom offered it to him as it was getting so hard for small farms to make it anymore.  I have found it amazing that a family can no longer afford to live on there own on 160 acres and support a family because of taxes, and farm expenses, and had to be sold off as a well-off persons play farm.


    Dad loves doing bible reading and research.  He has been a very good husband and father to all four of his boys.  He is a bonafide jack of all trades, woodwork, construction, welding, wiring and loves to keep busy.  He does all his own repair work on all his homes he has lived in.  Dad has a history of loving music and has a nice reel to reel collection.  He used to play the cornet horn many years ago.  He also really liked to play the organ but has not played in years due to time.  He has had a couple Organs, one being a Hammond he no longer has, the other currently sits in the living room as royal. 

Dads farm paragraph added 8/6/23 Section updated 8/15/23

 Dads Work History

   Dad's first jobs was working on the family farm East of Junction City.  Besides all the normal chores of working a farm he also raised his own animals.  Our Grandmother later sold the farm after offering it to Dad as it was too small to pay for itself. Grandma then bought a home in Junction City across the street from the water tower and Fire house.  She often and regularly visited the nearby library.  She eventually moved to Minnesota St. to stay with parents util her life ended.

   Dad was training other men at army boot camp where they were not fed well and so had to sneak food.  One bag of potatoes they got a hold of was ate quickly among the men. 

   He later got a job at as a saw sharpener and later at Olson Mfg. where he worked for many years to support his family. He eventually was hurt on the job so did cabinet drafting until work dwindled.  He then went to LCC to train as a wastewater treatment plant operator after schooling he got a job at the Oakridge water treatment plant until he needed to move back to Eugene to take care of Grandparents on Minnesota St.   At Minnesota street Dad worked for himself some of his project were, building arms for Hall chairs, building nightlight frames for an artist.  The rest of the time Dad was kept very busy doing maintenance and taking care of the needs of the Brothers who rented the extra rooms as they became available.  He also was taking care of Mom as She needed more help due to Her cancer.   He also helped to take care of Bro. Cecil Mcraney until He died of cancer in mid Dec. 2016.  (My Brother Cecil was named after Cecil.)


   Dad continued to live on Minnesota St. in Eugene after Mom's death where he has hosted many Witnesses over time in the extra rooms and Grandma's old apartment where she died.   Dad finally sold the Minnesota house as it is getting to much for him.   He then to moved back to the original AllensPlace on Royal Ave where the family was originally started.  He now to lives with Earl in the South bedroom of the house and has thoughts of a a Trailer.  We are all happy being able to live here together as a family to help each other out despite the city crowding in all around us.   Updated 8/6/23


    Mom has been a good mother and loves the truth.  She is a quiet sort that loves to listen.  She loves art sketching and painting animals.  She is a good gardener and raised several houses full of chickens.  She often cooks meals and desserts for the family from scratch.  She makes wonderful pies and cookies.  Oh, her cookies are wonderful.  In the new system she really looks forward to riding horses, her favorite horse colors were palomino.  

   An interesting experience was shares at her memorial that was never shared with family while live was.  At a door she went to while in service a gun was pointed at her.  When told to leave she calmly turned around and walked to the next house to share the good news.  We all look forward to her resurrection.

     Awaiting the Resurrection of Mom

     On October 18, 2014  Dad lost his wife, Dorothy, and we our mother due to cancer.  Our family looks forward to seeing her in the resurrection in the new system along with a great crowd of others to  a time that there will no longer be sickness or death again.  I owe her a horse ride on a Palomino as is was her favorite horse coloration.

From a post Paul made at the time my mother died:

October 17, 2014

   Pallen My Mom is about to pass away. We have been expecting it and look forward to seeing her healthy again in our near future.

   One noteworthy fairly clear thing she said to me on wednesday was "You walk like a man." I took her hand repeated it back to her in a question form to be sure of this odd statement out of the blue, and she squeezed my hand rather purposely said "You're a man." While I do not know what was going on in her head to say that, I will remember that moment always. Thursday she was able to say a "goodbye" as I left while my dad was there with me. He [was] getting teary eyed over [it].  

October 18, 2014

   At 11:55 AM on Saturday Mom peacefully passed away in her sleep. (Dad and myself were with her) 

The family looks forward to being there as well when she is resurrected. 

I updated this page on 8/6/23 and had totally forgotten she has said this, I am happy I wrote it down.

Visit Other Pages On This Family Website

Greetings from our Family      The Allen's Place    Our Kingdom Halls     About Claude and Dorothy

About Paul and Kathy

About Kathy  About Paul  PaKa's story's  A couple of Hams 

About Earl     About Craig     About Cecil     

See navigation menu for more


NOTE: The following sections about Dad are pending

We are getting details filled in correctly from Dad.  The sections below will be moved above when finished.


How Parents Met and were Married

(Section under construction, We are getting details filled in correctly from Dad)

(Section under construction, We are getting details filled in correctly from Dad)

    Parents met at a high school graduation gathering.

    They had one late date playing cards with at his Mom's house because somthing happened to Dad's car. 

    Parents were married at a church in Veneta, OR.  After their wedding, parents wanted a to get away early but a big dinner was planned by family unbeknownst to them.  Dad only had a couple days off to spend with her on the coast before having to get back to his cannery job in Eugene and wanted to spend his time with Mom.