VA Trello Guide

(These are the instructions given to voice actors on Trello, recorded here for reference.)

Your Trello card is where we will keep track of all the information regarding your above assigned characters. Characters of other races can be found in other columns on trello. If you have difficulties with using trello, feel free to jump onto Discord and contact us there. Let us know you're a VA when introducing yourself. We highly recommend joining us regardless to see:

A couple housekeeping things to do before we get started:

  1. Please add yourself to your trello card. Select the "Members" button to the right, and find and select yourself. This way you will get notifications of any changes to your card via your email.
  2. Add the "Assigned" label to your card (Select the "labels" button to the right, and then select "Assigned"). This shows us you've seen your card and are actively working on it.
  3. Read the accent guide for your character. Your accent will be based on your character's race. You can find accent guides for specific races at the top of each column in trello, or find a guide for all races here: Accent Guide
  4. For pronunciation issues, the fastest way to get an answer is to ask on the Skywind Discord voice-acting channel (linked above). We also have a guide with some audio samples here: Pronunciation Problems
  5. Read over Skywind's recording guide, found here: How to Record
  6. Your script will be a spreadsheet attached to this card. You can either read directly off the sheet, or optionally use our Script Tool ( to reformat your script into something more readable. To use this tool, download your spreadsheet, then upload it on that page, and scroll down to see your lines. You can read directly from that site, print the lines out, or copy them into a word processor. If you don't have a script, harass @km816 until he gives you one.

With that out of the way, this is the process for recording and submitting your lines.

  1. Set your own date of completion. Your card begins with a start date of two weeks from your initial notification. Change the assigned date to something you think is reasonable. If you can't make this date, feel free to change it again. If the date passes we may re-assign the characters. Let us know if you have returned after the expiration has occurred via private message on Discord to Smitehammer, Grinters, or Hankshaw (see link above).
  2. Record a sample of 2 combat lines and 3 regular lines. Attach (paperclip icon on the right side of your card) these two recordings to your card. You may want to upload these to Dropbox, Google Drive, etc..., and then attach the link.
  3. Move it to the "SUBMIT YOUR SAMPLE LINES HERE" column. Select "Move" on the right side of your card under "Actions", and then select "SUBMIT YOUR SAMPLE LINES HERE" under the "List" section. We will review it, and when we have made a judgment you should be notified on trello and (if you properly added yourself to this card) through your email of a change to the card.
  4. If the samples are good, you can work on your complete script. When done, attach your complete recording to this card (via Dropbox, etc) and move it to the "SUBMIT YOUR COMPLETE RECORDINGS HERE". If there are issues reported to you, fix the issues and then re-submit sample lines, please.
  5. After you've submitted your recording, we will cut and label the tracks and review the submission for any issues. Once this is done, we will move your card to the "retakes" column and you will be notified of any retakes that are needed. Record these retakes, attach them to this card, and then move it to the "SUBMIT YOUR RETAKES HERE" column.
  6. Once retakes are finished, we will handle mastering your submissions and will shortly after have your voice in game!

NOTE: If you use Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, etc... make sure you share your files so that we can access them!