Breed Standard Template

Please, stick to the formatting that is set in template and shown in following examples. 

An explanation of how to fill in the Breed Standard Template can be found below.

Do not set your breed standard stash file to any journal skin, except that is of classic DA. Your breed standard will be uploaded via SheduMaster as soon as your breed will be accepted


How to Fill in the Standard

Here is the not so short explanation of the Breed Standard Template and the Template itself.


* - Description can be mandatory or optional punkt. Though all other lines in each section are mandatory!

If you skip neck description, you still need to choose it`s types etc.

** - traits that are not linked to genes in game and can be decided by owner.

You can see those lines on import template also.

Name of the Breed:

Pretty logical and self-explanatory. Must be PG-13, serious, adequate and appropriate. Must contain the word "Shedu" as horse breeds contain word "horse" in their official name.


Where this breed came from. Most likely it will be the homeland of your cattery and cat yard. Otherwise, you may choose to come up with a logical story why it is different than your cattery's home.

Date of Publication of the Original Valid Standard:

Add here the date on which you sent the completed document to the Shedu group.


Of course, almost all Shedu cats can perform all or most of these actions.Your task is to list one or two primary specializations. Also, notice, that this list can be longer. Your breed specialization, for example, can be kid`s sports or western dressage or driving etc.


Breed that is established on base of only Classic Shedu cats with no other blood involved. Any Asian or Komainu specific pattern or colour in breed standard automatically moves breed to "classic" category.

Breed, that is established on base of Classic Shedu cats, keep the looks (Body lineart) of classic cats and have no more, then 25% of foreign blood.

Breed based on Baketora or Komainu crosses with Classics. Anything that has more, then 24% of either Baketora or Komainu blood and looks differently from both Asian and Classics counts here. Important! No Bayun blood may be present!

Breed based on Asian Shedu cats with any kind of blood mixtures, that keeps Asian blood level no less then 50%

Breed based ONLY on Asian Shedu cats.

Breed that is either based on Bayun blood or on Djibb blood. Any mixture that has Bayun or Djibb blood will go under this classification.

Brief Historical Summary:

This part might seem like least important one, but it is not! We will look closely on the idea behind the breed and it`s story. It must be logical and must fit Shedu cats' lore and the classic setting of Sheduverse.

Small tip: Any breed can not be older then late 1980`s-early 1990`s.

General Appearance:


Here is one more "important part".

Here you need to describe your perfect individual of the breed. Describe. That means to create an impression with words. Not just put several desirable genes. Why that is so important? Because often breed standard describes the phenotype. How animal must look like, and not what makes the animal look exactly like that.

However, in each punkt that you need to describe there is a line where you need to write core genes, or built etc.

But it can not go without description, and the description can`t go without those lines.


Description: (Optional)


Heavy Head

Light Head

Straight Profile

Slightly Concave


Ram Profile

(Notice: Ram Profile is an inheritable genetic trait)

Short Muzzle

Large Robust Muzzle

Long Thin Muzzle

(Notice: that this punkt is still restricted by head type. Cat with light/small head type even with Large Robust Muzzle won`t look like a Heavy build cat or Komainu face wise.)

Big Eyes

Small Eyes

Average Eyes

Big Ears

(notice that 'Big Ears' is a genetic trait and must still be inherited)

Average Ears

Small Ears

Triangle Ears

Round Ears

Ears with Tufts

Ears without Tufts

Normal Ears

Curved Ears

Folded Ears

(notice that 'Curved Ears' and 'Folded Ears' are genetic traits and must still be inherited)

Saber Teeth

No Saber Teeth

(Saber teeth are a genetic trait and must be inherited)


Description: (Optional)


Strong, Wide

Thin, Long

Arched, with a well-pronounced Crest



Description: (Optional)


Insert here thumbnails or naming links* to ALL acceptable lineart builts.

You can find list with links to all currently existing ones here:


* naming link example is:  Classic Slim Maneless Curly coat 

and not "st.ash/868767868769869869879870979079"


Body Build:


Description: (Optional)



Description: (Optional)


- Classic - Bobtail - Extreme Bobtail -Curled


Description: (Optional)


- Smooth - Powerful - Energetic - Efficient - Expressive

(pick maximum of two. It must describe the MOST IMPORTANT traits of gait)


Description: (Optional)

(here goes texture and desired colour description)


- Classic - Sphynx - Curly - Longhair - Lykoi

(pick maximum of two. It must describe the MOST IMPORTANT traits of gait)

Actual genos and phenos at work (base coat, additional genos and pattern):

List those in row from most important/ desired to more or less irrelevant


Description: (Optional)

(Average for males in cm | Average for females in cm)

Built linked to size:

Normal (170-195)(135-195 for asian)| Giant (196-260) | Shorty (20-140) | Dwarf (96-145)| Munchkin (96-145)


This part will actually depend on inborn Temperament stats. Because of this, it can be adjusted to what your actual Starters and First cats of the breed will have, from what you put on approval stage.

Your description must be based on next guidelines:


Description: (optional)

Here goes traits, looks that are acceptable, but will bring penalties


Put those in a row in form of actual traits/genos/phenos. For example: Black base (ee/aa/tt), Heavy built, Ram profile etc

Disqualifying Faults:

Description: (optional)

Here goes traits, looks that are NOT acceptable. These will lead to disqualification of animal


Put those in a row in form of actual traits/genos/phenos. For example: Black base (ee/aa/tt), Heavy built, Ram profile etc

Breed SPC Test Guidelines:

You`ll need to fill that out only on final stage, when you will present your breed with your starters and first cats of the breed.

It must look like one of SPC line requirements, for example: Spartak Line

Short rules on how to build up your requirements chart:


Serious ones: (No more, then 5)

These include those faults that are bad for cat`s health, make it almost impossible to use cat as it is intended.


Middle range: (no more, then 5) Not so bad faults, but undesired in this exact breed/type


Minor range: (as many, as you wish)


Bonuses: (up to 20)

Bonuses are easier, then penalties, YET, they have a tricky side.

In theory there must be one or better two ways, when cat can have up to 70 bonus points. (minimal is 50 when maximum is 70)

For example, cat (normally, if they are not chimeric animal) can not be black and tan in same time.

But cat can be tan, double pearl, double cream, wild dun piebald silver partial melanistic...And so on.

I hope, you got the idea.

Anyways, fear not. Admins will help to adjust this chart, if it will be needed.

Breed Rules and Regulations:

Put here stash to your breed rules. We need to check those if they fit our common Shedu rules.

Breed's Background Image:

Template of one can be found here as and instructions on how to create one:

Breed Background Image Template

It is PSD file.

After you`ve made your background image, please, add link to stash.

Keep your PSD until breed is completely and officially accepted in case if any changes will be needed.


Information not listed elsewhere that is important to the Breed

Breed Brand:

Attach your brand via stash file if you have that.

Breed Logo:

Attach your LOGO via stash file if you have that.